Is this a subject that Brownstone is interested in looking into? I hope these three congruence's of systems are recognized by significant others for what they are.
1) The Aspen Institute Commission on Information Disorder is something to behold. The Aspen Institute is a mini-WEF type entity. You should try taking a stroll around the website
Look at who some of the commissioners are under Meet the Commissioners. Many listed, notably Chris Krebs (of "most secure election ever" CISA infamy, DHS, the ones who deem mom's protesting CRT in school and those of us fighting Covid tyranny "domestic terrorists"), Katie Couric, Prince Harry, Kathryn Murdock (DIL of Fox News' Rupert), a veritable who's who of loathsome characters. Check out their mission, Disinfo Discussions, Programs, Events, FAQ's, etc. Even who funds it is quite interesting (Craig Newmark, Craigslist founder).
But most disturbing of all is the introduction of the term of art they use throughout their work presentations:
"Evidence-based reality."
Evidence-based reality. Orwell would be envious. When a word is used multiple times in describing a public policy issue as it is by this Commission that means it is a term of art that has widely understood meaning by those using it and making public policy decisions in the field. Not a harmless pet name. It is a goal in and of itself. Known by those in the know. And us, now that we've read their own press.
Kind of like the "evidence-based science" of the pandemic. Which really hasn't been evidence-based, actually has been propaganda narrative-based. This Information Disorder commission website acknowledges the existence of a deliberate attempt to substitute our largely shared reality for the fictions of a relatively small group of bad-faith actors, but who possess the biggest megaphones on the planet, distorting and polluting the consciousness of society.
"Evidence-based reality": the precursor for thought crimes and determinations by authorities that independent thought is diagnosed as insanity. To be institutionalized, or perhaps euthanized? Have we seen this before in history?
2) Combine this with the recently stood up ARPA at the National Institution of Health. A DARPA (National Defense) for health:
- Computational Social science and Social Influence
- International Governance
- Psychological Tradecraft
- Propaganda
- Neuroscience, Neurotechnology and biotechnology, Biomedical sciences
- Wargame design and analysis, Crisis management theory and practice, Escalation management theory
3) Now throw in a little Social Credit system implemented in less than four years that a whole lot of big money is currently being poured into by large corporations:
Worldwide Social Credit Industry
- Infrastructure to Support Social Credit Systems Represents a $16.1 Billion Opportunity by 2026
"The COVID-19 pandemic has facilitated substantial interest in citizen monitoring solutions"
"However, most systems will have socially acceptable behaviour at their core. This presents both a challenge and an opportunity as a combination of government, companies, and society as a whole must determine “good”, “bad”, and “marginal” behavior within the social credit market.
Beginning as a trend largely orthogonal to public safety and homeland security concerns, the market for social credit system infrastructure will ultimately become a mainstream component of both business and public policy.
This means that systems will ultimately be used for a variety of commerce and lifestyle-related issues ranging from risk assessment (access to credit, financing fees, insurance, etc.) to accessibility within public places such as concerts, sporting events, and other assemblies. High social scoring individuals within the social credit market will be granted preferred access to both real and digital assets."
Analog Devices
Bosch Security Systems
Broadcom Limited (Avago)
China Rapid Finance
Deep Vision AI
Infineon Technologies
NEXT Biometrics
NVidia Corporation
NXM Semiconductors
Omron Corporation
Robert Bosch GmbH
Texas Instruments
These companies don't throw away big money.
A congruence of (1) "Evidence-based reality," government and media-imposed propaganda narratives, (2) National Security health apparatus of propaganda narrative development and enforcement that identifies "insider risks" as domestic threats to be targeted and (3) Comprehensive biometric and other sophisticated electronic surveillance and population control systems utilizing public-private partnerships. Among many other dystopian practices. In development already, many in practice already, an entire infrastructure and conditioning of the public mind to accept this type of governance. Not a conspiracy. Not decades down the line. Now. Today. Fully implemented by 2026, in the US and worldwide. They even admit that it's what the Covid era has been about.
The saying that sunlight is the best disinfectant has great truth to it. Both for viruses of nature and viruses of human arrogance. Is Brownstone interested in helping shine sunlight on this?
Is this a subject that Brownstone is interested in looking into? I hope these three congruence's of systems are recognized by significant others for what they are.
1) The Aspen Institute Commission on Information Disorder is something to behold. The Aspen Institute is a mini-WEF type entity. You should try taking a stroll around the website
Look at who some of the commissioners are under Meet the Commissioners. Many listed, notably Chris Krebs (of "most secure election ever" CISA infamy, DHS, the ones who deem mom's protesting CRT in school and those of us fighting Covid tyranny "domestic terrorists"), Katie Couric, Prince Harry, Kathryn Murdock (DIL of Fox News' Rupert), a veritable who's who of loathsome characters. Check out their mission, Disinfo Discussions, Programs, Events, FAQ's, etc. Even who funds it is quite interesting (Craig Newmark, Craigslist founder).
But most disturbing of all is the introduction of the term of art they use throughout their work presentations:
"Evidence-based reality."
Evidence-based reality. Orwell would be envious. When a word is used multiple times in describing a public policy issue as it is by this Commission that means it is a term of art that has widely understood meaning by those using it and making public policy decisions in the field. Not a harmless pet name. It is a goal in and of itself. Known by those in the know. And us, now that we've read their own press.
Kind of like the "evidence-based science" of the pandemic. Which really hasn't been evidence-based, actually has been propaganda narrative-based. This Information Disorder commission website acknowledges the existence of a deliberate attempt to substitute our largely shared reality for the fictions of a relatively small group of bad-faith actors, but who possess the biggest megaphones on the planet, distorting and polluting the consciousness of society.
"Evidence-based reality": the precursor for thought crimes and determinations by authorities that independent thought is diagnosed as insanity. To be institutionalized, or perhaps euthanized? Have we seen this before in history?
2) Combine this with the recently stood up ARPA at the National Institution of Health. A DARPA (National Defense) for health:
Here is the new Agency head Adam Russell's current job description:
Notice under MISSION AREA:
Cognitive Security
Collective Intelligence
Mitigating Insider Risk
What exactly is "Mitigating Insider Risk?":
Experts in and practitioners of:
- Narrative psychology
- Computational Social science and Social Influence
- International Governance
- Psychological Tradecraft
- Propaganda
- Neuroscience, Neurotechnology and biotechnology, Biomedical sciences
- Wargame design and analysis, Crisis management theory and practice, Escalation management theory
3) Now throw in a little Social Credit system implemented in less than four years that a whole lot of big money is currently being poured into by large corporations:
Worldwide Social Credit Industry
- Infrastructure to Support Social Credit Systems Represents a $16.1 Billion Opportunity by 2026
What might this look like?
"The COVID-19 pandemic has facilitated substantial interest in citizen monitoring solutions"
"However, most systems will have socially acceptable behaviour at their core. This presents both a challenge and an opportunity as a combination of government, companies, and society as a whole must determine “good”, “bad”, and “marginal” behavior within the social credit market.
Beginning as a trend largely orthogonal to public safety and homeland security concerns, the market for social credit system infrastructure will ultimately become a mainstream component of both business and public policy.
This means that systems will ultimately be used for a variety of commerce and lifestyle-related issues ranging from risk assessment (access to credit, financing fees, insurance, etc.) to accessibility within public places such as concerts, sporting events, and other assemblies. High social scoring individuals within the social credit market will be granted preferred access to both real and digital assets."
Analog Devices
Bosch Security Systems
Broadcom Limited (Avago)
China Rapid Finance
Deep Vision AI
Infineon Technologies
NEXT Biometrics
NVidia Corporation
NXM Semiconductors
Omron Corporation
Robert Bosch GmbH
Texas Instruments
These companies don't throw away big money.
A congruence of (1) "Evidence-based reality," government and media-imposed propaganda narratives, (2) National Security health apparatus of propaganda narrative development and enforcement that identifies "insider risks" as domestic threats to be targeted and (3) Comprehensive biometric and other sophisticated electronic surveillance and population control systems utilizing public-private partnerships. Among many other dystopian practices. In development already, many in practice already, an entire infrastructure and conditioning of the public mind to accept this type of governance. Not a conspiracy. Not decades down the line. Now. Today. Fully implemented by 2026, in the US and worldwide. They even admit that it's what the Covid era has been about.
The saying that sunlight is the best disinfectant has great truth to it. Both for viruses of nature and viruses of human arrogance. Is Brownstone interested in helping shine sunlight on this?