As beautiful and as useful as honest science can be there are aspects of human existence that cannot be revealed or understood by science alone. Perhaps in the current struggle to understand what has happened to us, and how to fix the brokenness, the proper relationship between science and religion can be restored and humanity can find its soul again. Unless that happens the ship cannot right itself.
Without synthetic fertilizers "the planet could barely support a billion people"? That's one of those common lies, like "safe and effective," repeated so often, people don't question it. The lie was made possible by Big Ag corporate-captured politics. Most of US farmland is dedicated to ethanol, HFCS, feed stock (which harms the animals), fillers and oilseed (which harms people). Working with nature, rather than fighting it with synthetics and machines, is better overall for supplying the most healthy food to the most people. Alexis Baden-Mayer has an excellent lecture ( on the topic of "The Plot to End Farming" that grew out of early 20th C positivism, before the Great War. It is important to note that in a country that has tens of millions of small farms and even more gardens, the people can't be controlled so easily. The government keeps the price of food artificially low in order to prevent people from going into the one business that they could enter with just a little plot of land.
As beautiful and as useful as honest science can be there are aspects of human existence that cannot be revealed or understood by science alone. Perhaps in the current struggle to understand what has happened to us, and how to fix the brokenness, the proper relationship between science and religion can be restored and humanity can find its soul again. Unless that happens the ship cannot right itself.
Without synthetic fertilizers "the planet could barely support a billion people"? That's one of those common lies, like "safe and effective," repeated so often, people don't question it. The lie was made possible by Big Ag corporate-captured politics. Most of US farmland is dedicated to ethanol, HFCS, feed stock (which harms the animals), fillers and oilseed (which harms people). Working with nature, rather than fighting it with synthetics and machines, is better overall for supplying the most healthy food to the most people. Alexis Baden-Mayer has an excellent lecture ( on the topic of "The Plot to End Farming" that grew out of early 20th C positivism, before the Great War. It is important to note that in a country that has tens of millions of small farms and even more gardens, the people can't be controlled so easily. The government keeps the price of food artificially low in order to prevent people from going into the one business that they could enter with just a little plot of land.