All great and needed changes but our elected also make a lot of money by playing along. There is no will for them to do any of this. They could do everyone of your great suggestions but they won't because they care only about staying in office. They also could care less about the people want because as long as they play the game rigged elections keep them in office. There is not ONE....I repeat not ONE patriot in DC. Some talk big but do nothing. People need to take their health more seriously. Lose weight, move, stay away from ALL fast food and ALL processed food (all of it), stop smoking, stop drinking. You are what you eat, drink and your harmful habits. People today think they can harm their body then take a pill so they can continue to harm their body and there in lays the real problem. It us time for the people to stand up and STARVE THE BEAST. In the end we will be much healthier and happier. Never ever take another vaccine for any reason!!! Healthy people are bad for business. There is no money in actually helping people be free of health issues. YOU are the answer to true health freedom.

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There is no doubt our system is broken and that WE ARE THE ANSWER. I also agree with all your recommended solutions. That said, I personally feel called to point out all the problems in the existing system while I make a plan for a new system, if and when the existing system falls. My son used to say to me 15 years ago that he felt like we lived outside the system and he was correct to perceive that at such a young age. We still do. I don't have a crystal ball to tell me what the future holds but I think there is value in highlighting some of the most destructing forces in our current system.

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