The answer lies in the dignity of living according to our principles, engaging with our communities, and maintaining the courage to think independently.
Philanthropath.... I like that! That 'code' has a powerful cousin: The US constitution. If we as Americans live by that document and its important amendments then the challenges currently facing us would unite and strengthen us. As you might say: "A country gotta have a code!" Snap!
Indeed, your term 'philanthropath' really nailed it. I told you I was going to borrow it :-)
And you're absolutely right about the Constitution being that essential code for our nation. Getting back to those foundational principles could truly unite and strengthen us. I believe it starts with individuals recognizing and living those values.
Philanthropath.... I like that! That 'code' has a powerful cousin: The US constitution. If we as Americans live by that document and its important amendments then the challenges currently facing us would unite and strengthen us. As you might say: "A country gotta have a code!" Snap!
Indeed, your term 'philanthropath' really nailed it. I told you I was going to borrow it :-)
And you're absolutely right about the Constitution being that essential code for our nation. Getting back to those foundational principles could truly unite and strengthen us. I believe it starts with individuals recognizing and living those values.