Epidemiology draws upon the behavioral sciences to change behaviors of human interactions in pandemics. That's the theory, anyways. And the global governments led with behavioral science as their primary nonpharmaceutical intervention from the very start. For those who don't know much about behavioral science, aka The Science (TM) of the pandemic, it's the science that studies the efficacy of propaganda, censorship and symbolism in changing the perspectives of a target audience that results in behavior changes desired by authorities. It's how they figure out what linguistics and symbols, opinion leaders, etc will move people to act.
Notice Cass Sunstein as a coauthor. If you don't know much about him, you should. He's a very influential character in the radical transformation of our nation since the Obama administration. With many proteges embedded deep in the federal government, global governments and Big Tech. Including Jessica Hertz, Biden's first Staff Secretary (like John Podesta was under Clinton) and a former Facebook executive. And Maya Shankar, first head of the US's Social and Behavioral Science "Nudge Unit", now Google's Chief Global Behavioral Scientist and coauthor of the UN"s Behavioural Insights into Achieving Agenda 2030 (WEF's Great Reset). Many others. Sunstein's wife is Samantha Power, another Obama administration executive, now involved in establishing media propaganda outlets in third-world nations as head of US AID.
Early in the pandemic it was determined by authorities in most positions of power and influence that We, The People, suffered from "Optimism Bias." A nifty behavioral science term that means we don't take threats that authorities say we face very seriously. So they needed to "fix" our perceptions. So we would be cured of the affliction of optimism that we suffered from. Our more sophisticated elites knew better than us that we needed to be "fixed" for our own good:
They decided to "fix" our perspective by applying the behavioral science-informed NPI of fear amplification. To make us less optimistic. The cure for our ailment. The first fear-amplification NPI was the adoption of masks. It wasn't about you, it was about others. To protect grandma. To make people feel safe with visual barrier across the face. That's what they told us to begin with, anyways. Never based in medical science, only the science of a powerful symbol. Here's the actual science of masks. Fear-evoking. Like seeing snakes. Triggers the amydala, fight, flight or freeze response:
They knew that masks weren't medically efficacious from the very start, Even Fauci's personal emails reveal he had that knowledge. But they were going to demand we wear them anyways. Our optimism bias HAD to be fixed!
Note: Health Affairs isn't a little obscure publication. It's been cited by Chief Justice Roberts, in his ACA (Obamacare) decision. A big fan of behaviorism deceptions, coercion and manipulation to achieve public policy:
But Behavioral Science is the science of totalitarianism. As described by practitioners who leaned into The Science (TM) of fear for pandemic NPI. To their deep regret. Though the leaders of the heavy-handed Zero-Covid totalitarianism are now leading the WHO's health and science efforts, Susan Mitchie and Jeremy Farrar. Both of whom declared the UK's totalitarian response not totalitarian enough.
The psychological manipulations took over the world at the beginning of the pandemic response. The Science (TM) of fear. The Science (TM) of totalitarianism. They want us to Follow the Science to our global submission to totalitarianism. So we'll be happy owning nothing and eating bugs:
Epidemiology draws upon the behavioral sciences to change behaviors of human interactions in pandemics. That's the theory, anyways. And the global governments led with behavioral science as their primary nonpharmaceutical intervention from the very start. For those who don't know much about behavioral science, aka The Science (TM) of the pandemic, it's the science that studies the efficacy of propaganda, censorship and symbolism in changing the perspectives of a target audience that results in behavior changes desired by authorities. It's how they figure out what linguistics and symbols, opinion leaders, etc will move people to act.
Here's the primary US Behavioral Science plan that was adopted: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-020-0884-z
Notice Cass Sunstein as a coauthor. If you don't know much about him, you should. He's a very influential character in the radical transformation of our nation since the Obama administration. With many proteges embedded deep in the federal government, global governments and Big Tech. Including Jessica Hertz, Biden's first Staff Secretary (like John Podesta was under Clinton) and a former Facebook executive. And Maya Shankar, first head of the US's Social and Behavioral Science "Nudge Unit", now Google's Chief Global Behavioral Scientist and coauthor of the UN"s Behavioural Insights into Achieving Agenda 2030 (WEF's Great Reset). Many others. Sunstein's wife is Samantha Power, another Obama administration executive, now involved in establishing media propaganda outlets in third-world nations as head of US AID.
Early in the pandemic it was determined by authorities in most positions of power and influence that We, The People, suffered from "Optimism Bias." A nifty behavioral science term that means we don't take threats that authorities say we face very seriously. So they needed to "fix" our perceptions. So we would be cured of the affliction of optimism that we suffered from. Our more sophisticated elites knew better than us that we needed to be "fixed" for our own good:
They decided to "fix" our perspective by applying the behavioral science-informed NPI of fear amplification. To make us less optimistic. The cure for our ailment. The first fear-amplification NPI was the adoption of masks. It wasn't about you, it was about others. To protect grandma. To make people feel safe with visual barrier across the face. That's what they told us to begin with, anyways. Never based in medical science, only the science of a powerful symbol. Here's the actual science of masks. Fear-evoking. Like seeing snakes. Triggers the amydala, fight, flight or freeze response:
They knew that masks weren't medically efficacious from the very start, Even Fauci's personal emails reveal he had that knowledge. But they were going to demand we wear them anyways. Our optimism bias HAD to be fixed!
Note: Health Affairs isn't a little obscure publication. It's been cited by Chief Justice Roberts, in his ACA (Obamacare) decision. A big fan of behaviorism deceptions, coercion and manipulation to achieve public policy:
But Behavioral Science is the science of totalitarianism. As described by practitioners who leaned into The Science (TM) of fear for pandemic NPI. To their deep regret. Though the leaders of the heavy-handed Zero-Covid totalitarianism are now leading the WHO's health and science efforts, Susan Mitchie and Jeremy Farrar. Both of whom declared the UK's totalitarian response not totalitarian enough.
The psychological manipulations took over the world at the beginning of the pandemic response. The Science (TM) of fear. The Science (TM) of totalitarianism. They want us to Follow the Science to our global submission to totalitarianism. So we'll be happy owning nothing and eating bugs:
Note: Both the US and UK are joined at the hip in their behavioral science teams, Nudge Units, since the Obama and Cameron administrations.