Thank you for a beautiful reminder of my own greater family traditions lost to the four decades since. Certainly the civic crimes of the SCAMdemic tyranny have truly snuffed out the social capital of that age, mine being the 60s and 70s. Keeping a pilot flame alive in our grandchildren is what keeps me hopeful.

Thanks and Merry Christmas 🎄

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No doubt the TV and then the smart phone have fractured our wonderful lives, but it's the merciless consumerism that dealt the final blow for me. The 'holiday season' starts in late Summer with mailings and on-line promotions. Decorations appear in box stores before Halloween with the songs soon to follow, in their infinite loops. Black Friday is a madness. You are right in observing that the intimacy of family gathered to sing carols and share a meal with laughter is precious. Certainly, with some focus and effort the magic of Christmas is recoverable. May all of the Brownstone community have a warm and happy Christmas this year.

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New resolution for 2025 - rebuild social capital.

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