It was a digital-age coup d’etat unlike anything humanity has ever experienced. How long will it take us to process this reality? We seem to be only at the early stages of understanding...
Excellent article, thank you! "What exactly was fourteen days of frozen activity going to achieve? What was the benchmark of success?" This is a key lesson; if I'm to allow anyone to restrict my freedom for any reason, a clear and quantifiable definition of success is the bare minimum they should offer.
Being in San Francisco and hearing from Mayor Breed that the city was to shut down for two weeks was not only incredible, it was also illegal. This was towards the end of February 2020. Checking the reported death toll due to this mysterious illness was nine deaths of elderly in rest homes.
So two weeks was to be the only period time of closure. Also, however, rules went up - must wear a mask, stay six feet away from the next person while waiting in line at the few big box stores allowed to be open. Churches closed, schools closed, parks closed, going to the beach considered dangerous and enforced by police. The city explained that the extent of the pandemic was so great that people were to remain in their homes and shuttered, going out only on necessity. Using the elevator was restricted to one or family group at a time.
Wait a second, a so-called virus. Viruses die quickly in the sunlight. Only nine deaths. Just those simple facts said this was a spoof. During this two week period work went forward on the streets of San Francisco out in the air - I could hear them working at all hours over on Irving Street in the Sunset. I'm electrically sensitive to electromagnetic radiation , dealing with it for over ten years. Nothing made sense. Then it happened - the two weeks were up and it was extended to one month!
That's it.
The city has gone insane. I told my wife I'm leaving, going to Brookings, Oregon. Come with me. My wife loves SF and doesn't care for Brookings for a number of reasons and she thought I was over reacting. Me? The city is over reacting and there's no sense to it- nada, none.
I left and there was no traffic. From Cloverdale to the coast there was one car. Everybody was being good citizens following the wisdom of our representative democracy. :-) I drove non-stop to the Oregon border and didn't feel relief until crossing the state line.
Even there strange things were happening, but people were out and about. Restaurants were open at that time as well.
In San Francisco restaurants were shuttered as well as barbers, gift shops, corner grocery stores, health food stores, business came to a halt for many and most. Small businesses account for more employment than any other sector. Toilet paper scarcity while tons of it in warehouses.
It is so perplexing and requires true objective research as to why everyone was so gullible and accommodating. Were people ready for a vacation done en mass as in France? Were people waiting for the all clear and enjoying being part of a television scenario? Was this giving meaning to peoples' lives? What the hell was going on? Please let me know., because I fear deeply for this country that is blind to death unless it is on the evening news telling people what is wrong versus what is right. That they must never trust government and remain vigilant - always. That we are always seeing shit hit the fan.
And now, It is all denied.
The modified RNA computerized programed injections are considered successful and helpful- more pharma adds than ever. Lose weight while we stop your stomach from its normal motility. Wow! What has happened? It goes back to the three stories of rubble from the Twin Towers collapse and we swallow that? The Patriot's Act follows and PREP Act not long afterwards. Come on get with the science. We are now living in an era of bio science- bio warfare, electromagnetic warfare, electronic currency and new banking rules that says your savings are collateral for the banks failing.
You and I are not safe unless we organize and become important as a force- because no one listens when there is wealth dangling before them. The Unites States has been colonized and a possible fiefdom. My thought is, it is always up to the individual to change their condition in whatever manner they choose. Free moments are time to act.
Excellent article, thank you! "What exactly was fourteen days of frozen activity going to achieve? What was the benchmark of success?" This is a key lesson; if I'm to allow anyone to restrict my freedom for any reason, a clear and quantifiable definition of success is the bare minimum they should offer.
Being in San Francisco and hearing from Mayor Breed that the city was to shut down for two weeks was not only incredible, it was also illegal. This was towards the end of February 2020. Checking the reported death toll due to this mysterious illness was nine deaths of elderly in rest homes.
So two weeks was to be the only period time of closure. Also, however, rules went up - must wear a mask, stay six feet away from the next person while waiting in line at the few big box stores allowed to be open. Churches closed, schools closed, parks closed, going to the beach considered dangerous and enforced by police. The city explained that the extent of the pandemic was so great that people were to remain in their homes and shuttered, going out only on necessity. Using the elevator was restricted to one or family group at a time.
Wait a second, a so-called virus. Viruses die quickly in the sunlight. Only nine deaths. Just those simple facts said this was a spoof. During this two week period work went forward on the streets of San Francisco out in the air - I could hear them working at all hours over on Irving Street in the Sunset. I'm electrically sensitive to electromagnetic radiation , dealing with it for over ten years. Nothing made sense. Then it happened - the two weeks were up and it was extended to one month!
That's it.
The city has gone insane. I told my wife I'm leaving, going to Brookings, Oregon. Come with me. My wife loves SF and doesn't care for Brookings for a number of reasons and she thought I was over reacting. Me? The city is over reacting and there's no sense to it- nada, none.
I left and there was no traffic. From Cloverdale to the coast there was one car. Everybody was being good citizens following the wisdom of our representative democracy. :-) I drove non-stop to the Oregon border and didn't feel relief until crossing the state line.
Even there strange things were happening, but people were out and about. Restaurants were open at that time as well.
In San Francisco restaurants were shuttered as well as barbers, gift shops, corner grocery stores, health food stores, business came to a halt for many and most. Small businesses account for more employment than any other sector. Toilet paper scarcity while tons of it in warehouses.
It is so perplexing and requires true objective research as to why everyone was so gullible and accommodating. Were people ready for a vacation done en mass as in France? Were people waiting for the all clear and enjoying being part of a television scenario? Was this giving meaning to peoples' lives? What the hell was going on? Please let me know., because I fear deeply for this country that is blind to death unless it is on the evening news telling people what is wrong versus what is right. That they must never trust government and remain vigilant - always. That we are always seeing shit hit the fan.
And now, It is all denied.
The modified RNA computerized programed injections are considered successful and helpful- more pharma adds than ever. Lose weight while we stop your stomach from its normal motility. Wow! What has happened? It goes back to the three stories of rubble from the Twin Towers collapse and we swallow that? The Patriot's Act follows and PREP Act not long afterwards. Come on get with the science. We are now living in an era of bio science- bio warfare, electromagnetic warfare, electronic currency and new banking rules that says your savings are collateral for the banks failing.
You and I are not safe unless we organize and become important as a force- because no one listens when there is wealth dangling before them. The Unites States has been colonized and a possible fiefdom. My thought is, it is always up to the individual to change their condition in whatever manner they choose. Free moments are time to act.