Winning Back Freedom
The courts seem generally to be turning against mandates and censorship. We just won a major victory in Australia and the court overturned the push by the bureaucracy for global censorship.
It’s been a painful and grueling process and it is far from over. But we are starting to see some wins. It’s a grueling process but we are here for the long term.
Public opinion is turning decisively against the whole of the pandemic policy response. Any major figure in a position to do so is gradually repudiating it. Even Chris Cuomo, brother of the New York Governor who promised no lockdowns and did them anyway, is expressing regret all around, while admitting that he benefited from Ivermectin.
The courts seem generally to be turning against mandates and censorship. We just won a major victory in Australia and the court overturned the push by the bureaucracy for global censorship.
Questions about the lab leak and the entire bioweapons industry behind this calamity are not going away, with more documents coming out and Congressional hearings and reports exposing the censorship industrial complex.
Truly this has become a clear battle between the truth and the lies of the ruling class. This has become ever more obvious. The stakes are very high. Everything is in question.
We are thrilled to announce our annual conference and gala, November 1-2, 2024, at the famed William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The panels include all the best thinkers on all the main topics of the day, in addition to a gala dinner with keynote by Dr. Drew Pinsky. You can register here. Also on Friday evening, there is a VIP dinner which you can attend.
The West Hartford supper club meets May 22.
We are still looking for support for our Fellows program, book publishing, and research.
Here is some content since our last email:
WHO Pandemic Agreement April Draft: Additional Concerns By David Bell and Thi Thuy Van Dinh. The World Health Organization (WHO) negotiating body of the draft Pandemic Agreement to be voted on in late May produced yet another draft. As the previous text was dealt with in detail in a recent article, it seems relevant to provide a brief summary of the additional changes. As before, the document becomes vaguer but adds more activities to be funded, reinforcing the concerns that this process is being rushed without due review.
The Vanguard Behind Australia’s Misinformation Bill By Andrew Lowenthal. Australia has been out in front in shaping the bureaucratised internet: the eSafety Commissioner is touted as the first online “harm regulator” in the world and as recently detailed, is deeply embedded in the global networks driving this push, from the World Economic Forum, to the EU, to the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, and beyond.
Public Health by Way of the Surveillance State By Breeauna Sagdal. Should an animal test positive for a Foreign Animal Disease (FAD), the Covid-19 science tells us that isolation and quarantine are vital steps to take to stop the spread of infection. Both actions are much easier to accomplish in smaller decentralized herds, where natural immunity then becomes herd immunity. However, rather than working with states to rapidly approve more localized processing facilities, the USDA and the EPA are instead working to shut them down.
Medical Elites’ Disgrace Over Ivermectin By David Gortler. In the wake of the FDA settling a lawsuit brought against it for wantonly and aggressively smearing ivermectin, the agency has deleted its postings. That’s good, but we shouldn’t forget how egregiously it mischaracterized the drug, ignored copious evidence in its favor, and portrayed its proponents as dangerous crackpots.
Congress’ Unscientific Spillover By Alex Washburne. One hopes the “good guys” win in the end, but that is never a given. If we want the good guys to win and if we want science to be all it can be for society, we need to push back against dishonest grifters like Daszak, bad numbers from Baric, publication biases in Elsevier, funding biases in NIAID, excessive influence in science from leading health science funders, and all the other social malignancies that undermine science.
Open Letter to the People: The Time is Now By Bert Olivier. I therefore appeal to all of you – particularly those who have thus far lived in denial – who read this open letter, to find fortitude, resilience, and above all, courage and faith in yourselves, that we can and will succeed in ridding the world of the wicked coterie of technocratic neo-fascists hiding under the umbrella of the UN, the WEF, and the WHO, so that we can reassert our ethical and political rights and duties toward one another in a world dedicated to peace instead of internecine war at many levels. Humanity has always striven for peace as an ideal; it is worth doing so again.
The Latent Fascism of Today’s Anti-Fascists By Aaron Kheriaty. The terms “fascist” and “fascism” are continuously bandied about today. But those who use these words most seem to understand them least, such that many of today’s self-styled anti-fascists paradoxically take on the central features of fascism to an extraordinary degree.
Urgent Pandemic Messaging of the WHO, World Bank, and G20 is Inconsistent with Their Evidence Base By REPPARE. Disproportionate pandemic preparedness based on these false premises risks a significant opportunity cost through unnecessary diversion of financial and political resources away from global health priorities of higher burden.
DACODAI Avoids Public Criticism By Scott Sturman. Pressing issues affecting the military are best resolved through open communication with innovative leaders committed to the best interests of the country and those who serve. DACODAI symbolizes the entrenched bureaucracy, whose handpicked members are tasked to defend DEI—Marx’s latest failure to transform society—and lay the blame for poor morale, inadequate enlistments, falling standards, and diminished operational readiness on contrived perpetrators. The committee avoids diverse opinions, constructive criticism, and public disclosure as much as the Morlocks shunned light in H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine.
How Gender Ideology Breeds Toxic Law By Ramesh Thakur. The lesson is to privilege fact-finding and evidence over gender, put faith in a due process-centred rule of law over mob rule, reaffirm presumption of innocence until proven guilty, and promote even-handed equality through gender-neutral (and race-, religion-, and caste-neutral) laws and procedures. In other words, justice for all before social justice for favoured protected groups.
The WHO is Wrong to Rush the Vote By David Bell and Thi Thuy Van Dinh. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently put up a defense of its violation of its own legal requirements by submitting draft amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) for a vote at the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) this May. This was in response to various concerns raised in parliaments and civil society. This matters because (i) in ignoring legal requirements and rushing a vote the WHO is putting global health and economies at risk, and (ii) the WHO is acting like a spoiled child, which suggests the organization is no longer fit for its mandate.
Strong Economy? Think Again By David Stockman. It should be evident by now that the “strong” economy of the last several years was nothing of the kind. To the contrary, the Keynesian GDP accounts were actually inflated by deferred spending runoffs that flowed from the utterly abnormal buildup of household cash during Washington’s pandemic lockdowns and stimmy extravaganza.
Censorship in Medicine is Nothing New By Steven Kritz. Over the past 45-plus years, I have only told this story to three or four other people, so by putting it out there, maybe something more will be unearthed, and with it, some kind of closure can occur. Otherwise, the memory of these young women very possibly dies with me. That’s not the way it should be!
The Proof of Censorship is…Censored By Jeffrey Tucker. This report from the US House of Representatives needs to be widely shared so long as doing so is possible. It could be that such reports in the future will themselves be censored. It could also be the last such report you will ever see before the curtain falls on freedom completely.
Czech Study Challenges Vax Narratives in Both Directions By Cecilie Jilkova. In this interview, Fürst and I discuss his recent paper on the Healthy Vaccinee Effect (HVE) and its implications for interpreting data about the effectiveness of the Covid mRNA vaccines.
History Repeats Itself: Early Treatment By Filipe Rafaeli. Every respectable film script has heroes and villains. Without them, there’s no story to tell. Dallas Buyers Club fulfills that requirement. And when people watch the film, there’s no doubt who the good guys and the bad guys are. The good guys were the ones who, despite being attacked and persecuted, drastically reduced the mortality rate of the disease.
Crush the Flu d’État By Clayton J. Baker. Part of the beauty of leaving the WHO is this: not only is it simple, it’s easy. The WHO (like its manipulative, dysfunctional parent, the UN) is a paper tiger. The WHO has zero authority above and beyond that which we grant it. Unlike an unfortunate woman trapped in a violent household, the WHO cannot beat us up, steal our money, or kidnap our children. Not yet.
Government Weaponization: My Testimony to the House By Todd Zywicki. I am Todd Zywicki and I appreciate the opportunity to appear to you today to testify on the topic of “Weaponization of the Federal Government.” I am George Mason University Foundation Professor of Law at Antonin Scalia Law School. Today’s hearing focuses on the United States Government’s massive, unprecedented, and chilling multi-year system of censorship by proxy through coercion and collaboration with the country’s largest social media sites to suppress the speech of ordinary Americans seeking to both speak and hear information on issues that not only affect elections and other issues of public political import but that actually directly affect our individual health, well-being, and ability to earn a living and to support our families.