It seems like every week, we enter a new stage of the emergency with both good and bad trends. The courts are busy striking down vaccine and mask mandates, and that’s great. But the emergency declarations are still in place for obvious reasons. And this is despite Biden’s accidental slip that the pandemic is over.
It’s getting more intense by the day but that also means that Brownstone’s reach is taking dramatic leaps forward. Millions around the world depend on the news, research, commentary, and outlook this institution provides.
And while our content stays ahead of the curve, in the background we are building a serious network of scholars and writers the world over, all in service of a much-needed sanctuary of free thought and speech.
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Here are some items this week.
Louisiana Repeals Shot Mandate for Schools BY ROBERT MALONE. It took a huge effort on the part of AG Jeff Landry, who never gave up. Louisiana for Medical Freedom and Representative Kathy Edmonston who has continued in this fight to stop the mandates and frankly, so many of us. Children’s Health Defense and Robert F Kennedy, Jr. who has also been there working behind the scenes to make this happen.
It’s Time to Let Canada Heal BY MARY DAWOOD CATLIN. It’s time to let Canada and Canadians heal. It’s time to let the population reunite after it’s been torn apart by divisive and hateful rhetoric and fear propaganda.
The Economists Self-Censored and Inflation Is a Result BY JAYANTA BHATTACHARYA, MIKKO PACKALEN. Since the Spring of 2020, economists have had a strong incentive to censor themselves about the costs of covid measures for fear of being seen as out of step with the hastily achieved consensus that covid measures came without any significant costs to the public. Economists dismissed any dissent from the lockdown consensus. On Twitter and elsewhere, those few who dared dissent were labeled cranks or grandma killers.
The Market Still Loves You BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. The theme is meaning. Not big meaning but meaning in small things. The meaning of everyday life. Finding friendship, mission, passion, and love in the course of working out one’s life in the framework of a commercial society, which should not be narrowly construed as only a way of paying bills but rather should be seen as the instantiation of a life well lived. We were not doing a good job of that, so my thinking was to inspire people to come to love what we take for granted.
If It’s Over, Why the Continued Emergency? BY PAUL ELIAS ALEXANDER. But America lost most lives due to the lockdowns and school closures, and we lost above all, our freedoms. It is time to allow America to be unshackled from these COVID policies. Completely. Living life freely once again, taking reasonable precautions, unfettered by government’s failed COVID lockdown policies whereby not one has worked!
The Constitution Is the Answer BY BOBBIE ANNE FLOWER COX. If the politicians don’t uphold the Constitution, then it becomes useless. If the people don’t require the politicians follow the Constitution, it is useless.
Adverse Effects of the Pfizer Vaccine Covered Up by the Israeli Ministry of Health BY YAFFA SHIR-RAZ. So if Israel did not in fact have a functioning adverse event monitoring system in place and its data was a fiction, and even if when it did launch a proper monitoring system a year too late, with analysis of the system’s findings completely ignored and withheld – what was the FDA really relying on? What were all those regulators relying on?
It Ends as it Began: As a Political Ploy BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. It should rattle any concerned citizen of the US – or just any rational person – that such a massive issue as a deadly pandemic could be turned on and off by perception management by powerful elites in government, tech, and media. And yet, the evidence is overwhelming that we have seen just such an operation at work over these pandemic years.
Why did the Left Fail the Covid Test So Badly? BY THOMAS HARRINGTON. I am truly grateful for all that John Pilger and his companions in the leftist propaganda dissection cadres have taught me over the years. But as Ortega y Gasset said, a public intellectual is only as good as his ability to remain at the “height of his times.” Sadly, this group of otherwise talented individuals has failed this test, badly, over the last two-plus years.
How COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Skew Campus Viewpoints BY PAUL DILLER. The collateral effects of the mandates seem undeniable. Universities have not just driven away students and faculty more skeptical of COVID-19 vaccines and boosters; they are also driving away students and faculty with different views on all sorts of other issues.
Reconsidering Lockdowns BY JONAH LYNCH. All you gentle readers who are tired of talking about lockdowns, please find enough patience, humility, and love for the facts
Lockdowns and Masks Hurt Kids Even Worse Than We Thought BY IAN MILLER. Simply moving on and allowing them to get away with what they’ve done can’t be the answer — there must be a reckoning with how the institutional left banded together to put ideology above reality.
Service and Restraint: Lost Principles of Governance BY ROBIN KOERNER. The Queen acted always with great restraint, and never upon others in a way unconsented to, whatever her own views were. Modern politics, driven by the Administrative State, is based on an opposite principle, felt even more deeply and widely than usual in recent times: it regards itself as able to do exactly as it chooses to anyone it chooses, based entirely on its own immediate view of a prevailing situation.
Why So Many Cling to Covid Panic BY MARK OSHINSKIE. Instead of admitting this, governments and media persist in their campaign of terror, lies and bogus zero-Covid measures. Because to stop lying now would be to admit that it’s all been a delusion. And politically and morally, they can’t bring themselves to do that.
Convenience Is An Opiate BY LORI WEINTZ. Prolonged and addicted use of opiates destroys everything in a person’s life. We must continually examine what is happening in the forefront of technology being offered to us, and pushed upon us.
Inflation: Where Are We Now? BY DAVID STOCKMAN. The fact is, Tuesday’s CPI report destroyed the idea that the Fed will pause soon. In fact, excluding volatile food and energy prices, the so-called core CPI rose 0.6%, which if sustained would be an annual rate above 7%.
Mitigation Is the Golden Calf BY REV. JOHN F. NAUGLE. It was evident to me from the early days of the lockdown that something very cult-like was occurring. When quite literally nothing happened during those first 15 days to justify the lockdowns, the mantra of “just wait two weeks” was on the lips of the believers of the Branch Covidians, much like how a doomsday cult leader is allowed to pick new dates when the aliens don’t show when they are supposed to.
It Was Politics that Drove the Science BY STEVE TEMPLETON. Politically driven science at the CDC and other government health agencies was not limited to mask studies. Risks of severe or long COVID and benefits of COVID vaccines in children and healthy adults were also greatly exaggerated. Worst of all, basic tenets of immunology (e.g. infection-acquired immunity) were denied. Immunologists were expected to go along with it. Many did.
A Day in the Life of a Masked Child BY AARON HERTZBERG. A child needs to experience compassion, mercy, kindness, love and caring in order to relate to himself and to the world as fundamentally good. A child bereft of this grows up experiencing deep emotional trauma and scarring. Parents passively allowing their children to be tormented by the mask regime (and other isolation measures) create a profound break in their children’s sense of stability generally, and sense of trust and stability in/of their parents’ love and commitment to them.
Memories of the Before Times BY NAOMI WOLF. Oddly, living now in the purple-to-red rural America that my former “people,” the blue-state elites, are conditioned to view with suspicion and distrust, I also have more personal freedom than I did as a member of the most privileged class. The most privileged class does not have the greatest privilege of all, that of personal liberty: it is a class that is continually anxious and status-insecure, its members often scanning the room for a more important conversation, its collective mind continually exerting subtle control, both socially and professionally, over other members of the “tribe.”
Fiat Money and the Covid Regime: Actually Existing Postmodernism BY MICHAEL ESFELD. The mechanism that seduced many academics that have no sympathy with intellectual postmodernism is this one: it is suggested that by pursuing one’s normal, everyday course of life, one endangers the well-being of others.
The Naked Absurdity of Global Public Health BY DAVID BELL. Humans are fully capable of living a lie, of embracing absurdity in life and work, just to get along. We now have an entire international industry fully reliant on acceptance of such absurdity for its survival. Despite the risks, it works.