Why Roger Ver Deserves a Presidential Pardon
We call on the US government to end the unjust prosecution of Roger Ver, a pioneer in cryptocurrency and advocate for economic freedom.
View original article at Brownstone.org.
The US government is attempting to imprison Roger Ver for 109 years for the crime of following his lawyers’ advice.
His case represents an unprecedented attack on attorney-client privilege that threatens everyone who relies on professional counsel.
Today, Ver sits silenced in Spain, unable to defend himself publicly, while prosecutors use his own lawyers’ records against him—records that show his meticulous attempts to follow the law. This isn’t just about cryptocurrency; it’s about whether any American can safely consult legal counsel without fear of prosecution.
If this precedent stands, seeking professional advice could become evidence of criminality. Business owners, entrepreneurs, and ordinary citizens who rely on lawyers and accountants will all be at risk. The time to act is now, before this dangerous precedent becomes permanent.
Imagine for a moment that you’re an entrepreneur with an unwavering belief: state control over money isn’t just wrong—it’s a weapon. It fuels violence, breeds poverty, and crushes individual freedom. You’ve seen the wreckage it leaves behind and know that there has to be a better way.
You know this because you’ve experienced the state’s brutality firsthand.
At just 22, you were imprisoned for ten months in federal prison. Your supposed crime? Selling firecrackers on eBay’s then-legal Guns & Ammo section without a license. But the real reason, as Roger tells it, was speaking truth to power—declaring that taxation is theft and wars are mass murder.
In prison, you experienced psychological torture that haunts you to this day. A guard planted a weapon on you as a “joke,” threatening you with additional years in prison until you broke down in tears. You witnessed the theatrical deception when inspectors visited—seeing how the system maintains its façade of legitimacy while grinding down human dignity behind closed doors. In Roger’s own words from his emotional testimony:
“That man just purely tortured me for his own amusement…when he sees that enough tears are coming down my face and that I’m crying enough, he pats me on the shoulder and says ‘Relax, I’m just kidding with you.'”
Then, in 2010, you discover Bitcoin—a revolutionary concept. A form of money that can’t be manipulated by any government, any central bank. Digital cash for the people. Your mind races with the possibilities. For the first time in history, money could flow freely across borders, free from the control of states that use it to fuel wars, or impoverish entire nations. You see what many do not: Bitcoin could be the key to spreading freedom and prosperity to every corner of the earth.
You dive in, headfirst. You’re not just a believer—you become the first merchant to accept Bitcoin, the first investor in Bitcoin-related companies. Your relentless advocacy earns you the title “Bitcoin Jesus.” You invest in decentralized companies with one mission: to free the world from the shackles of centralized control.
But the US—the land of the free—begins to look less and less like the place you want it to be. So, you make the difficult choice to legally expatriate. Despite the murky regulations surrounding this new currency, you hire the best attorneys and accountants to ensure every penny of tax is paid. Your conscience is clear.
A decade passes. Then, without warning, they come for you—not just for you, but for your lawyers too. You find yourself arrested and thrown in a Spanish prison—the same prison where fellow libertarian John McAfee mysteriously died. You don’t speak the language. You’re cut off from everything you know. After months of legal battles, you’re finally out on bond, but the situation is bleak. Six months pass, and you still have no clarity, no answers.
Now, in a cruel echo of his past persecution for speaking truth to power, Roger finds himself essentially gagged. He cannot speak out about his case or the broader implications of his prosecution for fear that his words might be used against him in court—or worse, lead to the revocation of his bail and his return to the same Spanish prison where McAfee met his end. The silencing of Bitcoin Jesus isn’t just about one man’s freedom—it’s about whether any of us will be free to challenge the financial status quo.
Roger Ver: Where Natural Law Meets Human Impact
When people ask me what I believe in, the answer is simple: natural law. Not the academic theory of natural rights, but the living, breathing reality that we can make the world better through right thought and right action. That by aligning our behavior with universal principles of non-aggression, voluntary cooperation, and genuine care for human flourishing, we can create the conditions for freedom to thrive.
In all my years studying and advocating for these principles, I’ve never encountered anyone who embodies them more completely than Roger Ver. While others talk about freedom in the abstract, Roger has dedicated his life to manifesting it in reality.
A Legacy of Impact
I first encountered Roger’s work in 2012 at a Free State Project event called Liberty Forum, where he introduced many of us—including several who are now prominent voices in the crypto industry—to Bitcoin for the first time. In the decade since, I’ve watched him consistently stay ahead of the curve, identifying and supporting technologies that offer real alternatives to centralized control.
But Roger’s impact extends far beyond cryptocurrency. He has invested his heart and resources into more than 40 companies that are transforming the world for the better. From groundbreaking medical technologies making diagnostics accessible to underserved communities, to biotech innovations advancing personalized medicine, to projects reimagining governance itself—Roger’s work touches on every aspect of human freedom and flourishing.
The Hidden Champion of Truth
This weekend, I had the honor of participating in Brownstone Institute’s annual conference in Pittsburgh. For two intense days, I witnessed something remarkable: a gathering of some of the world’s most courageous voices in the fight for human liberty and scientific truth.
The accomplishments of Brownstone over just three years are staggering. When voices of reason were being systematically silenced during the pandemic, Brownstone emerged as a sanctuary for truth-tellers. They’ve fought lockdowns and mandates not just in the public sphere but in the courts. They’ve exposed the machinery of censorship, revealing how government agencies collude with tech companies to suppress dissent. Their research team dismantled flawed pandemic risk assessments and exposed how organizations like the WHO and the G20 manipulated outbreak data to justify massive new funding through REPPARE. Most recently (with my addition as a Fellow), they’ve been at the forefront of warning about the dangers of CBDCs and the weaponization of the financial system against dissenters.
But Brownstone’s story begins with a profound act of moral courage. Jeffrey Tucker, witnessing the collapse of scientific discourse and basic human rights during the pandemic, created Brownstone from a place of deep caring—caring about truth, about humanity, and about protecting those who dare to speak out. He wanted to create a haven for dissidents like myself and many other Brownstone Fellows who faced cancellation, professional destruction, and worse simply for doing what was right: speaking the truth.
What few people know—what I didn’t even know until after becoming a Brownstone Fellow—is that none of this would have been possible without Roger Ver. As Brownstone’s founding donor and board member, Roger’s support was crucial in getting this beacon of truth off the ground. In typical Roger fashion, he never sought recognition for this role. While others might have used such support for publicity, Roger quietly helped build an institution that has become one of the most important voices for freedom and scientific integrity in our time.
This is characteristic of how Roger operates. Behind nearly every major initiative promoting human freedom and fighting against authoritarian control, you’ll often find Roger’s quiet support. From Bitcoin adoption in the developing world to fighting against CBDCs, from supporting victims of state persecution to funding research that challenges official narratives—Roger has been there, usually without acknowledgement or acclaim.
Now, in a cruel irony, while Brownstone continues its vital work exposing government overreach and defending individual liberty, one of its key founders sits silenced in Spain, facing persecution from the very systems of state control he helped others fight against. The same commitment to truth and freedom that led Roger to support Brownstone now has him fighting for his own liberty.
The parallel is stark and troubling: just as Brownstone fights to prevent the financial system from being weaponized against dissenters through CBDCs, its own founding donor faces the weaponization of tax law against him. Just as Brownstone works to expose the machinery of state persecution, Roger faces that machinery firsthand.
Natural Law in Action
What makes Roger unique is his understanding that natural law isn’t just a philosophy—it’s a blueprint for action. Rather than just describe Roger’s passion, I encourage you to watch him speak in his own words. In this powerful video, you’ll see Roger’s raw emotion and genuine care as he explains why decentralized money must be accessible to everyone, not just the elite.
When he declares that “Bitcoin is for everybody…regardless of how much money they have or where they were born,” it’s not just rhetoric—it’s backed by decades of concrete action. You can hear the urgency in his voice when he explains:
“More babies are dying in countries around the world because they have less economic freedom…people are literally dying because of this. I’m not exaggerating; this is a life and death matter around the world.”
Beyond Cryptocurrency to Human Freedom
Roger’s vision extends far beyond financial technology. His work in medical accessibility, internet decentralization, and biotech innovation shows his understanding that freedom requires a holistic approach. When he breaks down discussing government monetary control, we see someone who deeply understands the human cost of centralized power:
“I apologize for crying but it just disgusts me from my core when I see government people murdering people around the world…it’s not just theoretical; these are real people with real lives.”
The Price of Principles
Now Roger faces persecution precisely because he’s been so effective at putting these principles into practice. The charges against him aren’t just an attack on one man—they’re an attack on everyone who believes in building voluntary systems outside state control.
The Roger Ver Timeline
Constitutional Crisis: Robert Barnes Exposes the Ver Persecution
Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes recently delivered a chilling analysis that should terrify every American who relies on professional advice: The government isn’t just prosecuting Roger Ver—they’re attempting to criminalize the very act of following legal counsel.
The Unprecedented Attack on Attorney-Client Privilege
“This isn’t just about Bitcoin or taxes,” Barnes explains in his detailed analysis. “They’re establishing that they can put you in prison and create new tax policy through criminal law enforcement against individuals, even when you’ve followed expert advice to the letter.”
Consider the timeline that Barnes lays bare:
2014: Ver faces the challenge of valuing Bitcoin for his exit tax
The largest Bitcoin exchange (Mt. Gox) had just collapsed
No clear valuation guidelines existed
The IRS itself admitted they couldn’t determine how to classify Bitcoin
Even basic questions about cryptocurrency taxation remained unanswered
Ver’s Response: Exactly what any prudent person would do
Hired top-tier attorneys
Consulted leading accountants
Documented every step of compliance
Followed expert guidance meticulously
The Government’s Shocking Response
Then comes what Barnes calls “the most disturbing breach of attorney-client privilege I’ve seen:”
Raided Ver’s lawyers’ offices
Seized privileged communications
Found extensive evidence of Ver trying to follow the law
Is now using that evidence of compliance as proof of criminality
“You read the quotes from his lawyer,” Barnes reveals, “and this is the evidence of someone trying to comply with the law, not someone trying to not comply with the law.”
What This Means for Every American
Barnes outlines four immediate threats to anyone who relies on professional advice:
Small Business Owners
Your consultations with tax attorneys can be seized
Your compliance efforts become evidence against you
Even following advice perfectly offers no protection
International Business
Complex regulations require expert guidance
That guidance can later be used to prosecute you
No “safe harbor” even when following professional advice
Tech Entrepreneurs
Evolving regulations demand constant legal consultation
Today’s compliance could become tomorrow’s crime
No way to prove good faith without creating “evidence”
Individual Taxpayers
Cannot safely seek professional guidance
Cannot trust attorney-client privilege
Cannot document compliance efforts without risk
The Constitutional Crisis
Barnes identifies three fundamental rights under attack:
Attorney-Client Privilege
Once sacred, now routinely violated
Communications with counsel used as evidence
No safe way to seek legal advice
Due Process
Retroactive criminalization of legal conduct
No clear standards for compliance
Good faith efforts used as evidence of guilt
Right to Counsel
Following legal advice becomes criminal
Creating compliance records becomes dangerous
Professional guidance offers no protection
The Dangerous Precedent
“If this stands,” Barnes warns, “we’ve entered a world where:
Seeking legal advice becomes evidence of guilt
Following professional guidance provides no protection
Documenting compliance efforts creates prosecution evidence
Perfect compliance offers no safety from prosecution.”
Watch Barnes’s complete analysis to understand why this case represents a Constitutional crisis that threatens every American and business that relies on professional advice. As he concludes: “When the government can breach attorney-client privilege, find evidence of compliance, and still pursue prosecution, we’ve moved beyond the realm of law enforcement into territory our Founders feared most: a system where no one is safe.”
The implications are clear: If they can do this to Roger Ver—a man who actively sought to comply with the law—they can do it to anyone. The time to act is now, before this precedent becomes permanent.
Two Dreams, One Persecution: Why Trump Must Resurrect Bitcoin Jesus
There are moments in history when parallel lives intersect to reveal profound truths about power, persecution, and the price of challenging the status quo. Donald Trump and Roger Ver’s stories are such a moment.
The American Dream Under Siege
Both men exemplify the quintessential American success story. Trump transformed New York’s skyline through sheer force of will and vision. Ver saw the revolutionary potential of Bitcoin when it was merely computer code and helped build it into a global force for freedom. Both men didn’t just succeed—they dared to reimagine what success could mean.
But in today’s America, such audacious success comes with a target on your back.
The Playbook of Persecution
The parallels between their persecutions are not just striking—they’re identical:
The Weaponization of Attorney-Client Privilege
Trump watched in horror as federal agents raided his lawyer Michael Cohen’s office, seizing privileged communications
Ver’s attorneys faced the same violation, with prosecutors seizing private legal consultations showing his meticulous efforts to follow the law
The Tax Weapon
Trump endures endless audits and investigations, with rules twisted to create crimes from normal business practices
Ver faces prosecution for following expert advice on Bitcoin taxation during a time when even the IRS admitted they didn’t know how to classify cryptocurrency
The Criminalization of Success
Trump’s business empire became evidence of alleged criminality
Ver’s pioneering work in cryptocurrency transformed into supposed proof of wrongdoing
The Breach of Sacred Rights
Both men have watched as fundamental legal protections crumbled:
Their attorneys raided
Their private communications seized
Their attempts to follow the law transformed into evidence against them
Why Trump Must Act
Mr. President, you alone understand the machinery of state persecution that’s been unleashed against Roger Ver. You alone have the power to end it. Here’s why pardoning Ver would be a masterpiece of justice:
It Breaks the Deep State’s Weapon
Shows that weaponizing justice against innovators will no longer be tolerated
Demonstrates that following legal advice won’t be criminalized
It Restores American Innovation
Declares America open for blockchain business
Signals that challenging financial orthodoxy isn’t a crime
It Reaffirms Sacred Rights
Restores the sanctity of attorney-client privilege
Proves that seeking legal counsel is a right, not evidence of guilt
It Sends a Global Message
America still rewards dreamers
Innovation will be protected, not persecuted
The Power of Parallel Justice
Mr. President, you’ve felt the sting of politically motivated prosecution. You’ve watched as attorney-client privilege was shredded. You’ve seen how success can be twisted into evidence of criminality. You alone can turn this moment of parallel persecution into parallel justice.
By pardoning Roger Ver, you won’t just be freeing one man—you’ll be declaring that America still stands for the dreamers, the builders, the innovators who dare to imagine a freer world. You’ll be showing that when the deep state tries to crucify a visionary, America’s highest office still stands for justice.
The symmetry is perfect: The man persecuted for challenging real estate orthodoxy can save the man persecuted for challenging financial orthodoxy. The businessman who became president can restore justice to the entrepreneur who became Bitcoin Jesus.
Mr. President, on Day One, write your name in the history books. Show that America still believes in dreams, in innovation, and in the sacred right to challenge power without fear of persecution.
Pardon Roger Ver. Resurrect Bitcoin Jesus. Let freedom ring.
Defend Freedom: Why Every American Must Stand With Roger Ver
The President holds the power to take a decisive stand, but ultimately, this fight calls on all of us. Roger’s battle isn’t just his own—it’s a rallying cry for anyone who values the right to question authority, seek counsel, and live free from unjust persecution.
This moment demands a response from each of us. Here’s how you can join the movement to defend freedom and stand up for Roger Ver’s rights, along with our own.
The Open Letter
We, the undersigned, call on the US government to end the unjust prosecution of Roger Ver, a pioneer in cryptocurrency and advocate for economic freedom. This isn’t just about Roger—it’s about protecting innovation, defending liberty, and ensuring that following legal advice doesn’t become a crime.
Take Action Now
Sign the Open Letter
Visit Freerogernow.org to join supporters who have already taken a stand. Your signature helps show the strength of our movement to:End this retaliatory action
Allow Roger to continue contributing to a free and open financial future
Protect the right to legal counsel
Share Your Story
Tell the President why you support pardoning Roger Ver:How has Roger’s work impacted you?
Why does attorney-client privilege matter to you?
What does this case mean for American innovation?
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The Stakes Are Clear
As Hijacking Bitcoin reveals, this case emerged just as Roger exposed how powerful groups undermined Bitcoin’s original vision. The timing is no coincidence—this prosecution represents an alarming misuse of power aimed at suppressing innovation and dissent.
Together, we can make our voices heard and help secure justice for Roger Ver. But we must act now, before this dangerous precedent becomes permanent.
Join the Movement
Visit FreeRoger.org today to:
Sign the open letter
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Stand with Roger
Because tomorrow, the person facing persecution for following legal advice could be you.