Who Will Save Civilization?
Finally the killer drug Remdesivir has been withdrawn. The Fauci-boosted drug did not cure Covid but rather killed people, as many Brownstone Institute articles have explained.
Finally the killer drug Remdesivir has been withdrawn. The Fauci-boosted drug did not cure Covid but rather killed people, as many Brownstone Institute articles have explained. But of course none of this is admitted in the announcement. Instead we get a different pretext: the bottles had glass contamination.
So it goes these days. We are inching toward truth and justice but with so many diversions, it’s hard to get a focus. Most of the public in most countries has concluded that nothing and no one can be trusted. Following the biggest political/social/financial coup in history from March 2020 onward, life on earth has been fundamentally degraded.
There is a way out, and we invite you to join us at the 4th annual Brownstone Institute conference and gala, November 1-2, 2024, at the spectacular William Penn Hotel in Pennsylvania. We’ve expanded capacity yet again to make more room for registrations. Yes, it is two days before the national election and therefore a great time to be with friends.
Plus, this hotel has one of America’s greatest and most famous speakeasies, preserved exactly as it was and fully functional. Brownstonians are meeting there on Thursday evening at 6-10pm, come and go. Staff, Fellows, scholars, donors, and guests will all be there.
Hope to see you!
Fundraising season is nearly upon us, so please permit some blunt talk.
We live in an age of official lies and coverups. It concerns most everything. The people who are ferreting out the truth are not working in academia, government, mainstream media, or legacy nonprofits. They are independent, and they have and are taking HUGE professional risks with what they are discovering and reporting.
These are the voices that are forces for truth, justice, and change.
Most are not even employable by any of these institutions but instead must seek out some independent means of survival. For this reason, we are living in the most consequential intellectual diaspora since the interwar years.
Brownstone is their home. That’s why we exist. Quite frankly, without them, the cause of civilization is sunk. We have taken in many and provided community, a voice, and financial support. This program is underfunded, however, and cannot help even the most needy cases…for now.
Their only hope is in donors who make their support possible.
And yet there are doubts these days about donating to anything. Most nonprofit organizations are sketchy at best and many are outright rackets. You know this problem: you give $50 and suddenly get flooded by requests from dozens more organizations because your data was sold. You get hounded for years by professional pickpockets, paid by how much they get from you. Others are living off government largesse and merely building out huge institutional structures.
This huge problem makes it hard for genuine charities like Brownstone. We exist to rescue the intellectuals subject to the diaspora of researchers, writers, scientists, attorneys, former academics who are being purged, giving them a lifeline, a community, a voice, and a financial bridge. In addition, Brownstone exists for purposes of post-lockdown cultural change, away from tyranny toward freedom.
Full disclosures: we have a tiny staff, no “development” department, some 12,000 donors who are mostly giving in small amounts, zero support from large corporations or foundations, and over 90% of our budget is devoted to the mission itself while minimizing operations costs.
It’s a new model for nonprofits: doing what we say we are doing and with integrity, transparency, and efficiency. Moreover: we pledge never to sell or share your contact information with anyone, no matter what.
We urge you to adopt a core principle in charitable giving: never get to an institution that does not need your money and would not use it properly. Only give to organizations that are mission-focused, doing marvelous work, and truly in need. Brownstone Institute is proudly in that category.
So, yes, it is fundraising season but we have no professionals on this task because we do not exist to raise money and build out a bureaucracy. We exist to help people in need, publish top-quality foundational research, and point the way to a brighter future. And yes we need your help.
Recall, too, that Brownstone supports REPARRE for our pandemic-planning scholars alongside Leeds University in the UK. The group monitors the WHO, UN, and many other groups, and is often in the news such as the huge internationally circulated report calling for an end to the pandemic largess.
Join us at the West Hartford, CT, supper club on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, as we welcome lockdown researcher John Beaudoin, who has done some astonishing research on a range of issues related to the present crisis.
The next Philadelphia supper club will take place on Thursday, October 3. Our guest speaker is our own Mark Oshinskie, prolific Substack writer, Brownstone contributor, and author of Dispatches from a Scamdemic. Register here.
Here is some content since our last email.
Endocrine Disruptors: An Uncontrolled Experiment? By Maryanne Demasi. Kennedy mentioned endocrine disruptors, which are chemicals in our food and water that can interfere with the body’s hormone biosynthesis. He spoke about how the poorly regulated use of these synthetic chemicals in the environment could affect fertility, sperm counts, and reproductive development.
Restrictive Schooling Imperils Our Children By Charles Krblich. School is more restrictive than ever, and many of the schools’ facades resemble Juvenile Detention Centers. Playtime has been watered down and any dangerous games removed. At home, it is nearly impossible to find any children playing outside without supervision.
Murray Rothbard on Forced Fluoridation By Jeffrey Tucker. The Covid crisis led to vast confusion and silence in the libertarian world, for reasons I explain here, but I have little doubt where Murray would have stood. He was consistently opposed to the deployment of state violence.
Anthrax: The Dark Winter of Yesterday By Sonia Elijah. When analysing the 2001 Anthrax attacks in America—a deadly act that unfolded just a week after 9/11—the official narrative quickly begins to unravel, leaving behind a trail of unsettling questions.
Fauci’s Inner Circle Shielded U.S. Collaborator By Emily Kopp. The Wuhan Institute of Virology’s chief American collaborator leveraged connections in Anthony Fauci’s inner circle to survive federal scrutiny and keep millions in public funding flowing without turning over key data, new records show.
The Creation of Our “Permanent Record” By David Barnhizer. The threat from government surveillance is psychological. We “think” without knowing that the National Security Agency (NSA), Department of Homeland Security, or FBI are building up something like our High School Permanent Record or our “social credit” record.
The Right to Speak Evil By David Bell. A holocaust could happen because some people built a structure within which only they could speak as they wished, whilst preventing others from talking back. Tyranny and pogroms thrive on one-way conversations.
Lockdowns Codified a World of Violence By Jeffrey Tucker. What purpose are all these soft, hard, public, and private exercises of violence serving? The standard of living is suffering, lives are shortening, and illiteracy has swept through an entire generation. It unleashed violence as a way of life.
Journal Pressured to Retract Study on Covid-19 Vaccine Harms By Maryanne Demasi. A vaccine manufacturer launched defamation proceedings against researchers who published a study that reported adverse events in people following Covid-19 vaccination. The manufacturer sued the editor of the journal that published the study and demanded that the article be retracted.
REPPARE Progress: September 2024 By REPPARE. The REPPARE project is just over the midway point. This document outlines progress made and some of the key impacts it has had so far. We have broken down the update into key categories.
Just Who Is Girish Navani? By John Beaudoin Sr. We are left with questions. Why was Girish Navani appointed to Governor Baker’s Reopening Advisory Board in 2020? How much did Navani make from this deal? How many public officials are invested in Navani’s company?
German “Citizens Council” Wants to Criminalize Disinformation By Robert Kogon. A German “Citizens Council” has submitted recommendations to the German Ministry of the Interior calling, among other things, for the potential criminalisation of “disinformation.”
Mpox, Project Bioshield: Everyone’s Dark Winter? By Sonia Elijah. Those who participated in “Dark Winter” explored strategies for imposing coercive quarantines; censorship; mandatory masking, lockdowns, and vaccination; and expanded police powers as the only rational responses to the pandemic.
The New Sectarianism By Michael J. Sutton. We should also remember, that whether by war or a peaceful transition, fascism dies and with it the stale, dead, obedient, loyalist generation. They will have no graveyard, no tombstones, no memorials and no one will remember their names.