Fauci never locked anyone down. So he says. Also, Andrew Cuomo enforced nothing. Lori Lightfoot is a public-health expert teaching at Harvard. Jacina Ardern, a great humanitarian, is her colleague. The Trump administration left it all to the states. The Biden administration censored no one. Government officials never forced vaccines on anyone. It was all voluntary.
They are trying to convince you that you merely imagined the whole thing. This is what happens after an enormously destructive failure that will echo for generations. While success has a thousand fathers, failure is an orphan.
Of course the pandemic response didn’t fail for everyone. Government has vastly more power. Surveillance and censorship are now routine. Elections are a mess thanks to loose rules on mail-in ballots (“social distancing”). And Big Pharma is more powerful (and rich) than ever.
More on all that below but first….
Thanks to your generous support, we are indeed kicking off the Working Group on Censorship. Its goal is to shed more and more light on precisely how this machinery works with your money to shut you up and thus prepare the public mind for ever intensifying despotism. This is the only way to fight back: more and better information.
It’s by no means too late to support this great program!
Finally, friends, it is indeed time to register for our event in Dallas, November 4, 2023. Joining as speakers are Jay Bhattacharya and Naomi Wolf, two great heroes of our epoch, along with dozens of other amazing speakers.
Yes, it’s always easy to delay and delay but space is limited. It becomes a serious problem for us if we have a mad rush to register the week before. Many people will be turned away. Don’t be among them!
Also, the supper club of Oct 25 is open for sign ups.
Here is some content since our last email:
Scott Gottlieb’s Role in Creating a New Intelligence Office By Robert Malone. Dr. Scott Gottleib has been one of the most influential voices during the COVID crisis. His rapid career advancement and consequent role in the pandemic including lobbying for this new intelligence office during a time when he was NOT working for the government – but rather was working for Pfizer and one of the largest venture capital funds in the world- raises a key question. What is his actual role in the US intelligence community?
A Pandemic of Lockdown Denialism By Jeffrey Tucker. The major media is tacitly conspiring with the political establishment, the corporate sector, and the administrative state to pretend like that fiasco was completely normal and also entirely forgettable, not even worth naming. We did the best we could with the information we had so just stop complaining about it!
Dictator Dan is Gone by Rebekah Barnett. Victorian Premier Dan Andrews, who imposed the world’s longest Covid lockdowns on his state, officially steps down from his position today. Andrews earned the nickname ‘Dictator Dan’ for his strongman style of leadership during the pandemic years. He leaves a legacy of brutality, debt, and corruption.
Can AI Plan the Economy? By Robert Blumen. What AI cannot do is incorporate into a single entity all of the specialized skills that the entrepreneur has; the abilities to calculate, plan, and execute, the personal acceptance of profit or loss, and the continued span of consciousness over time which makes the pursuit of wealth purposeful.
Medicine in the Wilderness by Russ Gonnering. Society now finds itself a passenger on a ship which has been taken over by ideologues. The ship is heading for the rocks. Lookouts stationed high above can see the disaster unfolding and urgently inform the captain of the ship. The captain solves the problem by throwing the lookouts overboard. This is the dystopian world in which we now live.
Fauci and the CIA: A New Explanation Emerges By Jeffrey Tucker. If this whole scenario is true, it means that all along Fauci was merely playing a role, a front man for much deeper interests and priorities in the CIA-led intelligence community. This broad outline makes sense of why Fauci changed his mind on lockdowns, including the timing of the change. There are still many more details to know, but these new fragments of new information take our understanding in a new and more coherent direction.
The First Amendment Should Restrain CISA Too By Brownstone Institute. Cable hosts can bicker over Anthony Fauci, but the source of Covid tyranny was far more insidious. In the shadows, the US Security State undermined American democracy in a technocratic coup d’état. Now, the Fifth Circuit has a second chance to defend free speech against the coordinated assault from CISA and its cohorts at the State Department.
Why the Secrecy Over Vaccine Contracts? By Maryanne Demasi. Major international governments have signed multibillion-dollar legal contracts with drug companies in order to secure access to covid-19 vaccines. But the drug companies and governments have refused to divulge details, saying the information is “commercial in confidence.”
Pandemic Samizdat in the US by Jayanta Bhattacharya. Censorship is the death of science and inevitably leads to the death of people. America should be a bulwark against it, but it was not during the pandemic. Though the tide is turning with the Missouri v. Biden case, we must reform our scientific institutions so what happened during the pandemic never happens again.
Where Have All the Lanternflies Gone? By Michael Lesher. So remember the lanternfly. Remember how silly and how ephemeral was the story of its threat to us all. And yet, how seriously we were lectured that the lanternfly meant the End of the World. Remember it the next time you’re told that the entire globe is about to burn because people are driving cars or cooking with gas stoves. Or that somebody’s sniffles are going to kill you. Or that censorship is meant for your protection. Or that democracy and freedom aren’t really in your best interest.
Did Lockdowns Finish Off Public Schooling? By Charles Krblich. The public schools cannot be fixed. The bureaucracy is over crowded. Union control is absolute. Awful ideas abound about everything. There is a tendency to rely on technology rather than time-tested fundamentals as the preferred solution to any problem. As a result, the amount of technology is overwhelming; The amount of basic reading, writing, and arithmetic – vastly underwhelming.
Naomi Klein’s Extremely Strange Attack on Naomi Wolf By Toby Rogers. Ms. Klein, the revolution that you have sought your whole life is right here — in the medical freedom movement — left, right, and, center; rich and poor; all nations, races, and ethnicities fighting with a common purpose to stop corporate capture and corruption. Together we can and will overthrow the Fascist Pharma State and create a world that supports, loves, respects, and protects all children.
How Myocarditis Became the Silent Scandal of Covid Vaccination By Justin Hart. Myocarditis – inflammation of the heart muscle – had never been linked to vaccines before. So when 28 cases were reported to the U.S. vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS) in January 2021, it raised eyebrows. By February, the trickle had become a stream. VAERS received 64 more reports, including two deaths. Then in March, Israel and the military started reporting cases too.
Stuck to Our Own Metaphors By Thomas Harrington. If there is anything that the Covid phenomenon has shown us, it is that in the third decade of the 21st century, it is precisely our most putatively literate classes that are least capable of accepting the various states of contingency implicit in the work of engaging with the vast complexity of the world.
The Great Demoralization By Jeffrey A. Tucker. History provides many cases of a beaten down, demoralized, and increasingly poor and censored majority population being ruled over by an imperious, inhumane, sadistic, privileged, and yet tiny ruling class. We just never believed we would become one of those cases. The truth of this is so grim and glaring, and the likely explanation of what happened so shocking, that the entire subject is regarded as something of a taboo in public life.
Ten Examples Where Experts Were Wrong By Steve Templeton. Unfortunately, many of these examples are not becoming outdated. Mask mandates have returned in some places, including schools, despite no high-quality supporting evidence. Same for COVID vaccine booster recommendations for healthy people under 65. Many European countries, including Denmark, have altered their recommendations based on careful risk/benefit analyses. Once again, although it would seem obvious that U.S. leaders should have followed suit, that didn’t happen.
Healthy Vaccinee Bias: Letter to the Editor of The Lancet Regional Health – Europe By Eyal Shahar. I could have submitted this letter to you, as usually done, and published it here, if rejected. However, I had tried to submit letters three times before and decided to reverse the order this time. Incidentally, my second rejected letter was submitted to The Lancet, and the point I have made there about residual confounding bias was recently exposed (by others) in a letter to the editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.
The Covid Narrative Flunked the Critical Thinking Test By Bruce W. Davidson. The essential problem has never been about one’s IQ. Many highly intelligent people (in an academic sense) swallowed a very dubious narrative, while others less academically gifted did not. The real divider was the ability and inclination to think critically about it.
Adam Smith Vs. the Great Reset By Daniel Klei. The book is an act of intimidation. It presages growing governmentalization, it advocates growing governmentalization, and communicates: Obey us or get hurt. Knuckle under or we will hurt you. The book is not only anti-liberal in its political outlook, it is illiberal in its manner of discoursing. Its whole manner is dishonest; the book is disagreeable to any dignified and self-respecting reader.
Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Woman By Ramesh Thakur. Price is a threat to the city-based power structures because she rejects the moral foundations on which the existing Aboriginal industry has been created. She is prepared to articulate an alternative moral framework as the pathway to genuine reconciliation and eventual union. This is why veteran Australian journalist Paul Kelly’s takeaway from the NPC address was: “Australia’s elites are in the process of being administered a huge shock.”