The censorship walls are closing in more by the day. The more success we have in getting the message out, the more it motivates attacks. Hardly a day goes by when we do not see the evidence. But here we are, speaking the truth daily and using every method to continue thwarting the censors.
Next week at Porcfest, Brownstone has all day, every day, talks and discussions. In this effort, we are extremely pleased to be joined by FLCCC, an organization with whom we have begun a fruitful cooperation. You can meet our Fellows and hear talks by top medical professionals, economists, and others.
To continue our fellows program into next year, Brownstone will need to fund it with your financial support. This program has been so essential to many lives and public life in general. If you can help, please do.
Here is some content since our last email:
Paying the Price for Campus Closures By Rob Jenkins. Could all this pain have been prevented if campuses had just reopened fully in the fall of 2020? Perhaps not—but much of it could have. At worst, we would have continued our gradual downhill roll toward the 2026 cliff, giving legislators and administrators plenty of time to prepare.
Better to Have No Commission Than This One by Laura Dodsworth. Next time there is a pandemic, people will be able to say ‘Baroness Hallett’s report stated that the UK government didn’t lock down fast – or hard – enough. We won’t make that mistake again!’ There will be no redemption, just a long, hard sentence, swiftly imposed. Once again, lives will be ruined, not saved.
The Meaning of the Cape Byron Lighthouse Declaration By Julie Sladden. Since its launch, the declaration has received international attention and signatures from around the world including France, Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, the UK, and the US with numbers increasing daily. Healthcare, nor the people it serves, cannot thrive in the presence of censorship, coercion, and unethical behaviour. So, the time has come to remind ourselves, our governments, and our leaders of the core foundations.
Bad Policy Assures a Perpetual Sense of Burning Crisis By El Gato Malo. So yes, this is 100% a political issue, but it’s not the one it’s being represented as. This is a policy fail. That which worked was abandoned for that which sounded good to a few eco-rubes, and now we are all paying the price. Reality is not optional, and ecology denial is a very expensive foible. It’s time we stopped pretending that there are no trade-offs here and begin (once more) doing the sensible thing.
What I Can Say and What I Cannot Say by Bill Rice. Regarding our society’s “debate” on what speech should be “permitted” and what speech should be banned … and what speakers should be sanctioned and punished, “permission” is the word that explains everything. From 2020-2023, some speech is still permitted by our government and its many sycophant cronies, but, alas, libraries worth of speech are now no longer permitted.
Who Owns BioNTech? By Robert Kogon. BioNTech is a very closely held company, the great majority of whose shares are owned by just three people.
Send Them By Christine Black. The sad impulse to sacrifice others to save ourselves appeared when people stepped up and spoke out during the Covid period. If someone said something that made me look bad or that interfered with my profits or my institution or my company’s profits, then we sacrificed that person. But what if she was right and speaking the truth — or hadn’t done anything wrong? Nope. Didn’t matter. Let her hang. Leave her there.
North Korea Joins WHO’s Leadership By David Bell. The pandemic agenda is not a problem for countries such as North Korea or China, where people’s freedom is already at the will of their government. But it is anathema for countries where government supposedly exists on the will of the people. So why do our leaders go along with this?
United States: Fifty Little Dictatorships By Brownstone Institute. This legal push has received no public attention, and not even Zwieg’s expert journalism seems to have broken through the wall set up by the mainstream media. And that is precisely why anyone concerned about the future needs to get the word out. The efforts toward fundamental regime change are real, threatening, and deeply dangerous to the future of liberty itself.
The Censorship Hegemon Must Be Stopped By Aaron Kheriaty. This agency was created in the waning days of the Obama administration, supposedly to protect our digital infrastructure against cyberattacks from computer viruses and nefarious foreign actors. But less than one year into their existence, CISA decided that their remit also should include protecting our “cognitive infrastructure” from various threats.
The Twisted Tree of Mitigation By Mark Oshinskie. The “mitigation” supporters actively, openly hated people, like me, who predicted, in March, 2020, all of the destruction that lockdowns, school closures, masks, tests and shots would cause. This gullible mob of tens of millions dismissed “mitigation” critics as “selfish non-experts” and “Grandma killers.”
Thousands of Averted Covid Deaths in Israel: Science Fiction By Eyal Shahar. Lockdowns were futile and detrimental, mask mandates were futile, Covid vaccines were marginally beneficial, futile, or worse, and influential studies of vaccine effectiveness contain at least one major flaw, and probably more. These truths will become common knowledge when contemporary, brainwashed Covid scientists are replaced by a new generation of scientists with inquisitive minds.
The Sadism Factor By Thomas Harrington. If you have the ability, through your complete control of the government and media matrix to get an obviously mentally incompetent man into the highest office in the most powerful country in the world (while placing another—Fetterman—with similarly limited cognitive capabilities in that same country’s Senate in order to stave off possibly devastating Republican investigations) what can’t you do?
Will FDA Approve OTC Birth Control Pills, Ignoring Medical and Epidemiological Hazards? By David Gortler. Existing data indicates that making oral contraceptives available OTC could lead to a deluge of negative public health outcomes. Additionally, oral contraceptive interactions with existing prescription drugs could lead to an increased incidence of unexpected pregnancies and serious adverse events in mothers, babies, and kids.
Stakeholder Capitalism is an Oxymoron By Craig Pirrong. Stakeholder capitalism inevitably creates a tyranny of minorities, and especially highly ideological minorities (because a shared ideology reduces the cost of organizing). Minority stakeholders will succeed in expropriating majority ones. Minority tyranny is the big problem with democratic politics. Extending it to vast swathes of economic life is a nightmare.
The Downside of the New Normal By Michael J. Sutton. The world has changed, and overall, it is not for the better. We have changed. Our government has changed. Our values have changed. Covid-19 has given us an unjust legacy of new ways of thinking, new values, and new expectations. It is overall, an unjust system. It is an unrighteous system. It is a system that exacerbates inequality, rewards conformity, and ensures division. The values it promotes are a cancer that will spread through the fabric of our nations and our hearts. Our children and grandchildren will stand in judgment over us if we survive at all.
Blaming Victims for Failures of Government By Ramesh Thakur. All these incidents of victim bashing and blame shifting responsibility for the failures of the core functions of government are symptoms of social anomie and dystopian politics poisoning contemporary Western civilisation.