You saw what they did to Tucker Carlson, one of the very few on mainstream television to provide an alternative perspective on the deep-state coup of the last three years. That’s only the beginning of the way in which the walls are closing in.
Brownstone has been under fire from the very beginning. Not a day goes by when we are not hit from various parties. We don’t whine about it. We just forge ahead, keep publishing, keep rising in the ranks, and bringing in ever more readers, writers, speakers, and researchers. We’ll keep on going so long as we are able.
Speaking of which, the Elon Musk takeover of Twitter has vastly expanded our exposure on that platform. It’s probably the most important forum for public reach available today. We have an opportunity to boost our status more but the cost is $1,000 per month. That’s not extra funding we have just sitting around, so if you would like to help, please donate today.
Freedom itself is really at stake, now more than at any point in our lifetimes.
The book is Fear of a Microbial Planet by Steve Templeton is doing very well and we’ll soon have another book our, Treason of the Experts by Tom Harrington. For such a space institute, Brownstone has major impact.
Here is some content since our last email:
Top Ten Quotes from the NYT Fauci Interview By Jeffrey Tucker. The New York Times published a very long piece that contains some rather startling admissions, claims, and defenses from Anthony Fauci, the face of lockdowns and shot mandates.
What is the Global Disinformation Index? By David McGrogan. For all that the logic of raison du monde is predicated on the discovery of global problems and a proliferation of global solutions unconstrained by law or natural right (or democracy, while we’re at it), the drivers at the personal level are much baser: suckling at the teat of governments and charities and extracting a nice living that way for as long as possible – usually while persuading oneself that one is doing something terribly worthwhile.
The Big Fail By Spike Hampson. If vaccines were immunizing people then countries that went in big for vaccination should have seen a more favorable CHANGE in their Covid death rates from the first to the second year than was true for the countries that did not vaccinate much. This is the fundamental premise on which the following study is built.
The Tucker Carlson Departure From Fox and the Power of Big Pharma By Brownstone Institute. Carlson attacked the news media for taking “hundreds of millions of dollars from Big Pharma companies” and promoting “their sketchy products on the air and as they did that, they maligned anyone who was skeptical of those products.” The facts demonstrate a chilling indication that legacy media remains beholden to Big Pharma, and their programming requires the approval of the figures that they are supposed to hold accountable.
The “Best Available Science”: The CDC and the Vaccine Travel Mandate By Hunter McBryde. Continuing to exclude unvaccinated noncitizens, non-immigrants from entering the United States is a policy that puts politics over science. Politicians claiming the opposite to be true are funded by the very industries that benefit most from continuing with such a policy. Their pushback against ending the mandate is justified by their faith in the “best available science” yet that science cannot be produced by the very institution on whom the continuation of the mandate rests.
Universal Masking In Health Care Settings Is Unnecessary By Justin Hart. It seems like the era of universal masking in healthcare settings might be coming to an end. But I can’t help but feel a little skeptical about this sudden change of heart. Maybe it’s just me, but I think we deserve some straight talk about what really happened behind the scenes during this pandemic roller coaster ride. After all, hindsight is 20/20, and it’s high time we got some honest answers.
Changing One Mind at a Time By Richard Kelly. In an idle moment, I was looking through my emails, and came across this little exchange. In August 2022, the vax push was in full swing, despite the evidence of serious concerns. Here’s a trail starting and ending with an email from a medical provider I had visited once or twice in central Melbourne.
The Covid Crisis Was Man-Made By Mark Oshinskie. If we had not locked down for “just two weeks,” we wouldn’t have facilitated many more months of closed public spaces, including 18 months of school closures. Letting the Lockdown camel stick its nose under the tent created enduring, creeping momentum for the broader disruption that has dragged on for three years. “Flattening the curve” seemed, to many, temporary, scientific and clever.
What about the Permanent Task-Force on Disinformation? A Question for Elon Musk By Robert Kogon. Who is to say something is misinformation, who is the arbiter of that? Well, there you have it. In the case of Twitter and all the platforms cooperating with the EU, the European Commission is the arbiter of that, since it is the Commission that will decide if Twitter and the other platforms are doing enough to combat it.
Clean vs. Dirty: A Way to Understand Everything By Jeffrey A. Tucker. The clean vs. dirty distinction was once an indicator of class, perhaps a desiderata of germaphobic pathology, even a harmless eccentricity. But in 2020, the obsession became extreme, an aesthetic priority that overrode all morality and truth. It then became a fundamental threat to liberty, self-government, and human rights.Today this demarcation has invaded the whole of our lives, and it threatens to create a horrifying caste system consisting of those who enjoy rights and privileges vs those who do not and serve (at a distance) the elites.
What We Can Learn from Ancient Spartans about Courage By Bert Olivier. The neo-fascists may (and probably do) think of themselves as putatively superhuman beings, but they are just as prone as any other group of people to squabbling among themselves, in this way undermining or derailing their plans. The ‘resistance’ to their unscrupulous programme of domination – that means, everyone who has taken up the fight against them – therefore has to remind themselves that, even when things look bleak, one has to remain steadfast, and courageous.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on Lockdowns: Excerpt from the Announcement Speech By Brownstone Institute. President Trump said well these bureaucrats came at him from every side. They were all telling him what he had to do. He had the right instincts. He knew that he shouldn’t close down the country. But he did it. He got rolled by his bureaucracy.