Events are moving very fast as the main Covid narrative unravels and so too the cover ups are being exposed.
We now know about the government-backed censorship of social media, which is still going on.
We are aware of the grave injury to social order.
We know even more about the plots and schemes, and even the funding mechanisms.
We may soon find out precisely what the vaccine makers knew before the mandates went into place, thanks to Ron DeSantis’s Grand Jury.
Brownstone has been a driving force for truth since its inception. The research, journalism, scholarship, and news pushed out from the site have been an essential source in the great struggle for justice and freedom. Brownstone is also now supporting some of the great fighters who have stood up for truth when the challenge was the greatest. It’s been a lifeline for many.
It’s been made possible by the scholars, fellows, writers, and tiny staff, but mostly because of our donors, for whom we are deeply grateful.
There is still time to make a gift to Brownstone before year’s end. It will help with our operations and expansions for next year, which could be the most crucial of our lives. We’ve seen how proactive courage makes the difference. Now is the time! Thank you for all the help you can provide.
Here is some content from this week:
All Hail the Military Refusers BY MC STAPLES. They are men and women who possess spines of steel, the ones our fellow citizens can most count on to face an enemy of the nation and not blink. Rather than merely reciting the values of their respective branches of the military, they demonstrated what it looks like to actually live by those values. Many more times their number can only wish to demonstrate that level of courage.
A Minority Report on Pandemic Origins BY ROBERT MALONE. Based on this timeline and history, as well as my own direct personal communication with Dr. Callahan, I strongly suspect that both the gross clinical mismanagement of ventilatory support during the first phase of the outbreak (responsible for up to 30,000 deaths) as well as the stunningly poor management practices of Nursing Home and Extended Care facilities throughout the USA can be directly traced to the influence of Dr. Michael Callahan
The Loneliest Generation BY JENNIFER SEY. If young people have little hope for the future, feel isolated, disconnected and as if their very existence doesn’t matter, what hope do we have for the future as a society? And when kids are deemed to be inessential, their schooling and activities at the bottom of the list of our societal priorities, how else are they going to feel but inessential?
Do You Really Have Nothing to Hide? BY ROBIN KOERNER. My government, which exists to protect me, arbitrarily removes rights and privileges from people based on false information that it generates. Sometimes they do it indiscriminately (such as during the pandemic); sometimes they pick their targets (such as what happened to me at the airport).
What Is Crimson Contagion? BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. The 2019 tabletop exercise involved a huge number of public-sector agencies across all states plus many private-sector associations. It postulated a disease scenario in which a respiratory virus begins in China and spreads around the world by air travelers. It is first detected in Chicago. The World Health Organization declares a pandemic 47 days later.
How Did U.S. Intelligence Spot the Virus in Wuhan Weeks Before China? BY WILL JONES. It’s hard not to wonder: what if releasing the virus in China to disrupt the country and see how the world responds could have been some hare-brained scheme cooked up in the deeper recesses of the U.S. biosecurity state?
Are We at the End of Progress? BY PAUL FRIJTERS, GIGI FOSTER, and MICHAEL BAKER. All those dreaming of control like to believe that they should rule the world in order to save it from some great danger. At the end of the day, this is simply a selfish fascist fantasy. The West is now encumbered by huge layers of parasites whose living is made out of exaggerating fears and stealing from people under the guise of saving them. The EU Commission is a particularly glaring example of such a group, but they are everywhere today: people just trying to make a buck, but costing their society dearly.
Christian Drosten and the “Bat Woman” of Wuhan BY ROBERT KOGON. When asked about the possibility of a lab leak in a November 2021 interview with the German weekly newspaper Die Zeit, Drosten insisted that “I have no personal connection to the people in Wuhan and have never been at the [Wuhan] Institute [of Virology].” The above photo makes clear that he and Shi are not perfect strangers at any rate.
It Was Always About Control BY RICHARD KELLY. Once upon a time, we sweated on daily case numbers when the new cases per day were less than 10; now we barely think of them, and they are in the thousands, if not the tens of thousands. There’s only one conclusion to be drawn – it was never about public health, and it still isn’t. It was always about control.
Lockdowns Deaths in 2020 Were 42% of Excess Deaths BY ELLIOT MIDDLETON.Lockdown deaths in 2020 at 194,000 are 42% of total excess deaths. This is a huge amount. With a data lag of a few weeks, the CDC was publishing Covid and non-Covid excess deaths throughout 2020, so policymakers should have been aware of the collateral damage their policies were causing at the time. Governments were given credible warnings about the dangers of lockdowns, but did not listen.
The Righteous Certitude of the Disease Mitigators BY LESLIE MANOOKIAN. It is precisely because so many are ignorant to the threats we face and the methods of those without scruples that those of us who remain in possession of our moral code must stand and resist the dystopian vision of the world THEY are trying to foist on us.
Why I’m No Longer Talking to People About the Vaccine By GEORGE O’HAR. As citizens, concerned citizens, we engage in debate not to hear ourselves talk, but to convince others of the truth of what we claim. What is supposed to happen, in a debate, ideally speaking, is that the person who makes the best and most convincing argument carries the day. What that means in everyday language is that if I best you in a debate, you change your mind. The same goes for me. Evidence changes people’s minds.
Ideological Possession Is the Real Pandemic By ROBIN KOERNER. Although pandemics of ideological possession can be fatal to entire societies, the disease provides immediate benefits to each afflicted individual, such as intellectual certainty and stability, feelings of moral superiority, an apparent simplification of life’s difficult decisions and questions, avoidance of true moral responsibility, and a sense of belonging among others similarly afflicted. All of these tend to prevent self-treatment.
The Other Lab in Wuhan: The German-Chinese “Laboratory for Virus Research” By ROBERT KOGON. Astonishingly, in early September 2019, only three months before the allegedly initial outbreak of Covid-19 just a stone’s throw from Tongji Hospital in Wuhan, then German Chancellor Angela Merkel paid a visit to none other than…Tongji Hospital in Wuhan! The hospital is also known as the German-Chinese Friendship Hospital.
We Are Still Locked Down By JEFFREY A. TUCKER. Two Christmases came and went when we were told that meeting and celebrating the season was a biohazard and not recommended. In some places, it was forbidden. It’s hard to imagine a more grim policy and it still shocks us to think back and realize that it was all deliberate. One means to reverse this horror is simple: find friends, celebrate together, share stories and ideals, promote peace and love, and work to rebuild what we have lost.
The Great Overreaction By LORI WEINTZ. Illogical fear, driven by a hyperactive media, and by cowardly and controlling government leaders and public health authorities ruled the day. One of the most insidious results of our descent into ignorance about medicine, and our discarding of social contracts and human rights, was the rise of self-righteous intolerance for, and censorship of, anyone who questioned what was happening.
Pandemic Preparedness: The New Parasite By DAVID BELL. In the current rendering of this ploy, the public faces an ever-growing threat of pandemics that will devastate society if we in the public health industry are not given more money. They are given a story of urgency, and shielded from the historical and scientific realities that would undermine it.
Is China Preparing for War? By ROBIN KOERNER. The long-run power disparity between Taiwan and China is so great that Taiwan simply has no realistic prospect of defending itself against a patient and determined China. And if Chinese history and politics teach anything at all, it is that the authoritarian Chinese can be patient.
Critical to save this stack. Everyone that reads this please save.
We the people are the future. Information in a modern society is critical.
Keep it for historical use. Truth matters.
Thank you Jeffrey A. Tucker for your closing sentiment: "One means to reverse this horror is simple: find friends, celebrate together, share stories and ideals, promote peace and love, and work to rebuild what we have lost." 🫂 🧑🤝🧑 🫂 🧑🤝🧑 🫂