We Can and Will Survive
Inspired by indefatigable resistance of the past, we will continue to fight.
The great Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Surgeon General of Florida, will be our dinner speaker for “The Great Restoration: Conference and Gala,” Saturday, December 3, 20220, Miami, Florida. His brilliance, insight, and courage have combined to become a guiding light in Florida. Despite being savage by media attacks, he kept his cool and just kept saying what is true throughout. We honor his achievements.
The dinner is preceded by a conference that features many of the most significant writers, researchers, and voices in today’s struggles for freedom. These are people who have had a mighty role in bringing us through this storm.
We hope you can join us! Also, bring some friends along. It’s going to be a historic gathering. And certainly these are times when we must gather with friends and make new ones.
Have you noticed that you can read and browse Brownstone in all major languages? For example, here is German, Spanish, and French.
As for the many donors and supporters who stepped up to help our crucial fellows programs, we are deeply grateful and so are those who have been awarded the honor for 2023. We surely do hope to scale up this program because it is desperately needed.
Here is some content from this week.
Only Experts Can Fill Ice Cube Trays BY ERIC HUSSEY. Those simple instructions are comforting, now that our lives also come with their own set of instructions. Those superiors who somehow missed their destinies in writing instructions for plastic ice cube trays now work in public health. Pay no attention to the accumulated knowledge from prior generations. For goodness sake don’t read for yourselves, despite virtually everything being available online. And at all costs remember that children do not deserve special attention.
We Can and Will Survive BY MARY DAWOOD CATLIN. I will take the fear and turn it into fearlessness. I will take the censorship and speak out louder than ever. I will take their suffering, and turn it into bliss and jubilation. I will take the silence of those dark years, and turn it into forever-lasting remembrance. We can and will survive and thrive.
The Solidarity Argument for Forced Mass Vaccination Turned Out to Be False BY PER SHAPIRO. Portraying the crimes of states and authorities as accidents at work is welcome because it resonates with how most people would wish the world to be. We do not want to believe that authoritative bodies purposefully commit psychopathic deeds. The thought that our decision-makers would have introduced vaccine passes despite knowing that the injections did not protect against the spread of infection is horrible.
DeSantis Delivers in Huge Win for the Anti-Lockdown Cause BY MICHAEL SENGER. The real significance is that DeSantis outperformed by a wide margin at the same time the Republican Party underperformed across the rest of the country.
Lawmaking Is Catch Me If You Can BY BOBBIE ANNE FLOWER COX. There aren’t enough lawyers like me to fight all of the stunningly illegal regulations and laws that our government is churning out at record rates. Even if there were an abundance of like-minded attorneys, the other problem is that lawsuits take time, a lot of time. And, lawsuits take money. And whilst the lawsuits are being fought, people are being injured in the interim. It’s not sustainable. We need to change the paradigm!
We Need Honesty on Lockdowns and Mandates Now! BY MICHAEL SENGER. The benefit of being on the right side of history is that all you have to do is be honest. Democrats played an outsized role in the worst policy catastrophe of the 21st century to date. All Republicans have to do is treat voters like adults.
Reality Check on the Vaccine Narrative By RAMESH THAKUR. Over two-thirds said the governments’ pandemic response had been too heavy-handed, 25 percent said the leaders had done the best they could, and 8 percent thought Australia had handled the pandemic as well as any other country. Most strikingly of all, only 35 percent of the 45,000 vaccinated respondents in the poll said they would make the same decision again, while not a single unvaccinated person expressed regret for the decision.
It’s Not Cognitive Dissonance. It’s Doublethink. By THORSTEINN SIGLAUGSSON. Has the person who believes two contradictory statements at the same time in some way transcended reason, and entered into a religious dimension? Or has he simply lost his mind?
The Long Road Ahead By PAUL FRIJTERS. The reality is that people do still vote for their captors. They really do not want to admit the damage they have been party to, even if that damage is to their own children, their own businesses, and their own communities. The big takeaway is that what Charles MacKay said in 1841 really does hold: “Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.” Recovering senses takes years, not months.
German Public Television Compares Censored Twitter Voices to “Rats” By ROBERT KOGON. Germany’s ARD public television published a commentary last weekend describing censored Twitter voices as “rats” and calling for them to be “beaten back into their holes.”
Lockdowns Discredit Those Who Try Them, Even the CCP By JOHN TAMNY. History will say that drunk with power American politicians acted like Chinese politicians only to get a Chinese result. The Chinese leadership acted Chinese on the way to another horrifying result. And for the pundits who proclaimed the Chinese response in 2020 effective for it being freedom-crushing, just know that the internet is forever.
They Wanted to Sweep it All Under the Rug By BROWNSTONE INSTITUTE. At Brownstone Institute, we’ve made it our mission to connect the dots. We do it every day with the best analysis, research, and commentary. We’ve made all these subjects impossible to ignore. Our thinking is that we have to get this history right, and understand all the cause-and-effect relationships, or we risk repeating the whole calamity under another excuse.
Pro-Lockdown Celebs Balk at Paying for Twitter By MICHAEL SENGER. If you got your news from celebrities on social media, you’d probably think the most important thing in the world right now is that Elon Musk will begin charging $8 per month for a Twitter verification.
A Small Town, Lost to Lockdowns and Mandates By NAOMI WOLF. When you drive to Millerton, it looks like you are driving into the heart of archetypal America; Psychically, emotionally, there is blood flowing in the streets; and bodies are stacked up, invisible, in front of the candy stores, the high end wine stores, the pretty memorials to the World War Two dead; outside the farmers’ market on Saturdays, outside the tapas bars.
The Post-Lockdown Labor Market: Weak and Worsening By DAVID STOCKMAN. What is happening is people are taking multiple jobs in order to stay abreast of the soaring cost-of-living, and also because work-from-home has made it very easy for free lancers and gig workers—especially in the tech sector—to attach themselves to two, three or even four employer payrolls. These all count as “jobs” in the establishment survey, but not in the household survey.
Evidence of Early Spread in the US: What We Know By BILL RICE. We don’t know when these people in the three Western states (or the other six Midwestern and Northeast states) may have been infected – but for probably most of them it would have been many weeks or even months before they donated blood.That is, the “Red Cross blood study” provides compelling evidence that early spread in America probably occurred by at least early October and perhaps even September.
They Want Us to Hate Each Other By JIM KOFALT. Human beings are tribal by nature. We instinctively divide the world into an “us” and a “them”. It’s a mental shortcut. It relieves us of any responsibility to engage in deeper discernment. It protects us from risk. If we just stick with our own people, — or so the argument goes, — then we will be safe.
Was there a Covid Response Plan? If So, Where Is It? By DEBBIE LERMAN. The US government’s long-established pandemic response plans were not followed at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and nothing seems to have taken their place. How could this be? Surely, there is a document telling the American people, politicians, public health leaders and state and local governments what our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is widely described as the biggest disaster to afflict us in the 21st century, was meant to be.
My Letter to Wellesley’s Academic Council and Administration By Anon. Wellesley Student. No one should have to violate her conscience or her body because she is being coerced into doing so by an institution far bigger and far more powerful than she is, an institution that holds its boot over her head while it claims to fight for her rights as a woman to make her own decisions.
A Mom-Led Rebellion By EMILY BURNS. There was no mistake. There was a political calculation that harmed us, but even more, that harmed our children. The harm was considered acceptable because those who undertook it, took the votes of women for granted. They assumed they could lie and manipulate us into believing these harms were necessary, or barring that, unintentional. If we, as women, want our votes to be courted in the future by either party, we must vote to punish the past three years treachery.
The West and China have more of a nuclear war mentality than Putin does. He may have said the word but it is not in his heart.