Varmagate and the Collapse of Expertise
We heard from doctors, scientists, attorneys, journalists, economists, and researchers from many fields, in an interdisciplinary setting, very much the way people think universities should function.
The most important takeaway from Varmagate is not the hypocrisy of the Covid czar of New York City during the lockdowns. That he was attending drug-fueled sex parties during this time is outrageous to be sure. But the real scandal – among many – is that he admits to the hidden camera that he never believed that the vaccine really mattered.
The unnamed girl asks him if he worries about having sex with an unvaccinated person. He is positively dismissive:
“I think it’s a weird, like, belief that somehow like their body is different. It doesn’t make any difference at all! Everybody’s been exposed to the virus, whether you’re exposed to the virus because it’s breathed on you or because you got it injected into you. It’s the same immune response.”
During this very time, he, Anthony Fauci, and many others in “public health” were completely dismissive of natural immunity. They wanted the whole population injected with shots using new technology that ended up causing vast harm. But even in Varma’s own words, there was no real difference between the unvaccinated and the vaccinated because “everybody’s been exposed to the virus.”
Brownstone Institute has published countless articles explaining this very thing, even as Facebook and other platforms were removing accounts that drew attention to natural immunity. It’s not that the public health authorities were confused. Now we know for sure that they were lying.
The population as a whole was abused in ways that are deeply immoral and horrifyingly destructive. We knew it at the time. It was awful to see it unfold in real time. The world’s greatest cities were segregated by force, devastating commerce and dividing the population. And yet they knew the entire time that the end goal was not health but compliance and division.
This is all unspeakably evil.
The news of the Dr. Varma video hit just as Brownstone Institute scholars and fellows were gathering for one of our regular private retreats. This was simply fabulous. We heard from doctors, scientists, attorneys, journalists, economists, and researchers from many fields, in an interdisciplinary setting, very much the way people think universities should function.
We are deeply grateful to our 12,000 donors who make such events possible. They are essential to our future, and help build out parallel institutions that are making a huge difference. We are doing the same in the fields of pandemic planning, censorship, and monetary economics. Our working groups are forming intellectual networks of integrity and real impact.
If you can help, please do so. Now is the time. None of this would be possible without the support of donors who care deeply about the future.
The next Philadelphia supper club will take place on Thursday, October 3. Our guest speaker is our own Mark Oshinskie, prolific Substack writer, Brownstone contributor, and author of Dispatches from a Scamdemic. Register here.
Registrations for our November 1-2 conference and gala, at the William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh, have been high, so we’ve expanded capacity. Secure your spot. It’s the extravaganza of the year. You should come to be among friends in times fraught with peril. All the names you know will be present, including Robert Malone, Bret Weinstein, Jay Bhattarcharya, and many more.
Here is some content since our last email.
The UN Machinery against Human Rights By Thi Thuy Van Dinh and David Bell. This is the last part in a series looking at the plans of the United Nations (UN) and its agencies designing and implementing the agenda of the Summit of the Future in New York on 22-23 September 2024.
Could Bird Flu Be the October Surprise? By Clayton J. Baker. In its current iteration, Bird flu has caused no widespread human illness, no human deaths, and sporadic outbreaks in farm animal populations. However, it could be applied to disrupt the November 5 US Presidential election.
Political Pointillism By Thomas Buckley. So there are actually two different paintings for two different worlds – the controlled world and the controller world. Like in the analogy of Plato’s cave, the public is only allowed to see a vague shadow of the controller world.
The Australian Government Reboots the Misinformation Bill By Andrew Lowenthal. The bill outsources truth policing to social media platforms on the pain of having to pay up to 5% of their annual revenue if they fail to comply. The result is sure to be a massive chilling effect.
A Confluence of Monopolies, Manipulations, and Moore’s Law By Toby Rogers. The Covid crisis is the story of billionaires, monopolies, psyops, Moore’s law, vaccine injury, and CRISPR. All of these factors came together in Covid to create a new pernicious ruling class with unprecedented powers.
ACMA’s Role in Australia’s Censorship Campaign By Rebekah Barnett. Today, Communications Minister Michelle Rowland tabled a new version of the bill which is intended to “carefully balance the public interest in combatting seriously harmful misinformation and disinformation with the freedom of expression that is so fundamental to our democracy.”
Those Published “17,000 Hydroxychloroquine Deaths” Never Happened By David Gortler. To be exact: there were never “17,000 deaths;” it was always a hypothetical extrapolation of people that could have died, based on “unreliable” (eg, actually, fraudulent) databases on top of the previously mentioned, problematic late-stage RECOVERY-trial-type dosing and timing.
Rebuild for the Next Storm By Reverend John F. Naugle. My mother’s death ensured that I am incapable of forgetting. My prayer is that the hardships which we now face will do the same for us as a people, lest we find ourselves built on sand when the next storm comes.
A Fourth Amendment for the 21st Century By Daniel Nuccio. “Twentieth-century Fourth Amendment law was really written for a world before computers,” stated Reilly Stephens, an attorney with the Liberty Justice Center. “…and there were these assumptions built into the law that were really based around resource constraints.”
At the Mercy of Palliative Care By Jason Strecker. We received the death certificate, and the listed causes of death did not include the RAT test. In a final act by Public Health, my father’s life and death were used as a statistic to support a dishonest narrative.
Dungeons and Dragons Archetypes Come to Life By Bert Olivier. When confronted by an enemy, it is imperative to know them. And the more powerful this enemy is, the more urgent it is to be able to gauge their character – their strengths, their weaknesses, and most importantly, their psychological disposition.
iPhone Now Collects Your Mental Health Data By Robert Malone. True Story: The Health app built into iPhones is now collecting as much personal information on the mental health of each and every one of us as they can get a hold of.
The Amish: A Control Group for Technofeudalism By Tracy Thurman. Because the Amish have rejected modern life, they have become a control group for many of the social ills that began to plague the rest of us over the past few decades – particularly Big Tech, Big Education, and corporatized medicine.
The Great Sorting and I, Robot By Ian McNulty. What about Heart? Feelings? Love, sympathy, and compassion? Can they not be allowed to play any part in the future of humanity? Are reason, rationality, and logic the only faculties that can be allowed in the decision-making of the future?
Coordination of the Global Pandemic Response By Debbie Lerman. To show how the pandemic response was centrally coordinated, I will provide an overview of how it took place in different countries and how nearly identical each country’s response was. I will then delve into the goals of the pandemic planners.