To Jail You Go
Telegram’s billionaire CEO Pavel Durov has been arrested in France. It’s all part of the goal of codifying a global surveillance state.
Telegram’s billionaire CEO Pavel Durov has been arrested in France. We don’t know the charges specifically but he has been famously unwilling to provide a backdoor to governments. It’s all part of the goal of codifying a global surveillance state.
We are closer to the Orwellian nightmare than most people think. There are a growing number of freedom fighters who are being jailed for the purely political crime of defending freedom.
The CEO of Rumble has stated that he will not give in. There is no way to know who else is on the list or who will be next. For that matter, Steve Bannon is in jail right now merely for skipping out on a political witch trial, as many have done for decades without consequence.
The problem of censorship is not one many people expected to hit the world in times when decentralization and digital information was supposed to make us ever more free. But with the rise of political populism, the control of information flows intensified and then reached a crisis with the Covid lockdowns of 2020 and following.
The world of free speech is now heavily vexed by a powerful architecture of censorship, an industrial complex that uses corporate consolidation, third-party funding, and censorial embeds to marginalize based on opinion contrary to regime priorities both industrial and political.
Brownstone Institute’s Censorship Working Group has taken on this topic together with a handful of other institutions and intellectuals to bolster the case for free speech and expose all the ways in which digital-age censorship works.
In the course of a year, and with regular meetings, the group has together published nearly 100 or more articles, appeared in many dozens of videos and podcasts, supported other writers with information sources and documentation, weighed in on continuing litigation, and provided a credible counter to current trends.
The battle is far from over but this group has made a difference in getting the word out and educating the public to support free speech. Brownstone’s millions of readers have read and shared a near daily stream of news analysis, research, and updates, and these have been cross-posted on author Substacks and other news sites, appeared in many languages, and kept the issue alive in an increasingly closed and controlled environment.
To be sure, there is no final victory here, much less wins that definitively secure rights for the future. But given this, the Working Group has made a difference, even to the point of being cited in a new book by Justice Neil Gorsuch of the Supreme Court (Over Ruled). Ultimately, the people doing focused work on this topic are no more than a few dozen and the institutions involved can be counted on one hand, which is tragic but all the more reason why this group needed to come into existence.
None of this would be possible without the support of donors who care deeply about broader issues such as this one. Brownstone Institute’s deep gratitude is very much due for having made this possible.
It is our hope that we can continue these efforts for another year, as litigation continues, the issue heats up in public debate, and political trends increasingly draw attention to these issues.
Brownstone Institute on censorship
Aaron Kheriaty, Debbie Lerman, Andrew Lowenthal, and Jeffrey Tucker. “The Closing of the Internet Mind,” The American Mind, May 22, 2024.
We have hope to renew this working group for another year but only you can make this possible. Brownstone Institute was founded to be there for truth and freedom and just such times. We provide a sanctuary from the chaos, providing light and safety to displaced intellectuals, writers, and so many others. Your support is all we have to make our work possible.
You can still buy your ticket for our Philadelphia supper club on September 5th. Our guest speaker is Mary Holland, CEO of Children’s Health Defense and a leader in the health freedom movement for more than two decades. She’ll tell us about recent issues in children’s health and vaccines and will share stories about her advocacy work since the Covid pandemic.
Registrations for our November 1-2 conference and gala, at the William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh, are open. Secure your spot. It’s the extravaganza of the year. You should come to be among friends in times fraught with peril. All the names you know will be present, including Robert Malone, Bret Weinstein, Jay Bhattarcharya, and many more.
Here is some content since our last email.
SCOTUS Versus Free Speech By Jayanta Bhattacharya. In a 6 to 3 ruling on the Murthy v. Missouri case, the Supreme Court ruled against me and my fellow co-plaintiffs, in effect rendering the US First Amendment a dead letter in the social media age.
Save the Voters, Replace the Schools By Peter St Onge. If we’re to save our democracy, we have to save our voters – by replacing government schools with schools that actually teach instead of indoctrinate. That could mean school choice, vouchers, or homeschooling co-ops.
The Managerialist Revolution in Medicine By Aaron Kheriaty. Will we recognize that the managerialist ideology undermines medicine’s goals of health, and summon the will necessary to cut through all obstacles and cut away the excrescences that undermine the ability of physicians to heal?
Anchors in a Sea of Chaos By Mattias Desmet. In a totalitarian system, no one is safe. The only anchor will be precisely what our rationalist Enlightenment society pushed to the background: loyalty to ethical principles even if it means losing whatever you possess in the world of appearances.
The Seven Deadly Sins of Our World By Toby Rogers. We need a revolution to replace the Covidians with people who understand liberty. But even once we take power and restore the basic freedoms of the past 250 years, we need checks and balances for science and medicine.
What Is Really Going on at Federal Agencies? By Jeffrey Tucker. Every single candidate should be asked to explain their answer to a basic question: what in your view is the role of government? Whatever the answer is, all existing practices of government need to be assessed in light of that.
My Board Certifications Have Been Revoked By Pierre Kory. What happened to me was censorship action. It was done for two reasons. The first was to destroy my reputation. The other was to send a message to doctors that if they stray from consensus, they will be punished.
The Forces That Imperil Public Order By Ramesh Thakur. Public disquiet has grown but bubbled along under the surface for decades at serially repeating instances of police refusing to enforce the law for fear of transgressing multicultural and woke pieties…
More on Time Theft By Eric Hussey. Government agencies feel no compunction about stealing my time since they are convinced that they are entitled, by law, to steal my time as duly paid representatives of the government.
All Warfare Is Based on Deception By Bert Olivier. ‘All warfare is based on deception’ may be applied to our present situation, where a very powerful enemy, who has taken the initiative from the start of the present crisis, has deceived us to its own advantage.
Who Is Tim Walz? By Ann Bauer. Since he became the presumptive VP candidate, stories have come out that I never knew—because media has been running cover for Tim Walz for years. He’s really just a lefty Trump, only with Hollywood and media on his side.
Rate Cuts Will Achieve Nothing By David Stockman. Notwithstanding the deleterious impact of rate cuts on investment trends, the Wall Street mantra still claims that rate cuts are necessary to prevent the economy from tipping over into recession. But this claim is not supported by the evidence.
Time to Connect the Dots By Russ Gonnering. What ties The Center for Health Security, The Department of Defense, The World Economic Forum, Big Pharma, Fauci, Gates etc. together? Is it merely a consortium of individuals and entities, or is something else behind it all, calling the shots?
Herd or Hero, Body or ‘Soul’ By Sinead Murphy. Our identity is such a merely theoretical construct that it is subject to endless reengineering and constant updating. Descartes got it upside-down. Bodies are obstinate and resistant. It is souls that are the playthings of those who conspire against us.
Toward an Archaeology of Anger By Haley Kynefin. Anger: What is its role? How do we interpret it? How do we wield and transform it? These are questions that may be key to understanding how to engage with those around us as we attempt to restore our world.