Times of Hope
The NYT is wondering why Christmas-tree maximalism is so much in fashion. Goodness, no one knows! It’s just a mystery!
This holiday season is certainly one for the ages.
We are getting daily document dumps revealing the astonishing range of censorship and totalitarian control imposed on the US and the world, including a 500-page confession from the agency CISA that essentially ran the pandemic response.
At the same time, the House Subcommittee on Weaponization has released a chronicle of four years of madness and it comes in at 17,000 pages!
What we are going to find out in the coming months and years will be mind-blowing, no matter how much we think we are prepared for it.
The challenges ahead are enormous so we are using these few weeks to prepare in every way.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas!
The NYT is wondering why Christmas-tree maximalism is so much in fashion. Goodness, no one knows! It’s just a mystery!
We have just a few days remaining to donate to the great cause with your contribution to Brownstone Institute. Will you renew your support? Thank you for considering.
The Philadelphia supper club is on January 9 and features none other than Brownstone Founder and President Jeffrey Tucker! We hope to see you there.
We have a new location for supper club! It is Bloomington, Indiana. The date is January 13!
Here is some content since our last email.
A Time of Hope By Brownstone Institute. There is at last a case for hope. Maybe. Regardless, there is proof that our voices matter, that our loss of faith can turn toward rebuilding, that perhaps the people can take back power and get their lives back.
Medicine Needs Critical Thinking, not Critical Theory By Russ Gonnering. The credibility of Public Health institutions has been squandered. It will only be regained through insistence on accountability for past actions, the untangling of the influence of Big Pharma on public policy, and reform in organized medicine and medical education.
Idiot’s Guide to Cooking Data for Aspiring Propagandists By Aaron Hertzberg. The following short guidebook will provide the aspiring propagandist, WEF lackey, Communist Apparatchik, Woke Marxist, and seasoned government bureaucrat alike with the tools and knowledge necessary to develop their promising talent into full-bloom mastery of the art of propaganda.
Bowling Alone on Christmas in Bedford Falls By Daniel Nuccio. What I find rather striking post-Covid is the toll the Covid era took on holiday traditions. A few times per season, upon asking others about their holiday plans, they give some standard answer before adding how things aren’t like before.
The Banalization of Education By Thomas Harrington. Working within the classic canons of liberal reformism, we can surely institute changes that will slightly improve the educational experience of students. But it seems to me that incremental reforms of this type will no longer suffice.
Never Underestimate the Power of Unfinished Business By Robert Malone. As soon as President Trump implements Schedule F, the Senior Executives Association may challenge it in court, and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will use its new rules to fight it tooth and nail.
The Season for Living By Sinead Murphy. There is a happiness that only comes from keeping menace at bay. It is what has made Christmas so joyous – a festival of warmth and light reclaimed from the frost and the night. A hearth of all things human.
Preference Falsification and Cascade By Jeffrey Tucker. Preference falsification is different from self-censorship because people outright lie about what they really think. When the lie persists long enough, people begin to believe it, proclaiming fealty to one idea while holding another one in their heart of hearts.
Essex Police Visit Journalist’s Home over Tweets By David Thunder. The vague charges hanging over Ms Pearson’s head, and her vulnerability to a potential witch hunt by Essex Police, are not misapplications of hate speech legislation, but logical consequences of it.
They’re Trialing Self-Amplifying RNA-LNP-Based Products By Jessica Rose. Will the people be told the truth about the GMO-ness and forever-copying-ness of these products? Will the remaining and unresolved compendial standard issues pertaining to the potency and process-related impurities be addressed? Will the LNP toxicity issues be investigated properly?
A Potpourri of the World’s Unexposed Scandals By Bill Rice. For far too long, America’s greatest scandal has been that no important scandals can be exposed. Today, however, it seems possible this state of affairs might not remain our New Normal forever.