The Wrong Lesson
Government took the wrong lesson from the Covid period: it can get away with terrible actions against the people. It can censor. It can rely on media complicity.
Government took the wrong lesson from the Covid period: it can get away with terrible actions against the people. It can censor. It can rely on media complicity. The highest levels of corporate culture will go along. It can rely on enforcement bludgeons emerging from within the firmament of the credentialed class of professionals, the 21st century’s version of the Red Guard.
The other side of the coin is that, in poker parlance, they revealed their hand. Millions are onto the game. Brownstone Institute has assembled many of the brightest, most dedicated, and most hard-working researchers, writers, litigators, and intellectuals with a mission to save freedom and fundamentally change public culture.
Informing all this work is the awareness of what’s really going on in ruling-class circles. They truly have been found out. That, however, only intensifies the stakes and the terms. The attempt now is to escalate the coercion, double down on censorship, and tighten the grip over the population.
The history is writing itself right now, and Brownstone Institute is thrilled to be at the center of it all, not as a political activist but as an information source, a supporter of canceled intellectuals, a tool for top-quality research, and an inspiration to multitudes.
We have a flurry of studies and books on the way. But there are never enough resources to achieve all that needs to be done. For example, we are awaiting full funding for our Censorship Working Group, which plans a 10-part video series with high-end production. Our funding goal is $125,000 for a full year.
If you can help, please do so. Now is the time. None of this would be possible without the support of donors who care deeply about broader issues such as this one. Brownstone Institute’s deep gratitude is very much due for having made this possible.
You can also register for the West Hartford, Connecticut supper club, on Wednesday, September 18, featuring Dr. Toby Rogers, a leading voice for sanity. You know him from his writings on Brownstone. Now you can hear him in person.
The next Philadelphia supper club will take place on Thursday, October 3. Our guest speaker is our own Mark Oshinskie, prolific Substack writer, Brownstone contributor, and author of Dispatches from a Scamdemic. Register here.
Registrations for our November 1-2 conference and gala, at the William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh, have been high, so we’ve expanded capacity. Secure your spot. It’s the extravaganza of the year. You should come to be among friends in times fraught with peril. All the names you know will be present, including Robert Malone, Bret Weinstein, Jay Bhattarcharya, and many more.
Here is some content since our last email.
The Escape from Managerialist Medicine By Aaron Kheriaty. The solution to our health woes will require empowering individuals and small communities with the tools necessary to heal. Dependence and addiction to a broken managerialized system will only worsen our health.
Grocery Rationing within Four Years By Jeffrey Tucker. There is likely another wave of inflation coming. This time it will meet with a promise to use every coercive power of government to prevent increases in prices on groceries and rents.
Perrottet Admits Mandates Were Wrong By Ian Miller. Politicians and their media partners don’t acknowledge mistakes; they don’t take responsibility for their actions. The only way these policies ever permanently end is if more people in positions of power such as Perrottet admit they were wrong.
Australian Government to Ban Social Media for Kids By Rebekah Barnett. The Australian Government is set to impose social media age limits, amid increasing concern over the effect of social media on youth mental health, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced today. Legislation is to be introduced later this year.
Global Convergence and the Coronavirus Trigger By Debbie Lerman. The Covid story is not about a single public health event run by a few individuals. It is not a consequence of any one country’s internal politics. It is, I believe, a precautionary chapter in a much larger global saga.
Three New Pacts to Be Approved at the UN Summit By Thi Thuy Van Dinh and David Bell. While avoiding accountability, the UN and world leaders intend to approve a set of 3 political, non-binding documents: i) a Pact for the Future, ii) a Declaration on Future Generations, and iii) a Global Digital Compact.
Do Not Admit Their Labels By Sinead Murphy. Do not admit their labels, which are only a portal to helplessness. Do not adopt their strategies, which are only furtherance of dysfunction. Do not enter upon the terrible project of ‘inclusion.’
To Piece Together a Broken World By Haley Kynefin. If I cannot attempt to physically force or coerce, or covertly manipulate people into accepting my ideas, or trying to create the society that I envision, then the mechanism for change needs to be through inspiration.
The Foreboding UN Convention on Cybercrime By Cecilie Jilkova. The UN committee approved the text of the Convention on Combating Cybercrime. Human rights organizations and information technology experts have called it a threat to democracy and the free world.
Big Pharma’s Rap Sheet By Julie Sladden. The rap sheet of illegal activities is alarming. It seems that barely a month goes by without some pharmaceutical company in court, somewhere. Criminal convictions are common and fines tally into the billions.
What Broke Libertarianism? By Jeffrey Tucker. Nearly the whole of the professional, intellectual, and government class has betrayed the cause of universal human liberty in our times. But among those who were supposed to be less susceptible were the libertarians. They fell too, and tragically so.
Mathematical Models Are Weapons of Mass Destruction By Tomas Furst. Mathematical modelling is a good servant but a bad master. If it turns out that mathematical models were – once again – wrong, it may be too late to undo the damage caused in the name of “combating” climate change.
Technocrats and Authoritarianism By Thomas Harrington. As the ideal of representative democracy moved to the center of European and American life, those slated to lose power began touting a modern wisdom that would spare us the inefficiency of government by and for the people.
Trump’s 63 Million Doses of Hydroxychloroquine Could Have Been Great for America By David Gortler. Following Trump’s proposal, HCQ came under an unwarranted full-scale attack from federal officials, the press, “fact-checkers,” and university professors. Many of the attacks contained falsehoods about HCQ’s pharmacology and safety or Trump’s endeavor to make HCQ available to eligible patients.