The post-lockdown litigation flurry has been wild. The White House has appealed the injunction against government agencies that was renewed by a federal court. The goal is to regain and entrench the government’s power to censor your voice.
Brownstone Institute is proud that several of its writers and associates are part of this litigation.
And our fellow Bobbie Anne Cox was in court this week in Rochester, New York, arguing the appeal of the judgment against the quarantine-camp law of the governor. Hundreds of freedom lovers were there to cheer her on, as a small group of judges sat stone faced listening to the attorneys.
We await the final decision.
It is all quite the picture. More and more, it looks like a large group of informed and passionate people vs a small ruling class trying to hold onto power!
There are no quick fixes and no single front of this fight. In the end, it will be public opinion and not courts or legislatures that determine whether we can regain the freedoms we have lost.
We have great news on our event in Dallas, November 4, 2023. Joining as speakers are Jay Bhattacharya and Naomi Wolf, two great heroes of our epoch. Should you be there? Yes you should!
As the winter months approach, you might prepare with some fabulous new hoodies from Brownstone Institute!
The professional displacement of so many of the greatest fighters for freedom in our time continues. Brownstone started its fellows program to deal with the problem. But it is still wildly underfunded compared with the intense demand. You can do your point to support them. Thank you!
Here is some content since our last email:
The UN’s New Political Declaration on Pandemics By David Bell. The main aim of the Declaration is to back the proposed WHO international health regulation (IHR) amendments and treaty (PP26), key to ensuring that viral outbreaks that have such a small impact can remain highly profitable. An additional $10 billion per year in new financing is requested to support this (PP29). There is a reason why most countries have laws against scams. The UN and its agencies, fortunately for its staff, are outside of any national jurisdiction.
Megyn Kelly Asks Trump a Few Hard Questions By Jeffrey A. Tucker. For more than three years, there have been burning questions about Trump’s role and precisely why this hell was visited upon us. It will undoubtedly be studied for years. More frustrating still has been the general unwillingness even to ask questions of the great/evil man who Republicans cheer and Democrats loathe.
The Religion of Masking By Gwendolyn Kull. Masking restrictions are not a “health power” the state governments are permitted to enforce. Masking mandates are not a public health measure the federal government is permitted to sanction. Both impede life and liberty guaranteed to the People by being human and safeguarded by the People through enforcing our Constitution. As such, the People will not comply.
Why is Rhode Island Still Irrationally Targeting School Children with “Masking and Testing” Policies? By Andrew Bostom. One of the consistent mercies of the SARS-CoV-2 “covid-19 pandemic,” even at its most virulent initial stages, has been the paucity of serious disease in children generally, and healthy children, universally. Covid-19 always was and remains a very highly age- and comorbid risk-stratified disease that targets the extremely frail elderly—especially those in congregate care—and the otherwise middle-aged to elderly with multiple (for example, ≥ 6!), severe, chronic comorbidities.
Orwell Meets Your Stuffy Nose By Jeffrey A. Tucker. It’s all quite brazen and absurd. It’s especially rotten that the FDA seems to be placing the blame for a decade and a half of stuffy noses on the manufacturers of cold products – even though it was the government itself that forced them to use inferior ingredients in the first place.
The Renewed Injunction Neglects the Power of the Intelligence Community By Brownstone Institute. The Fifth Circuit failed to acknowledge the critical role the intelligence community played in the Covid response and the assault on the Bill of Rights. By reinstating agencies’ power to partner with groups designed to circumvent the First Amendment, the Court risks the continued erosion of First Amendment freedoms under public-private totalitarianism.
Editor at “Pro-Vaccine Publication” Experienced Serious Adverse Event After Second Pfizer Shot By Rav Arora. As a journalist, I cannot say much more than the best available facts suggest, but as has been clear for far too long, the mRNA vaccines were not beneficial and safe on a population-level for young, healthy men — yet the CDC and FDA didn’t care. Hopefully, “pro-vaccine publication[s]” may recognize the harm they helped perpetuate.
David v. Goliath in New York By Brownstone Institute. This governor’s regulation puts the power at the highest levels of the state government – centrally controlled. The governor’s regulation not only circumvents the legislature’s power and responsibility to enact appropriate laws for the citizenry, but it also takes that power beyond the local level, where it can most appropriately be considered, and completely fails to protect the rights of the individuals against misuse or mis-application by the state officials.
Never Again By John Tamny. During what government deems crisis, it’s those most willing and eager to flout convention and expert opinion who produce crucial information for the rest of us. If living freely results in sickness and death, then we all know what not to do. But if as was the case with the coronavirus that living freely wasn’t much of a risk at all except for the already very old and already very sick, then those who didn’t flout convention and expert opinion have the information necessary to alter their lifestyles with the information created by the rebellious.
A Fungal Non-Apocalypse By Steve Templeton. Bottom line—there’s not going to be a fungal apocalypse. I say this as a fungal immunologist that would certainly benefit from making the case for a fungal apocalypse, but I think we’ve had enough fearmongering the last few years for many lifetimes, and fearmongering ultimately further erodes public trust in scientists and public health “experts.”