The Purge of a Dissident Doctor
Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Gill has been through hell and back simply for being on the side of truth. But her stance has cost her dearly. The government imposed high fees which now stand at $300,000.
Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Gill is a kind, compassionate, and humane doctor to underprivileged communities west of Toronto, Canada. At the beginning of the Covid lockdowns, she was overwhelmed at the costs imposed on the communities she served and went public with her opposition to all the measures. That outspokenness is now costing her: the medical board and the government came after her in a case that wound up in court.
She has been through hell and back simply for being on the side of truth. But her stance has cost her dearly. The government imposed high fees which now stand at $300,000, which she has to pay before March 24 else lose her house and be forced into bankruptcy. The situation is grim.
However, a campaign to save her from this devastation has been started and, as of this writing, has raised $68,000. There is a long way to go. If you can help, please do.
It’s shocking to consider the billions and trillions sloshing around the worlds of pharma, tech, government agencies, the World Health Organization plus those vast foundations supporting them all as they behave as predators on the people. Surely the dissident community can come to her aid. If this works for her, Brownstone institute would like to grant her a fellowship to continue her practice and writing. You can help that too.
Brownstone was established with the first mission of giving dissidents a home, a community of support, and a bridge. This passion grew from a realization that our times are not unlike those in interwar Europe, with its own purges and opportunities for resistance. It takes on a different form in our time but the substance of what we face today is chillingly similar.
Elements of life today seem somewhat normal but they are not. We have lost freedoms. The people who ruled the world from 2020 on are still in charge. The war on dissent continues and even intensifies. Now is the time to care. Now is the time to act.
There is so much you can do – and so much that Brownstone is doing – do but please consider coming to the inaugural supper club meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 4, featuring Debbie Lerman and her crucial research. Register here.
Here is some content since our last email:
Google’s A.I. Fiasco Exposes Deeper Infowarp By Bret Swanson. If anyone thinks this episode is mostly about ostentatiously woke drawings, or if they think Google can quickly fix the bias in its A.I. products and everything will go back to normal, they don’t understand the breadth and depth of the decade-long infowarp.
The Harm of College Vaccine Mandates By Ian Miller. The very “experts” and administrators who admonished critics with endless appeals to authority, claiming that they were “following the science” while detractors were “anti-science” extremists, likely caused a net harm to thousands, if not millions of their students.
When Panic Became Normalized By Reverend John F. Naugle. What leaders in government did, whether it be President Trump on the national level or your health department head on the local level, was an abject failure in what is one of the first duties of good leadership. To encourage panic and the psychological devastation that accompanies panic is wicked and depraved. The lack of accountability for nearly any of those guilty portends a future even more devoid of the necessary virtues required for good leadership.
How Will We Remember the Pandemic Era? By Daniel Nuccio. Jump ahead a couple decades from the present and it seems almost certain that there will be no shortage of people reluctant to accept that organizations like the CDC behaved in a disreputable and dishonest manner. Moreover, it does not seem difficult to imagine mothers reprimanding sons for vowing disobedience in future pandemics, while older relatives shake their heads in disbelief at how young contrarians somehow don’t understand the reason we locked down and masked up was to do our part and help flatten the curve.
The PREP Act Swallowed the Bill of Rights By Brownstone Institute. The US sold its citizens’ right to jury trials to the country’s largest lobbying force, and Americans now bear the costs after Pharma cashed record profits. The PREP Act, a 2005 statute invoked by HHS Secretary Alex Azar at the onset of the pandemic, guarantees immunity “with respect to all claims caused by, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the administration to or the use by an individual of a covered countermeasure,” including mRNA vaccines.
How Did American Capitalism Mutate Into American Corporatism? By Jeffrey Tucker. I truly wish these companies were genuinely private, but they are not. They are de facto state actors. More precisely, they all work hand-in-glove and which is the hand and which is the glove is no longer clear. Coming to terms with this intellectually is the major challenge of our times. Dealing with it juridically and politically seems like a much more daunting task, to say the least. The problem is complicated by the drive to purge serious dissent at all levels of society. How did American capitalism become American corporatism? A little at a time and then all at once.
Germany’s Role in What Happened By Robert Kogon. It is all the more remarkable that these German connections are being ignored given that the supposedly ‘American’ story of the creation and release of Covid-19 points right back to them: namely, to a German or, more exactly, German-Dutch coronavirus research nexus, which has played a key role in the Covid-19 response and at whose centre we find none other than Christian Drosten. Drosten is, of course, the German creator of the notoriously hypersensitive and unreliable Covid-19 PCR test which was the very basis of the declaration of a pandemic.
Australian Court Blocks Covid Vaccine Challenge By Rebekah Barnett. A judge who previously provided legal counsel to Pfizer has blocked a legal challenge over Moderna’s and Pfizer’s mRNA Covid vaccines, stalling efforts to raise the alarm over alleged unregulated genetically modified organisms (GMOs), including high levels of DNA contamination, in the vials.
In the Shadow of Oedipus By Julie Ponesse. I want to take the thesis of the last essay a step further and explore what might be causing our collapse. Is it a coincidence that we are suffering in so many different areas of life right now? Is it a little misstep on an otherwise progressive path? If we are on the verge of collapse, is it part of the arc of all great civilizations? Or, like Oedipus, do we suffer from some tragic flaw — a collective destructive character trait that we all share — that is responsible for bringing us to this place at this moment in history?
The War Between Knowledge and Stupidity By Bert Olivier. Judging by the fight between knowledge and stupidity today, the latter ostensibly still has the upper hand, but as more people are awakening to the titanic struggle between the two, knowledge is in the ascendant. It is up to us to tip the scales in its favour – as long as we realise that it is a never-ending battle.
Can the Chief Justice Stand Up to the Censors? By Brownstone Institute. It is not just the Court’s power to remedy usurpations of our liberty, but it is its duty. The Chief has been derelict in the past, deferring to the capricious whims of political opportunists, but Murthy v. Missouri offers the Chief an opportunity to reaffirm his Court’s commitment to the Constitution.
Reflections on Brownstone’s Retreat By David Barnhizer. People participating at the Brownstone Institute Retreat understand what is happening. It was a relief to be reminded that a wide range of committed and highly intelligent people understand the critical importance of challenging and interdicting what is being attempted. This resistance to power was a theme that ran through many of the presentations and discussions we experienced at the Retreat. I feel privileged to have been a part.
Science Writing is Rarely Journalism By Paul Thacker. The Covid pandemic created some of the worst science writing in our lifetimes. Major media outlets failed at providing readers with accurate and balanced news across a host of issues, including vaccines, masks, lockdowns and how the virus likely began spreading through the human population.
The Year of Elections By Ramesh Thakur. This is the year of elections, with 50 (World Economic Forum), 64 (Time), or 80 (Guardian) countries and the EU going to the polls, accounting for almost half the world’s total population. The list includes the US and India, the world’s most powerful and populous democracies, respectively. The US presidential election is the most internationally consequential of all while, by sheer weight of numbers, India’s is the most awe-inspiring.
The Silent Shame of Health Institutions By J.R. Bruning. There is no scientific agency outside the Ministry of Health that has flexibility and the capacity to undertake autonomous, long-term monitoring and research in nutrition, diet, and health. There is no independent, autonomous, public health research facility with sufficient long-term funding to translate dietary and nutritional evidence into policy, particularly if it contradicted current policy positions.
Shifting Alliances and Building Tribes By Christine Black. Is it time to disassemble sides and camps, to intermingle tribes, so we may think more critically and independently, build alliances to grapple with real and substantial challenges we share, challenges that get ignored while governments harm our health, waste our resources, order violence, and overreach their power and authority? Rulers and cartels, who have gotten paid all along, want us down in the street fighting each other. That way, they retain their power and keep getting paid…while nothing changes all that much.
February 27, 2020: The Lockdown Plan Goes Public By Debbie Lerman. As the “novel coronavirus” spread throughout the world in the early months of 2020, two diametrically opposed responses to such a virus were in play: The public health response, which was initially followed everywhere except China, involved telling the public not to panic, wash hands, and stay home when sick. This was standard protocol for a novel flu-like virus. Behind the scenes, the biodefense-industrial-complex was gearing up for a bioterrorism response: quarantine-until-vaccine.
Health: Factors, Paradoxes, and Dark Matter By Russ Gonnering. Sixty years ago, the first of a remarkable series of articles appeared in the medical literature describing the curious lack of cardiovascular deaths in Roseto, Pennsylvania in comparison to surrounding towns. Roseto, Pennsylvania had been settled predominantly by immigrants from Roseto Valfortore, a small town in the region of Apulia in southeastern Italy and remained a very tightly knit community. To explain this anomaly, investigations into numerous assumed health factors such as genetics, diet, and smoking were made, but all turned up negative.
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