In March of this year, the Biden administration released an executive order calling for a new central bank digital currency. It will programmable money, and allow for unprecedented political control over the money we use. The order even includes a test case: monitoring the carbon footprint of every citizen.
It all sounds so dystopian but we have been acculturated to dystopia. The World Economic Forum even brags about it. They locked us down, restricted our speech and religious rights, restricted our travel, limited the number of people we could have in our homes, and then forced medicine on us that most people did not want or need.
This is far from over. Political change at the top will only be effective if public opinion shifts in the direction of finally saying no to servitude. And that only happens with an intellectual vanguard there to make the case.
Brownstone Institute does this daily, and our millions of readers are grateful for such a voice. We rely fundamentally on your continued support. Thank you!
The New Parasitic Leviathan by TARA MCCORMACK. The consolidation of a non-democratic form of governance that relies on external sources of authority should be a matter of concern to all. A state that functions via emergency rule based on authority that does not derive from citizens is a dangerous one. It is a hollow state that can only function with external justifications and is no longer a democratic state.
When Did Trump Change His Mind about Lockdowns? By JEFFREY A. TUCKER. Consider the incredible timeline here. Trump readily agreed to a two-week lockdown, even though he had no such direct power to order such a thing. He then agreed to a 30-day extension though all reports are that he was upset that he had done so. And even after 36 days, he was publicly critical of Republican governors who proposed a reopening.
Gates or Germany? Who “Owns” the WHO’s Covid-19 Response? ROBERT KOGON. The idea that Bill Gates is somehow the driving force behind the WHO’s vaccine-centric Covid-19 response is very widespread – at least on Twitter. But this notion recently received some unexpected support from a mainstream media source: Politico
Regulation Nation BOBBIE ANNE FLOWER COX. If unelected bureaucrats can make rules/regulations that overstep their authorities, that conflict with the Constitution, that usurp the power of our elected legislators, then we become a totalitarian state. In that scenario, one person in the Executive Branch will then have a supreme power to tell agencies what to do, and those unelected agency actors will carry out the orders with obedience. “I am just following orders” is a very dangerous yet very real mantra in a “Regulation Nation.”
The Dystopian Vision of the Health-Information Police BY LAURA POWELL. Assembly Bill 2098 would empower the Medical Board of California to go after the licenses of physicians who disseminate “misinformation” or “disinformation” regarding Covid-19. The bill in its latest iteration defines misinformation as “false information that is contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care.” The inscrutability of this definition lies at the core of the bill’s opponents concerns.
How the Fed Funded and Prolonged the Lockdowns BY MICHAEL SENGER. The Federal Reserve flagrantly violated its mandate to maintain price stability when it kept interest rates near zero for a full year after inflation soared above its target. It’s disingenuous for the Fed governors to now act like inflation hawks, pushing the entire economy into recession, after they let inflation run unchecked well above their target for a full year.
Anthony Fauci and Ashish Jha Disqualify Themselves BY IAN MILLER. The current administration’s continued abandonment of science at the behest of their incompetent advisors is going to lead to permanent, rolling, untested boosters targeted to variants that will inevitably be outdated by the time they’re released.
Are We Falling as Rome Did? BY JULIE PONESSE. If our civilization collapses, it won’t be because of an outside attack, like Bedouin charging in from the desert. It will be because of those among us who, like parasites, destroy us from within. Our civilization may collapse and it could be due to any number of factors—war, the economy, natural disasters—but the silent killer, the one that may get us in the end, is our own moral catastrophe.
No, Lockdown Instigators Do Not Deserve the Benefit of the Doubt BY MICHAEL SENGER. The harms that lockdowns would cause were all well-known and reported at the time they were first adopted as policy in early 2020. These included accurate estimates of mass deaths due to delayed medical operations, a mental health crisis, drug overdoses, an economic recession, global poverty, hunger, and starvation.
Say Only What We Want to Hear, or We Will Take Away Your Livelihood BY THORSTEINN SIGLAUGSSON. When payment services or banks begin to act in this way, it should dawn upon us what a serious threat to free and open exchange of opinions we are facing. Not only can you be fired from your job, your very possibility to make a living will be taken away also.
The Vaccine Narrative Is as Leaky as the Vaccines BY RAMESH THAKUR. Let’s start with two simple questions. If regulators had the information available to them of the leakage between Covid-19 vaccine efficacy rates in controlled trials and their effectiveness in the real world, would they still grant emergency use authorization? Would their legal framework permit them to do so?
The Choice Is Liberty or Lockdown BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. The solution is not complicated. We need a renewed appreciation of human liberty and rights. That’s it. That is the whole prescription. It does not sound hard but apparently it is. This task will likely consume the rest of our lives.
Louisiana Repeals Shot Mandate for Schools BY ROBERT MALONE. It took a huge effort on the part of AG Jeff Landry, who never gave up. Louisiana for Medical Freedom and Representative Kathy Edmonston who has continued in this fight to stop the mandates and frankly, so many of us. Children’s Health Defense and Robert F Kennedy, Jr. who has also been there working behind the scenes to make this happen.
It’s Time to Let Canada Heal BY MARY DAWOOD CATLIN. It’s time to let Canada and Canadians heal. It’s time to let the population reunite after it’s been torn apart by divisive and hateful rhetoric and fear propaganda.
The Economists Self-Censored and Inflation Is a Result BY JAYANTA BHATTACHARYA and MIKKO PACKALEN. Since the Spring of 2020, economists have had a strong incentive to censor themselves about the costs of covid measures for fear of being seen as out of step with the hastily achieved consensus that covid measures came without any significant costs to the public. Economists dismissed any dissent from the lockdown consensus. On Twitter and elsewhere, those few who dared dissent were labeled cranks or grandma killers.
The Market Still Loves You BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. The theme is meaning. Not big meaning but meaning in small things. The meaning of everyday life. Finding friendship, mission, passion, and love in the course of working out one’s life in the framework of a commercial society, which should not be narrowly construed as only a way of paying bills but rather should be seen as the instantiation of a life well lived. We were not doing a good job of that, so my thinking was to inspire people to come to love what we take for granted.
If It’s Over, Why the Continued Emergency? BY PAUL ELIAS ALEXANDER. But America lost most lives due to the lockdowns and school closures, and we lost above all, our freedoms. It is time to allow America to be unshackled from these COVID policies. Completely. Living life freely once again, taking reasonable precautions, unfettered by government’s failed COVID lockdown policies whereby not one has worked!
The Constitution Is the Answer BY BOBBIE ANNE FLOWER COX. If the politicians don’t uphold the Constitution, then it becomes useless. If the people don’t require the politicians follow the Constitution, it is useless.
Adverse Effects of the Pfizer Vaccine Covered Up by the Israeli Ministry of Health BY YAFFA SHIR-RAZ. So if Israel did not in fact have a functioning adverse event monitoring system in place and its data was a fiction, and even if when it did launch a proper monitoring system a year too late, with analysis of the system’s findings completely ignored and withheld – what was the FDA really relying on? What were all those regulators relying on?
It Ends as it Began: As a Political Ploy BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. It should rattle any concerned citizen of the US – or just any rational person – that such a massive issue as a deadly pandemic could be turned on and off by perception management by powerful elites in government, tech, and media. And yet, the evidence is overwhelming that we have seen just such an operation at work over these pandemic years.
This article . . . The Choice Is Liberty or Lockdown BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. . . . made me think of a group who has been traveling the world reviving human rights education. There is a lot of groundwork visible in this site:
Excellent read. Right on point.