The ruling class is experiencing a pandemic of amnesia.
Everyone involved – both major political parties, deep state, media, tech, and pharma – wants everyone to forget about lockdowns, school closures, travel restrictions, church shutdowns, missed cancer screenings, wrecked small businesses, rent moratoriums, brutalized elderly, canceled weddings, zoom funerals, ventilator deaths, censorship and firings, masking children, rushed vaccines and injury/death, segregation by shot compliance, ruined household finances, substance abuse and suicide, lowered life expectancy, and the mass violation of the Bill of Rights.
All of this has become a great taboo even though it wrecked the country and the world, and the damage is all around us. If enough people participate in a crime, it is made to disappear by all the commanding heights. This way they never have to admit or apologize, and can do it all over again when the time comes.
Brownstone Institute works hard daily to make this impossible but it is a struggle. Your support is essential to this task.
One of our main programs aside from publishing is to offer fellowships to canceled voices who desperately need support and community. Part of this involves holding private retreats for lawyers, scientists, journalists, researchers, and others, to share information and research, and map out the best ways forward. We don’t advertise this at all but it is one of many ways Brownstone is working to give freedom the best-possible hope in the future.
And speaking of publishing, Fear of a Microbial Planet is now on audiobook!
Registrations for our November 4th event in Dallas are open.
Here is some content since our last email:
Letter from the Forbidden Land By Michael Sutton. Covid Hysteria was not an isolated incident. We, my friends, are at war, not against nations or ideology but against fascism. The old enemy has returned to the world, after decades of slumber. It is an existential threat. The one thing it hates is freedom. I used to think that there was no hope, but standing in Russia looking at all the companies that have rejected directives from the Imperium, maybe I was wrong.
The WHO, the UN, and the Reality of Human Greed By David Bell. When the ethos of funding the WHO and the wider UN was about helping the world’s populations to improve their lot, this is what the staff generally advocated for and worked to implement. Now that they are guided by the very wealthy and by multinational corporations that have investors to please, they advocate and work for the benefit of these new masters with the same enthusiasm. This is why such organizations are so useful to those who wish to expand personal power.
The WHO’s Proposed Amendments Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics by Meryl Nass. New biological weapons can be engineered. They can be shared. Maybe that will speed up the development of vaccines and therapeutics. But who really benefits from this scheme? Who pays the price of accidents or deliberate use? Wouldn’t it be better to end so-called gain-of-function research entirely through restrictions on funding and other regulations, rather than encouraging its proliferation?
Was Spengler Right After All? By Bert Oliver. The only thing that the current, deliberately orchestrated onslaught against culture has in common with Spengler’s diagnosis, a century ago, of the demise of Western culture, is precisely that: the controlled demise of culture. Except that, for Spengler, this was an inescapable process that unfolded in the course of centuries (going back to the European Renaissance), whereas at present we are witnessing a hubristic, megalomaniacal attempt to torpedo both Western and other cultures for the sake of retaining financial and hence, political control over world affairs.
The Vax-Gene Files: Have the Regulators Approved a Trojan Horse? By Julie Sladden and Julian Gillespie. McKernan’s results – for the Pfizer product (BNT162b2) – have now been independently verified by a number of internationally recognised laboratories confirming both the presence and levels of DNA contamination across different vials and batches. So, in asking the question ‘Is the result reproducible?’ the answer (for the Pfizer product BNT162b2 at least) is ‘Yes.’ The contamination is real.
Pandora’s Jar is Opened Again By Alan Lash. The people who grasp at the fire of Prometheus are all very frightening. They are brilliant, true. They have the capacity to do great things, and have accomplished them. But it’s easy to see how they can be seduced by their desire for knowledge, the fruit of the tree, access to fire.
Don’t Assume that Experts Know Something You Do Not By Eric Hussey. The “expert” class is nothing special in intelligence. If anything this is a clarion call to the general masses of the US to stop assuming the “experts” know something. You can use the same search engines as they do to learn facts, and together we far, far outstrip the intelligence of all the experts put together.
What If There Had Been No Covid Coup? By Debbie Lerman. Once the biowarfare cartel took over the pandemic response, there was only one objective: scare everyone as much as possible to gain compliance with lockdowns and make everyone desperate for vaccines. Public health experts, including the leaders of the NIH, CDC, and NIAID, were no longer authorized to make their own pandemic policy decisions or public announcements. Everyone had to stick to the lockdown narrative.
Save the Cats of Old San Juan By el gato malo. Ask questions about the basis of this analysis. How do they justify disrupting a 500-year-old ecosystem? What about rats? Will we trade chemical poisons for organic paws? What about the heritage and character of San Juan? Does anyone even want this? How is this not “killing the wolves of Yellowstone” all over again? Do they really think they can confine this to parks and not wind up luring all the surrounding cats in?
Tremendous Progress in Missouri v. Biden By Aaron Kheriaty. The Fifth Circuit court heard oral arguments in the Missouri v. Biden case, and the judges did not hold back. One judge suggested the government “strongarms” social media companies and that their meetings had included “veiled and not-so-veiled threats.”
How I Managed to Get Facts Published in USA Today By Pierre Kory. However, although the vaccines are not mentioned as the cause, we literally call out the sudden, unprecedented rise in life insurance claims in the 3rd quarter of 2021 among the healthiest sector of society – working age, white-collar Americans with group life insurance policies (i.e. largely Fortune 500 corporate employees). What happened in the white-collar workplace at that time?
Rutgers Set to Disenroll Students on August 15th if Not Compliant with COVID Vaccine Mandates By Lucia Sinatra. Rutgers is one of a small minority of universities steadfastly holding onto COVID vaccine mandates. The pandemic is nowhere near over at Rutgers, not by a long shot.
Regulatory Science as Propaganda By J.R. Bruning. In a pattern akin to the respect demanded of high priests, the only purveyors of God’s message; special scientists were the Final Word when it came to The Science and health-based risk throughout COVID-19. Like high priests, their scientific claims could not be questioned. If we didn’t acquiesce to the technology, we were not only anti-science and anti-vax. We would be anti-health.
Great article on American imperialism, and Russian freedom. It's sad that we could be freer there, than here. How the world has shifted since American greed and the lust for power over others has made us the bad guys. But alas, as far as the government of the USA is concerned, they are the bad guys.