Registrations are still open for “The Great Restoration: Conference and Gala,” Saturday, December 3, 20220, Miami, Florida.
Here is the schedule:
Here is some content from this week.
The Importance of Remembering by SERENA JOHNSON. Mainstream media outlets will not even touch them because they go against the narrative that all of the governments’ measures were right and necessary to protect people from the dangers of Covid. That leads me to wonder, how can we enable opposing voices to be heard by a wider audience?
Technocracy and Totalitarianism By AARON KHERIATY. States as instruments of world-spanning corporations, which operate like fiefdoms, is an apt definition of corporatism—the melding of state and corporate power—which coincides perfectly with Mussolini’s original definition of fascism.
Sam Bankman-Fried and the Pandemic Industrial Complex By MICHAEL SENGER. From the earning of the money, to the donating of the money, to the positive press coverage, to the policies the process funded, at no point was there any good intent or positive outcome to any of it. The entire operation was pure, unadulterated evil.
Three Medical Policies that Need Immediate Changing By PIERRE KORY. One thing most people can agree on: COVID-19 won’t be the last public health emergency. There are already concerning headlines about an early spike of R.S.V. impacting children. The leaders of captured health agencies must learn from their mistake of allowing the pharmaceutical industry unimpeded control of pandemic health policy. Americans are incredibly forgiving people willing to show grace, but step one in that process is a willingness for those in charge to admit their mistakes.
The Covid/Crypto Connection: The Grim Saga of FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried By JEFFREY A. TUCKER. The rest of us are left with the bill for this obvious scam that implausibly links crypto and Covid. But just as the money was based on nothing but puffed air, the damage they have wrought on the world is all too real: a lost generation of kids, declined lifespans, millions missing from the workforce, a calamitous fall in public health, millions of kids in poverty due to supply-chain breakages, 19 straight months of falling real incomes, historically high increases in debt, and a dramatic fall in human morale the world over.
Tribunals Would Introduce Dangers of their Own By DONALD BOUDREAUX. The danger is too great that a government agency or commission empowered to sit in judgment over individuals who were in office during the two years starting in March 2020 will abuse its power. The risk is too high that the pursuit of justice will descend into a hunt for revenge. No such agency or commission will act with the requisite objectivity to make its decisions just.
Responding to Critiques of My Observations about NYC By JESSICA HOCKETT. We see ILI and respiratory visits spike suddenly as Governor Cuomo issues various orders, but the increase doesn’t last long. I maintain that the timing and magnitude of the rise strongly suggests it was largely panic-induced (as was the spike in EMS calls), rather than attributable to wildfire-esque spread of a virus-deadlier-than-flu that went undetected ‘til lockdowns.
German Public TV Compares Elon Musk to Goebbels By ROBERT KOGON. After Germany’s “first” public television network, ARD, compared Elon Musk reducing Twitter censorship to “letting rats out of their holes,” Germany’s “second” public television network, ZDF, has now compared Musk to Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels!
New Zealand’s International Travel Vaccination Certificate: A Ponzi Scheme? By J.R. BRUNING. The ludicrous stupidity of vaccine passports for a rapidly mutating respiratory virus is patently clear for anyone with either awareness of the history of public health and epidemiology, or who is a primary care physician and understands the limits of vaccines – particularly for patients with complex chronic health conditions. Everyone is different. Everyone responds differently to both viruses and medication.
Was the Pandemic Orchestrated as a Trial Run for Responding to a Biological Attack? By WILL JONES. The pandemic response was largely a creation of the U.S. biodefence network, with China joining in after January 23rd. U.S. intelligence officers had been following the virus (which they, like the CCP, knew was lab-engineered) from mid-November, and the biodefence network made sure news of the virus got out once doctors noticed it, spreading alarm before there was anything really to be alarmed about and treating it immediately as a biosecurity threat.
The Dangers of the Biden Pandemic Plan By JAYANTA BHATTACHARYA. Each of these cut corners has since created policy controversies and uncertainty that better trials would have avoided. Because of the pressure to produce a vaccine within 130 days, President Biden’s pandemic plan will likely force randomized trials on future vaccines to cut the same corners. This policy effectively guarantees that lockdowns will return to the U.S. in the event of a new pandemic.
Relic of the Past or Embedded Dystopia? By RICHARD KELLY. Let’s assume for the moment, though it’s by no means guaranteed, that the COVID era will in fact become a time-bound relic of the past, as opposed to an embedded dystopia that lasts into the foreseeable future. Is it too soon to begin talking about ‘survivors’ of the COVID era? Who will they be? How will they talk about that time to younger generations, or to visitors from the few countries that didn’t fall into the trap?
Sir Jeremy Farrar’s Sinister Plot By PAULA JARDINE. Some smooth-tongued, cold-eyed, hard-nosed people orchestrated a policy coup to realise this dark future. It is they who imperil humanity, not the microbes. This nightmare vision needs to be staked through the heart.
Did Lockdowns Signify the “End of Abundance?” By W. AARON VANDIVER. Locking down the population and subjecting it to draconian restrictions is, for some reason, absolutely central to their vision of changing “what it means to be human.” Bill Gates and other influential elites have pointed to the Covid-19 response as their template for addressing future challenges, and have even floated the possibility of future climate lockdowns (no, sadly this is not a conspiracy theory).
Facebook Works to Deliver Us From Truth By THORSTEINN SIGLAUGSSON. Facebook’s aim is not to make their users safe. Their aim is to make them feel they are safe, to prevent them from discovering challenging information, prevent them from thinking. They are the apostles of a new god, and his followers do not ask him to deliver them from evil, they ask him to deliver them from truth.
They Will Lock You Down Again By JEFFREY A. TUCKER. The main machinery that took away liberty and property in the name of virus control is still in place in all its essentials. The CDC to this day brags of its awesome quarantine powers that it can deploy any time government deems it necessary. Nothing about that has changed.
They Made Me Nonessential By SETH SMITH. What seems clear is that this “nonessential” term is a remarkably 21st century phenomenon, part of the same “transhuman” and pseudo-scientific ideology that props up the junk philosophies of people like Klaus Schwab and that have made great swaths of liberal cities, workplaces, and especially educational arenas simply intolerable. For Schwab, the use of robots and AI are the next step in planning for “nonessential” work.
Who Ultimately Wins in a Society of Flash Mob Moralists? By THOMAS HARRINGTON. While it may make a lot of people feel good about themselves at the moment, it will only further corrode trust in the rule of law— a shift that always favors the powerful—and take valuable energy away from the urgent task of fighting massive and systematic government and corporate assaults on our dignity and freedom.
Are Lockdown Zealots Incapable of Introspection? By RAMESH THAKUR. Lockdown skepticism was foresight. Thus the prevailing uncertainty and lack of knowledge doesn’t wash with the benefit of hindsight. Professing ignorance now cannot excuse the brutality and severity of pandemic measures.
Sorry to butt in. However, Look at the trouble the false profit Prof. Mattias Desmet is producing in the ranks of the people who are fighting on the same side. Desmet is a freakin’ fraud and if you fully analyze the truth and usefulness (shall I say destructiveness) of his so-called analyses of our civilization you can observe how destructive it is. The fact that now the Breggins are facing an attack from Robert Malone is heartbreaking. Look at how Desmet's bad effect is spreading among the ranks of those fighting so hard to bring truth to the world. Can’t Malone see that everyone who loves the Breggins is hurt by his lawsuit against the Breggins? Ideally the three of them (Dr. Breggin, his wife Ginger and Dr. Robert Malone) would talk face to face surrounded by “the rest of the freedom fighters” and bring to light the whole issue and resolve it. Dr. Breggin did nothing but speak the truth. Malone sided with the enemy. Now what?
Thank you!