The Most Dangerous International Treaty Ever Proposed
The World Health Organization proposes to supplant rights and liberties of old.
We are in the final stages of releasing two books. The first is Treason of the Experts by Tom Harrington, which provides a deep cultural analysis of three years of chaos. The second is Fear of a Microbial Planet by Steve Templeton, which completely rethinks the relationship between social and the pathogenic world. Both are fitting answers to Bill Gates!
Recall that Brownstone is embarking on a deep dive into the intricate networks, personnel and funding, surrounding the World Health Organization. It’s impossible to exaggerate the importance of this project. Someone needs to keep a watch!
We are looking for funding support for this. And books. And fellowships!
Reminder: please mark your calendars for November 4, 2023, Dallas, Texas. That’s our annual conference and gala dinner. We have Dr. Ramesh Thakur confirmed as our dinner speaker. He is among the most articulate scientists out there, and it so happens that he served as assistant secretary of the UN before the institution fell apart.
Meanwhile, our monthly supper club is bursting at the seams. The next meeting is April 19, and will feature Debbie Lerman, the powerful researcher who first discovered the role of the national security state in the Covid response. For that you can register now.
Here is some content since our last email:
The Most Dangerous International Treaty Ever Proposed BY MOLLY KINGSLEY. The proposed new powers would cut across not only the Universal Declaration of Human Rights but also the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. They would signal a new watershed in our understanding of cornerstone human rights: an express amendment to the IHR deletes language currently reading “[t]he implementation of these Regulations shall be with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons” to replace it with a nebulous confirmation that “[t]he implementation of these Regulations shall be based on the principles of equity, inclusivity, coherence…”.
The Inherent Deceit of Modern Medicine BY PAUL FRIJTERS, GIGI FOSTER, MICHAEL BAKER. The dominant Western culture of the modern era will not relinquish its ingrained deceitfulness without first going through a nasty and lengthy transformation in which we are acutely reminded that life is risky and humans are imperfect. It is conceivable that long-run side effects of the covid vaccines will help to remind us of this. The best we can hope for in the longer run is to design our institutions to lead the population gradually into a mindset of comfort with human limitations.
The mRNA Platform: What It Is, What It Means BY ALAN LASH. The mRNA gene therapy technology was a remarkable advancement with untold potential benefit for humanity. The interests of power have leveraged it into something inhumane and destructive.
Sweden Did Exceptionally Well During the COVID-19 Pandemic BY PETER C. GØTZSCHE. When people argue for or against lockdowns and how long they should last and for whom, they are on uncertain ground. Sweden tried to go on with life as usual, without major lockdowns. Furthermore, Sweden has not mandated the use of face masks and very few people have used them.
The Reopening Racket BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. The “reopening” plan was a presumptuous use of state power that had no basis in science but rather only served to broadcast the message of who had power and who did not. It was structured to fail, and fail again if it accidentally succeeded. Dressed up in the authority of a grand government plan, it was nothing but a stalking horse for continued lockdowns on a rolling basis until our masters in Washington decided otherwise.
The Alien and Sedition Acts are Back BY ERIC HUSSEY. With the Alien and Sedition Acts, not-yet-Presidents Thomas Jefferson (an icon of freedom, having been the primary author of the Declaration of Independence) and James Madison (an icon of a strong but restricted Federal government, having been the primary author of the Constitution) both suggested the individual states nullify the Acts within those individual states. HB1333 has the potential to codify what frightened Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.
The Decline in Patriotism BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. The trouble with the survey is not the numbers but the interpretation. This is being seen as some weird fog of nihilism and greed that has mysteriously slipped over the population, as if it were an entirely organic trend over which no one has any control. That’s wrong. There is a definite cause and it all traces to the same egregious policies without precedent. We still do not have honesty about what happened. And until we get it, we cannot repair the grave damage to the culture or the national soul.
Technology and a Tyranny Worse than Prison BY BERT OLIVIER. There is a lesson in this as far as the ineluctable need for action is concerned when rational argument with would-be oppressors gets one nowhere. This is especially the case when it becomes obvious that these oppressors are not remotely interested in a reasonable exchange of ideas, but summarily resort to the current unreasonable incarnation of technical rationality, namely AI-controlled mass surveillance, with the purpose of subjugating entire populations.
How Zeynep Tufekci and Jeremy Howard Masked America BY MICHAEL SENGER. Tufekci and Howard played a decisive role in affecting this vast shift in scientific guidance that so intimately affected the lives of every American, which the Cochrane review has now shown to have afforded no benefit at the population level, for dubious reasons such as “shaping new societal norms.” Throughout COVID, Tufekci pushed false information and harmful policies that were far afield of her expertise based on information from China, despite knowing such information was unreliable, without ever admitting or apologizing for the errors once the harms became manifest.
What Happened When the Georgia Governor Tried to Open the State? By Jeffrey A. Tucker Georgia is important because it was the first state to open. Trump tweeted his opposition to this move both in general and then, two weeks later, in opposition to Kemp’s opening. Every bit of documentation absolutely contradicts Trump’s claim that he “left that decision up to the Governors” as a matter of his own intention. It was his intention to achieve what he later bragged he had done, which is “turned it off.”
My Testimony on Texas State Senate HHS Bills By Robert Malone, I am particularly excited about the likelihood of passage of SB 1583. This is the bill that would prohibit institutions of higher education or entities receiving public funds from conducting gain of function research on potentially pandemic pathogens in this state; creating a civil penalty.
FDA Is Wrong Again: Mailed Abortion Drugs are Not Safe By David Gortler, The FDA’s clinical and scientific staff is repeatedly being led astray from its public health mission. It should be obvious to anyone that the cumulative safety profile of mifepristone predicts that the FDA’s political decision to allow mailing of abortion drugs for at-home use will lead to otherwise preventable morbidity and mortality in America’s women.
Thank you! We have another BIG Fear coming up. Bill S 686!! Complete control of the internet! When you start reading it.. It is horrifying. Bi Partisan sponsors Can cover anything deemed disinfo and can be sent to prison. No judge. No jury.