The Manufactured Illusion
Has the illusion ever been more obvious? The media is all on board with the new dawn of “joy” – the word of the day – in America. Social media has never been more censored.
Has the illusion ever been more obvious? The media is all on board with the new dawn of “joy” – the word of the day – in America. Social media has never been more censored. Even the assassination attempt on the life of a former president has nearly disappeared from public life.
In the UK, they have gone from censorship to incarceration of dissidents merely expressing their views online. The same is coming to the US.
What’s happening should be obvious: it’s the continued unfolding of the totalitarian state, complete with surveillance, institutional capture, the end of free speech, and lawfare as a form of legalized violence against dissidents. Much traces to the dreadful days of 2020 and following with lockdowns, designed to acculturate the population to a new order of things.
There is a path of resistance remaining but the venues and avenues are growing more thin by the day. Brownstone Institute was founded to be there for truth and freedom and just such times. We provide a sanctuary from the chaos, providing light and safety to displaced intellectuals, writers, and so many others. Your support is all we have to make our work possible.
Sadly, tickets for the West Hartford, CT, supper club on August 21 featuring Robert Malone are sold out. But you can still buy your ticket for our Philadelphia supper club on September 5th. Our guest speaker is Mary Holland, CEO of Children’s Health Defense and a leader in the health freedom movement for more than two decades. She’ll tell us about recent issues in children’s health and vaccines and will share stories about her advocacy work since the Covid pandemic.
Registrations for our November 1-2 conference and gala, at the William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh, are open. Secure your spot. Yes, Robert Malone will be there.
Here is some content since our last email.
The Post-Ideological Age By Jeffrey Tucker. What is needed is a paradigm that transcends the tribal alliances of the past. It is the ruling elite vs. everyone else, an outlook that blows apart ideological divisions of the past and cries out for new plans of action.
You Might Own Nothing Sooner Than You Think By Aaron Day. This article explores the erosion of ownership through click-wrap agreements, the dematerialization of our assets into databases, the rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies, and The Great Taking, which threatens our control over the rest of our non-monetary assets.
What Did $6.5 Trillion in Money Printing Achieve? By David Stockman. In all, after $6.5 trillion of Fed money-printing during the last 16 years, the Main Street economy has nothing to write home about. And that begs the question as to where all the Fed’s endless monetary largesse actually ended up.
Questions about New Amendments to the 2024 IHRs By REPPARE. On June 1, 2024, the World Health Assembly (WHA) adopted a series of new amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHRs). The World Health Organization proclaimed that these amendments will “build on lessons learned from several global health emergencies.”
Perrottet’s Covid Apology Is Not Good Enough By Ramesh Thakur. Australians cannot like a post on Facebook without police knocking on the door, and yet every level of our government engaged in crimes against our humanity – what is their punishment? Cushy jobs and juicy retirement packages.
Fauci’s ‘DNA of Caring’ By Randall Bock. Dr. Anthony Fauci often claims a “DNA of caring” yet his actions reveal a stark contrast. Avoiding direct patient care, Dr. Fauci focused on populations. His so-called ‘DNA of caring’ has most recently doubly stranded those subjected to it…
Nixon vs. McGovern 2.0 By Steven Kritz. Pundits are looking at the election between Harris and Trump in terms of its historical, societal, or political ramifications. The most useful way of looking at this election cycle is to view Trump vs. Harris as Nixon vs. McGovern 2.0.
Science, Society, and Stability By Bert Olivier. The natural sciences have a significant destabilising effect on culture and society. This was noted by social thinker and futurologist Alvin Toffler decades ago regarding the disruptive consequences of the constant and rapid stream of novel discoveries and inventions.
Farms of all Sizes Feed the World By David Bell. The two approaches are not mutually exclusive—a competitive market can support local sourcing for those where food is grown, feed cities, and disseminate wealth. Destruction of big agriculture is starvation for many.
The Man Who Brought Socrates to the Military By Scott Sturman. One’s moral capital is indistinguishable from personal integrity, and the public’s current lack of trust in the military reflects the departure from traditional codes of ethics and the integration of sham role models into the military hierarchy.
Intentions of the Non-Elites: Round Two By Jessica Rose. It seems clear that the globalists and bankers (from hereon to be referred to as non-elites) will soon be imposing their “pandemic preparedness” schemes on the public again. What would convince us that we need to be locked up again?
Project 2025: A Plan to Fix Free Speech? By Andrew Lowenthal. Project 2025, a conservative road map to remake the administrative state, has been taking hits for several weeks. Given the hype, we thought we’d better take a look at Project 2025’s digital civil liberties and free speech aspects.
Linear Time and the Art of Staying Human By Thomas Harrington. Like people, paradigms get tired, mostly because humans lose touch with the problems that originally elicited in them the drive to create new things. But humans aren’t always good at recognizing when they have begun going through the motions.
Our Last Innocent Moment: Angry, Forever? By Julie Ponesse. Please don’t think that, to be good, you need to be quiet and agreeable and complacent. And please don’t think that any of this will be easy. But it will be preferable to the personal destruction and social division created by festering, unacknowledged anger.
The WHO Is No Longer Fit for Purpose By Ramesh Thakur. Unfortunately, the WHO’s performance in helping the world manage Covid-19 proved, to be kind, very patchy. This makes it all the more surprising that there should be a concerted effort underway to expand its authority and boost its resources.
Throne and Altar: Delusional Messianic Expectations By Reverend John F. Naugle. As the economy was crashed, the people clamored for something even better than the multiplication of loaves and fish; they wanted the printing of massive amounts of free money by the government. Nearly every politician pretended to be a messiah.