The Heroes Who Still Fight
One group that’s clearly made a profound difference – and saved countless lives – is the organization No College Mandates, co-founded by a former California lawyer, Lucia Sinatra.
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For all my Covid writing, I probably don’t do enough to publicize the heroes of our freedom movement or the victories “our side” has achieved.
One group that’s clearly made a profound difference – and saved countless lives – is the organization No College Mandates, co-founded by a former California lawyer, Lucia Sinatra.
This morning I learned that my friend Steve Kobrin had just posted a 27-minute interview with Ms. Sinatra at Steve’s wonderful website, the Freedom Defense Resource Center.
Unless my instincts are off, I think all of my subscribers will be inspired by this interview. After watching it, I reflected on what this grassroots organization has accomplished in a few years.
When Ms. Sinatra co-founded this group, more than 1,000 of America’s “top universities” were requiring that all students receive the experimental mRNA “vaccines.” Today, due in part to the pushback organized by this group, only about 30 colleges require Covid vaccines (and/or booster shots).
This means that, today, almost no new college student has to get one of these shots to attend college. This, in turn, means that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of current and future college students will never suffer from vaccine-caused injuries or deaths.
This non-trivial victory acknowledged the group’s job – to end all vaccine mandates – isn’t finished as approximately 30 colleges still inexplicably require vaccine mandates. Other colleges, like Harvard, “strongly encourage” Covid vaccination.
Imposing vaccine mandates – or engaging in severe vaccine bullying and coercion – was particularly egregious on college campuses as every “expert” should have known from the first or second month of the pandemic that Covid posed virtually no mortality risk to healthy college students.
Mission of No College Mandates
The group’s website nicely summarizes its mission (emphasis added by this author):
It is the fundamental right of each individual to freely choose which medical interventions to receive based on informed consent. Neither sufficient clinical trial data for young adults nor long-term safety data exist for these recently developed and novel vaccines. Because the coercive nature of college vaccine mandates completely disregards students’ individual freedom and right to bodily autonomy, we strongly believe that these mandates are unconstitutional, unethical, unscientific and undoubtedly contributing to the psychological distress and the staggering rise in mental health issues among young adults.
Institutions of higher learning which impose vaccine mandates do not uphold the very civil rights and liberties they teach and purport to vehemently defend.
Comparison of Two Different New Hampshire Colleges
Ms. Sinatra writes many of the articles at the group’s popular Substack newsletter. This excerpt from a recent article uses a specific comparison to illustrate the madness of the vaccine mandates:
I analyzed colleges in New Hampshire over several months only to find that the University of New Hampshire, which never mandated Covid vaccines and has triple the undergraduate enrollment of Dartmouth College, consistently had less Covid infections on their dashboard than Dartmouth, which announced a Covid vaccine mandate in April of 2021. I wrote to Dartmouth administrators countless times to point this out, but I either got no reply or no acknowledgement of my observations. Dartmouth ended their Covid vaccine mandate on April 11, 2023, two years after they implemented it, and after over 98% of their campus community had taken the initial series and at least one booster.
Surgeon General Didn’t Care About Health of College Students
In the same article, Ms. Sinatra points out that the US Surgeon General conspired to bully (or bribe) colleges into imposing these mandates.
“Prior to fall 2021, to help ensure a high uptake of Covid vaccines, Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General at the time, wrote an “Open Letter to Leaders in Higher Education” urging them to mandate Covid vaccines on college campuses. If colleges choose not to mandate Covid vaccines “we are asking leaders to take strong steps to get as close as possible to 100 percent of their students, faculty, and staff vaccinated early in the academic year.”
The letter went on to say, “[f]or all colleges and universities, we also encourage steps to make vaccination easy. Set up pop-up vaccine clinics to meet students as they return to campus, including move-in, orientation, football games and tailgates, and student life events. Offer paid leave for staff and faculty to get vaccinated and in the event of side effects. Engage with your student leaders to get the word out about vaccination to other students. Start a student ambassador program using the ACHA toolkit here. Peer-to-peer engagement is one of the best ways to achieve behavior change in young adults.”
The letter was signed by 38 other “public health and science experts, leaders in health, education, and civil society, and former officials from both political parties.”
A Few Highlights from Recent Interview
In her interview with Steve Kobrin, Ms. Sinatra made several points that resonated with me, including these:
She points out how she and her parents who think like herself were heavily censored and shadowbanned by Facebook (apparently for the infraction of telling the truth).
She discusses how, at one time, she was exasperated that so many parents were afraid to join this battle or wanted to remain anonymous. She has now reconciled that this is the parents’ own choice and all she can do is try to be an example for those who don’t mind assuming a more conspicuous role in fighting these mandates.
Steve, as usual, asks great questions. In this interview, Ms. Sinatra spoke about how she felt called by God to start a grassroots organization. However, this member of the Roman Catholic Church is no fan of the church’s current pope, who she calls a “false prophet” and believes has been co-opted by evil forces like the WEF.
It was the Parents – Not the Students – Who Led the Fight
In watching this interview and reading more about this group’s work, I was again struck by the fact it was a group of parents – and not the college students themselves – who mobilized to produce positive change.
Once upon a time, college students held massive rallies to protest, say, the Vietnam War or segregation. It was not uncommon for the majority of faculty members to join in these protests.
With the Covid lockdowns and vaccine mandates, the college students were strangely quiet and almost universally compliant. This, to say the least, is a disturbing observation and a cultural change worth noting.
One knows the college administrators and faculty supported all of these mandates, but apparently college students have yet to figure out they have the power to challenge these non-adults in the room.
One can’t help but wonder what the colleges would have done if, say, 25 percent of college students simply withdrew from school and took their tuition or grant money with them.
One suspects these toxic shot mandates would have ended much earlier.
God Bless Our Mothers
Still, thanks to the tireless and brave work of some of these students’ parents, students can once again enjoy college life without having to get a non-safe and non-effective non-vaccine.
The parents – usually mothers – set the example more freedom-valuing citizens will hopefully follow.
As it turns out, it’s mothers – not government bureaucrats – who really care about the safety of their children.
Today, I’d like to belatedly thank the founders and members of No College Mandates for showing the rest of the country what’s possible when a group of smart, principled, and brave “adults in the room” organize themselves and say, “Enough!”
P.S. If, like me, you’ve “cut the cord,” but are still looking for engaging video content that may inspire you, simply pick any interview archived on Steve Kobrin’s “gallery of freedom fighters” and hit the “play” button.
Steve Kobrin is also an unsung hero and role model for making more of us aware that America still has plenty of freedom-defending patriots.
Republished from the author’s Substack