The exuberance and joy felt at our annual conference and gala this weekend was palpable, to say the least. It was a real ingathering of so many who have made Brownstone great this year, from scientists to journalists to attorneys to donors.
It was all magic, from the talks to the venues to the extraordinary dinner speech by Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo. Large amounts of the proceedings are available at Epoch for streaming.
In other news, our last weeks’ fundraiser yielded inspiring results, making us optimistic that we might be able to sustain and even expand our Fellows program for next year. To give financial support to Brownstone, here are the giving opinions and a form.
Our Holiday Party is now scheduled for December 16, 2022, in West Hartford. You are welcome to attend!
Here is some content from this week.
First Thoughts on the Fauci Deposition By JUSTIN HART. We had already heard tidbits about his deposition from lawyers involved and the key takeaway was evident throughout the transcript – Dr. Fauci has a terrible memory or he is hiding WHAT he knew. He used the phrase “I don’t recall” fully 178 times.
What the US Can Learn From Elections in India By RAMESH THAKUR. A Rasmussen poll near the end of September found that 84 percent of Americans expressed concern about election integrity in the imminent congressional elections. By a 62-36 majority, they held eliminating “cheating in elections” to be more important than “making it easier for everyone to vote.”
How the EU Killed Elon Musk’s Twitter “Amnesty” By ROBERT KOGON. Note that Breton’s tweet and the introductory post to his Mastodon thread both indeed call on Musk to “significantly reinforce content moderation,” thus making clear that the Commission not only disapproves of the prospect of banned accounts being restored, but also of the relatively more laissez-faire attitude that Musk has thus far adopted toward current users.
The Memory-Holed Samoan Lockdown of December 2019 By PAULA JARDINE. If you’re inclined to be of a suspicious nature, the fact that the Samoan lockdown was happening as the NIAID and Moderna were preparing to send a jointly owned prototype of a coronavirus vaccine to Dr Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill might just lead you to suspect it was a trial run. If timing was no more than a coincidence, it will certainly have provided useful lessons as the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness (CEPI) folks began lobbying for Covid lockdowns in Wuhan’s wake.
The Absurdity of Lockdowners Who Support China’s Anti-Lockdown Protests By MICHAEL SENGER. Xi Jinping sees the concepts of democracy and human rights as mere propaganda that western elites use to further their own self-interest. So long as they approve of a policy, then it’s not a human rights violation, but if they oppose it, then it is.
We Need Mass Resignations By ERIC HUSSEY. Pick your reason for the current outrage: stupidity, ignorance, or craving for power. Any of those should disqualify these people from serving in any capacity related to or associated with public health. Consideration should also be given to firing those who put these people into positions to cause suffering in those they were ostensibly hired to protect.
The Mysterious Case of Zika-Microcephaly’s Disappearance By RANDALL BOCK. In 2015, a viral pandemic from Northeast Brazil exploded into the news, supported by breathless public health alarms that Zika — a flavivirus acknowledged for decades as harmless — was now suddenly responsible for congenital microcephaly (babies with small heads; diminished intellect). Massive panic predictably ensued.
The World Health Organization and Its Holy Days of Obligation By DAVID LIVERMORE. Of all organisations, the WHO, with its calendar of Holy Days as an aide memoire, should have recognised how so many aspects of health and well-being interlock, and how fighting an existential war with one pathogen would impact other priorities. It had a sane and proportionate respiratory pandemic plan in 2019.
How to Save Your Skin, According to Bankman-Fried and Fauci By JEFFREY A. TUCKER. The madness of lockdowns only intensified the problem. They pretended as if wrong is right and ill- health is heath, both physically and mentally. We are so used to lies that many people have grown weary of protesting them. We are so beaten down that we can barely demand that people take responsibility for what they have done. And the perpetuators have become skilled at saving their own skin.
Not Even N95 Masks Work To Stop Covid By IAN MILLER. Fauci and his health authority allies have lied to the public repeatedly about masking. The obsession with credentialism and appeals to authority within the media has resulted in tremendous, unjustified harm.
Canada: A Gruesome, Terrifying Culture of Death By LAURA ROSEN COHEN. Trudeau’s demonizing and crushing of the Canadian truckers’ convoy and invoking the Emergency Measures Act against Canadian citizens for daring to dissent with his Corona tyranny, in conjunction with his ridiculous performance on the world stage are all signs of shamelessness, decadence, and deep moral decay.
People of the World are Dramatically Losing Years of Life By SVEN ROMAN. The trend of increasing life-years lost is contrary to what would be expected for effective Covid-19 countermeasures, including mass vaccination and lockdowns. The damage in terms of reduced longevity is becoming greater with each passing week. How much longer should we proceed down this road of failed public health policy before we start to reverse the trajectory?
The Evil of Coerced Medicine By AARON KHERIATY. Although the minimal conditions for justifying vaccine mandates were never close to being met, institutions embraced these misguided policies with little meaningful public discussion and no debate.
Ten Principles of Public Health that Could Save Society By DAVID BELL. Much of society’s future will be determined by the motivations and integrity of the public health institutions and their workforce. A lot of humility will be required, but this has always been the case. The world will have to watch and see whether those in the field have the courage and integrity to do their job.
The Virus Response is Wrecking China’s Economic Prospects By JOHN TAMNY. A growing lack of freedom in Asia’s foremost country is the surest signal we need that China’s lust for greatness is more rhetorical and performative than real. In other words, the only way to be beaten by China is to mimic its authoritarian ways. Please keep this in mind with what indefensibly happened stateside in 2020.
New Emails Chronicle Lab-Leak Coverup in Real Time By WILL JONES. The picture is increasingly coming into focus. The Chinese Government, Fauci & Co and many within the U.S. intelligence community and biodefence network are covering up the origin of the virus and frustrating efforts to investigate it because they are themselves implicated in the research that likely created it and because they do not want biodefence research discredited.
Let the Real Investigations Begin By DAVID STOCKMAN. Indeed, it would not be going too far to say that the eruption of irrationality and hysteria in America during 2020-2021 most resembled not 1954, when Senator McCarthy set the nation looking for communist moles behind every government desk, or 1919, when the notorious raids of Attorney General Mitchell were rounding up purported Reds in their tens of thousands, but the winter of 1691-1692. That’s when two little girls—Elizabeth Parris and Abigail Williams of Salem, Massachusetts—fell into the demonic activity of fortune-telling, which soon found them getting strangely ill, having fits, spouting gibberish, and contorting their bodies into odd positions.
Twitter Won’t Be Free Until Covid Dissidents Are By SCOTT MOREFIELD. What about the non-celebrity accounts with tens of thousands instead of hundreds of thousands of followers? What about ordinary people? And especially, what about the hundreds (at least) of Covid dissidents banned for nothing more than telling the truth about some aspect of governments’ atrocious mishandling of the Covid-19 pandemic before that truth became popular and widely known?
Brownstone, Moral Courage, and the Fight of Our Lives By Brownstone Institute. Supporting Brownstone is a way of making a difference and effectively saying: we are not willing to give in and give up. We’ve come too far as societies and people to turn back now. We will not give the keys to the kingdom to Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Sam Bankman-Fried, much less the New York Times and Mark Zuckerberg. They might seem to have all the money and power but we have something they lack: dedicated moral passion to tell the truth.
If We Only Knew By JULIE PONESSE. Moral endurance is a problem these days. Empathy is low, and not just on the pro-narrative side. I don’t know about you but the feeling I can’t quite ignore or reconcile these days, something I am not proud of as an ethicist or a human being, is a palpable feeling of being numb. Numb to the repetition of history’s atrocities, numb to the laziness of the compliant who helped to create the world in which we now live, numb to inauthentic pleas for amnesty.