This you won’t believe.
Reporting on the explosive hearing yesterday in the House of Representative, in which Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., testified on behalf of the first amendment, the New York Times in passing says that free speech raises “thorny questions” such as whether government should permit “misinformation” (we know what that means).
This is how far we’ve fallen. This is the same publication that has repurposed its Covid maps of infection to track-and-trace climate change with red colors revealing…summer.
Does anyone doubt that lockdowns are now part of the normal policy mix? European governments are already issuing “stay home” recommendations for anyone in a hot area, while the Los Angeles Times flirts with the merits of rolling blackouts.
All of this is discussed in detail at Brownstone Institute, which was founded two years ago to meet techno-totalitarianism head on. Our fellowship program gives support to the censored. Our events bring together the resistance. And our research and publishing is providing the alternative to the balderdash dished out daily in the mainstream press.
That’s why we value your support for our work. You have been very generous and we cannot thank you enough! If you would like to set up a private call with our president to discuss large gifts, please drop us a note.
Here is some content since our last email:
The Free Speech Scare By Jeffrey Tucker. The hunt for dissenters took strange forms. Those who held gatherings were shamed. People who did not socially distance were called disease spreaders. The mask, no matter how obviously ineffective, was imposed as a tactic of humiliation and an exclusionary measure that targeted the incredulous. It was also a symbol: stop talking because your voice does not matter. Your speech will be muffled.
“Vaccinated” Sweden: A Response to a Brainwashed Critic By Eyal Shahar. When I saw on my Excel file that the Covid mortality ratio — Sweden versus Israel — during the winter wave of 2020–2021 was identical to the usual ratio, and there is no statistical hint of averted Covid deaths in Israel, I was astonished. I expected to see some indication that vaccinated Israel fared better than unvaccinated Sweden.
Why Are Intelligent People So Easily Tricked? By Laura Dodsworth. People reach the conclusions they want to reach, and then post-rationalise it – but smarter people are better at coming up with these justifications. To paraphrase George Orwell, some things are so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.
Above All Else, It was a Spectacle By Toby Rogers. The Powers That Be use propaganda because it works. Images are powerful things. Photos and videos operate on the subconscious level. So even while we are rationally discussing the evils of this propaganda campaign, to even re-share the images here is fraught, because seeing them again produces an affect. It was traumatic to write this article — even though I know the images are contrived, they still affect my psyche.
Deny, Deflect, Defend: The Censors’ Strategy on Display By Brownstone Institute. While the government’s denials and deflections are insulting to the citizens they purport to represent, we must remain focused on their aim: they appealed Doughty’s order because they oppose constitutional restraints on their control of information. We would hope that requiring the government to obey the Constitution would be uncontroversial; now, it may signify whether the rule of law still stands in the United States.
The Killing of Common Sense by Christopher Grenda. We’re now left trying to build on what was bubbling up in our culture and politics before Covid. We might consider this task the building of a counterculture of affirmation. Not the “affirmation” of more pharmacology. That is but another form of dehumanization, aimed to reduce and belittle us still further, especially our status as parents in the protection of our children. Our task is to build a counter to that dehumanization.
Fauci and the Hagiographical Style of American Journalism By Justin Hart. Norah O’Donnell has known Dr. Fauci and his wife for ages: “How are you guys?” she starts her interview with Dr. Fauci for InStyle Magazine where Fauci posed for the most hubris-exuding photo of the pandemic. “With all due modesty, I think I’m pretty effective!” – Dr. Anthony Fauci, July 2020, InStyle Magazine
You Are the Population They Want to Control By Robert Malone. Who is to say whether an organization, perhaps even one with the “best of intentions” in mind (or believing the “the ends justify the means”), would be willing to go there. After what we have experienced over the past three years, I would consider it in the realm of possibility. Kamala Harris, Bill Gates and the WEF and UN all have made their positions crystal clear. Population reduction is imperative.
Where Stands the Ministry of Truth? By Bobbie Anne Flower Cox. Of note is the fact that the stay granted by the 5th Circuit was not issued based on the merits of the case. It was an administrative stay, which is somewhat common. It’s also not permanent, but is only in effect until oral arguments on the injunction can be heard by the appellate court, and that has been expedited so that oral arguments will take place sooner rather than later. So the plaintiffs have not “lost” the ability to get their injunction back, nor have they lost the case. It’s still working its way through the courts.
Why Is Rhode Island Stonewalling About a 37-Year-Old Woman’s Vaccine Death? By Andrew Bostom. Critically, what one also gleans from the autopsy report is that the 37-year-old female decedent was free of any serious, chronic comorbidity—certainly in all the major organ systems examined, grossly, including the cardiovascular system. Moreover, she was not on medical therapy, and had no evidence of significant external injury, per the report.
Are 15-Minute Cities Smart? By Thomas Buckley. While natural neighborhoods can be wonderful supportive safe places, unnatural neighborhoods will exacerbate the problems that do occur in more tightly knit communities. Self-surveillance (if not actual real surveillance) and a sense of trepidation about leaving the comfortable confines can lead to a feeling of isolation from the larger world. In an FMC, that isolation could be seen as being not organic but ordered from on high, creating a mental box that can dwarf intellectual and emotional growth – in other words, a captive personality.
Let’s Stop Investing Rhetorical Flourishes with Legal Weight By Thomas Harrington. We now face an entrenched elite, backed by the full might of the Deep State and its well-researched tools of cognitive conditioning who see us as a largely unindividuated biomass that can and should be manipulated into serving what they see as their transcendently conceived ends.
“I Am the Regulator!”: EU Commissioner Warns Social Media to Censor After French Riots By Robert Kogon. “L’Etat, c’est moi” – “I am the state” – Louis XIV is supposed to have said. And in a contemporary echo of that famous phrase, EU Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton repeatedly stressed on Monday that “I am the regulator” when lambasting social media networks for “not having done enough” during the recent French riots and threatening them with sanctions, including even banishment, if they should remain similarly inactive after August 25.
The Weakening and Corruption of an Entire Generation of Rebels By Mark Oshinskie. Americans shouldn’t kid themselves: they aren’t smarter or more willing to ask questions than were their “white bread/Levittown/” 1950s’ counterparts. To the contrary, the past 40 months show that, despite perceiving themselves as well-informed independent thinkers, Americans are more vulnerable to propaganda and less willing than ever to question media/government narratives and PC slogans.
Ill-Gotten Gains Is What Politics Is All About by Micheel Baker. As the title suggests, the book tells the story of how networks of individuals in government and the private sector, referred to collectively as “James” in the book, collude to divert into their own pockets as much as half the wealth of the country from ordinary Australians, collectively named “Sam.”
An Obituary for Andrew Daniels, Not His Real Name By Richard Kelly. Dante’s conception of Hell finds the sinners, many of whom he knows as contemporaries, being subjected to eternal punishments which perfectly, exquisitely, justly fit the crimes. Schadenfreude on steroids. It seems somehow wrong to imagine modern day characters finding their own special place to spend eternity. Wrong, but irresistible. Delicious.
A Primer on Our Methods, and the Significance of UCoD Swapping By Aaron Hertzberg. Since these death certificates have the ICD codes applied by the CDC, we can compare the ICD codes to the text descriptions of the CoD’s on the death certificates. This enabled us to search for death certificates where the UCoD condition assigned by the CDC didn’t match the UCoD condition listed on the death certificate, specifically where the mismatched UCoD assigned by the CDC was U07.1 (covid).
How Long Will the Lies Persist? By Thorsteinn Siglaussson. First we were told they would stop the spread, that there would be two shots, that they wouldn’t be mandatory. Then that more shots would be needed, that those unvaccinated were responsible for the continued spread, even as it turned out how the vaccines in fact increased the spread. We could go on and on.
I Am a Tree and We Need to Ban Leaves By Thomas Buckley. In the recent past, much of the press has at least tried to somehow shoehorn in an element of possible truth – or at least make things matters of opinion so anything could be true – to their culturally caustic efforts. In this case, they’re not even trying because it is impossible: the thousands of pages of depositions, emails, phone logs, and other records show exactly what happened, when it happened, and why it happened.
The End of the Freedom to Travel By Gwendolyn Kull. Recent history and current events clearly demonstrate that it is no longer a question of “is this possible” but a question of “when.” We the People must hold our public servants accountable. We must not let them strip us of our freedoms by complying when asked, “Papers, please.” We must not let division creep in under the guise of public health when We the People are healthier together. Vax passes must not pass.
The Great Covid Laundering Scheme by Aaron Hertzberg. The thesis explores how the CDC has been systematically misclassifying covid as the UCoD on death certificates that clearly list a different condition as the Underlying Cause of Death, or where covid was obviously not the UCoD even if it was technically listed in the position of the UCoD by the coroner or ME who filled out the death certificate. The CDC does this by entering the ICD code for covid – U07.1 – as the UCoD even though the death certificate itself lists a different condition as the UCoD.
As the US De-racializes, Australia Moves to Re-racialize the Constitution By Ramesh Thakur. Permanently codifying racial grievance into the Constitution will guarantee it is weaponised sometime in the not too distant future by activists making increasingly radical demands and stoking resentment and backlash. If approved, the Voice will not mark the end of a successful process of reconciliation but the beginning of fresh claims for co-sovereignty, treaty and reparations, using the constitutional voice as the enabling mechanism.
Santa Clara University Students Must Take Covid Vaccines or Withdraw By Lucia Sinatra. Given that the emergency is officially over, and the shots have proven to be both ineffective and in some cases harmful, now more than ever, SCU must defend the science and ethics behind their refusal to drop them. In the absence of such transparency, we are left to assume that Osofsky, along with SCCMA and SCCPH, must be using SCU students as mere pawns to achieve their unscientific and authoritarian vaccination goals and quotas.
Guess What Is Keeping the US Economy Afloat by Paul Frijters, Gigi Foster, and Michael Baker. With no commensurate increase in the demand for money, the expansion in money supply created by American money-printing leads to all existing dollars buying fewer goods than before the money-printing. Nobody sends a bill: the tax just happens, with every clank of the government printing press. Doubling the amount of money in circulation via the printing press, and then giving the printed money to the government to buy stuff with, is basically the same as the government taxing half of private-sector income and buying stuff with it.
The WHO Is a Real and Present Danger By David Bell. The only real question is whether, and how, this society-wrecking pandemic train can be stopped. The public health professions want careers and salaries, and will not intervene. They have proven that in previous manifestations of fascism. The public must educate themselves, and then refuse to comply. We can just hope some of our supposed leaders will step forward to help them.
Best-Selling Author Michael Lewis Pens CIA Covid Propaganda By Debbie Lerman. The terrifying takeaways from this analysis are: First, that what Lewis is hiding – or trying to divert attention away from – is the massive CIA involvement in the Covid response. Second, that the intelligence and national security leaders who were in charge of the Covid response did not just censor information that contradicted their narrative; they also recruited widely trusted voices – including internationally renowned authors – to disseminate their propaganda.
What It Means to Lose Trust By Christine Black. Competing truths may be difficult and devastating to accept, as we have been enduring in the last few years, but the pain and cognitive dissonance are most certainly survivable, as survivors of childhood sexual abuse and assault survivors can attest. We may even transcend and thrive, be strengthened, and become guides for others.
How a Highly Effective Vaccine Turns Into a Mediocre Vaccine — or Worse By Eyal Shahar. The implication of the “healthy vaccinee” phenomenon — when estimating vaccine effectiveness — is called confounding bias. A naïve comparison of Covid mortality in vaccinated people and unvaccinated people, even if age-adjusted, is grossly misleading because the latter have higher risk of death to begin with. At least part of their higher Covid mortality, if not all, has nothing to do with not being vaccinated. They are simply sicker people.
I really enjoy a lot of your articles. I actually enjoy listening to them on Brownstone They are well-thought-out. Thanks for providing a link with more articles.
Let them come. They have no idea what is going to happen. They have become sacrificial lambs.
It will be to late for them. Sad horrible days.