The Fauci Junta is back in charge. Indeed, it never left.
The new head of NIAID is a Fauci loyalist as is the new head of the CDC. The receipts are all there: pro-lockdown, pro-masking, pro-mandate, pro-forced-mitigation, pro-closure, you name it: straight up members of the junta that wrecked the world. The faces change but the agenda does not.
Long ago, we all hoped for apologies and a massive reversal of policy. Now we see that it is going to be much harder than we thought, simply because the problems that led to the ongoing calamity are far deeper and more vast than we knew. It was not a mistake but a coup.
Meanwhile, the global public health hegemon that arguably started all of this – the World Health Organization – keeps getting more funding and more power. Exactly who is studying this outfit, its money, and its agenda? We are pleased to report that Brownstone’s World Health Analytical Team is now in place and ready to go.
If you want to help with funding this, please do! Thank you for your support. We certainly can’t count on the Gates Foundation.
Please register now for our November 4 conference and gala in Dallas, Texas. Rep. Thomas Massie will join us as dinner speaker and all your favorite writers and researchers will be there. There is limited space and you don’t want to miss this.
As for the supper club, a big treat comes our way on August 16: Aaron Day will speak about CBDCs. He might rank as the world expert at this point.
Here is some content since our last email:
The Joyful Warriors of Moms for Liberty By Jennifer Say. Joy can be contagious. And those of us who have fought against what felt like the world in the past 3 years need some joy as we continue to advocate for not just our kids, but all of them. And for many moms across the country, covid was a line in the sand. They will not let it happen again. They will be vigilant in fighting for normalcy for their children that they never realized before had been at risk.
Was the Covid Response a Coup by the Intelligence Community? By Michael Senger. The Western intelligence community driving the illiberalism of the response to COVID explains why the corruption and inhumanity of that response have always seemed so obvious, with the most valuable information on the events in question often coming from leading officials’ own books and interviews, despite how much harm they caused. They’re able to operate with such impunity because they know that the only agencies that can hold them accountable are the ones behind the whole spectacle. The propaganda is obvious, and it’s meant to be.
FDA Relied On Wildly Incorrect Booster Estimates By Ian Miller. Healthier people, in the initial examination, chose to get boosted. Therefore, they were less likely to die. But if you’re attempting to show a benefit against COVID-related outcomes, you have to adjust for such vast health disparities. The initial authors didn’t.
Coming Out as Injection Nonconforming by Christopher Grenda. The Covid epoch was injection normativity on anabolic steroids. Injection makers and mandators asserted hegemony by popularizing their preferences as “normal.” They created power dynamics and hierarchy, social structures pressuring everyone toward compulsory protein production. They thereby stigmatized the “other” – the injection questioning and injection nonconforming.
This Was Tucker Carlson’s “Greatest Public Mistake” By Jeffrey A. Tucker. Do not underestimate Tucker’s influence on all of this. The lockdowns – the wrecking of American liberty – certainly needed bipartisan and broad ideological support. If this became a left-right issue, it simply could not work. Therefore someone or something believed it was extremely important that Tucker needed to be convinced. And it worked.
The Cunning Tyranny of Abstract Notions of the “Common Good” By Thomas Harrington. One of the cardinal precepts of today’s Machiavellians and their esoteric court philosophers is the imperative of rewriting the operative rules early and often to the point where only the most stubborn and mindful among the rubes have the will to object to their carefully planned campaigns of moral disorientation.
The Ideological Bullying of Students Must Stop By Robin Koerner. Although this bullying does not seem to have undermined young people’s basic moral instincts for fairness (without exception, they are against males competing against females in sport because it is “unfair”), it has critically undermined their basic moral instinct for honesty.
Just Who Caused this Polarization? By Ian McNulty. The Polarization began many years before Social Media or the Internet were even a twinkle in their inventor’s eyes. It was government ministers who started it, and the Mainstream Media who have nurtured it ever since. The one-sided discussion format gradually extended from government ministers to lesser politicians and then to pundits, until it gradually became the norm.
The German Origins of the Pandemic Treaty By Robert Kogon. Lo and behold, if we go back far enough – before hardly anyone will have ever even heard the expression ‘pandemic treaty’ – we discover that the treaty did indeed have a state sponsor and that, unsurprisingly, the state in question is the very same state which, if albeit unbeknownst to the broader public, was the driving force behind the WHO’s Covid-19 ‘pandemic response:’ namely, Germany.
The Country Without a Man By Richard Kelly. In keeping with the narrative of the original story, a fitting response from ‘the Man’ would be to grant the government its wish. If they really never want to hear of us again, we should accommodate them in that foolish claim. They can be a Country without a Man.
Capital, Postmodernism, and Left Authoritarianism: The Unholy Alliance By Toby Rogers. If we survive the current crisis, it will be because of this new coalition of disaffected Democrats together with evangelical Christians and “small l” libertarians who reject postmodernism, authoritarianism, and fascism and fight with everything we’ve got for freedom, rationality, and common sense.
How Did Remdesivir Obtain Approval for Kidney Disease? By Stella Paul. Remdesivir may be the most despised drug in American history, earning the nickname Run Death Is Near for its lethal record during COVID. Experts claimed that it would stop COVID; instead, it stopped kidney function, then blasted the liver and other organs. Now this reviled destroyer of kidneys has been approved by the FDA for COVID treatment of kidney patients.
Racial Grievance Should Not be Permanently Codified By Ramesh Thakur. Permanently codifying racial grievance into the Constitution will guarantee it is weaponised sometime in the future by activists with increasingly radical agendas, followed by monetisation by grifters to demand compensation, reparations, and rents. This will stoke resentment and backlash.
The Money Trails of the Pandemic Planning Racket By Jeffrey A. Tucker. Let there be no mystery as to why the public has lost trust in government, public health, media, and virtually every other official institution. Even as Americans have been pillaged and had their foundational rights violated by governments, the people on the inside have done very well for themselves within this tangled web of graft and corruption. They have every intention to forever block curious journalists from knowing more.
The Creation of the 25-Year-Old Child By Daniel Nuccio. By attempting to cocoon both adolescents and young adults to protect them from bad choices, responsibility, and real-world consequences for their decisions until they reach a scientifically defined age at which they can enter the world fully mature and unsupervised, we will in fact be protracting their immaturity and delaying their development into the responsible adults we are waiting for them to become.
A Careful Look at the UNDP’s New iVerify Tool By Stavroula Pabst. iVerify’s power lies in its supranational infrastructure and ability to determine truth as an apparent authority source. Unfortunately, its manufactured ownership over the truth can easily be weaponized towards mass censorship of materials harmful to the elite’s bottom line. If it becomes a prominent aspect of the already treacherous information environment, UNDP’s iVerify only promises to worsen matters while further threatening the (remaining) sovereignty of nation states everywhere.
There’s No Need to Ban These Vaccines By David Bell. With reducing interest in vaccine boosters, it appears the public may solve the vaccine access issue themselves. A free flow of information and genuine informed consent will probably accelerate this. So would a responsible attitude from medical journals and regulatory agencies, if they can emerge from the yoke of their sponsors.
Regulator or Enabler? Germany’s Paul Ehrlich Institute and the Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine By Robert Kogon. Given the tremendous economic significance of BioNTech’s success for the German economy, one can wonder in general about the wisdom of having the German regulator serve as the regulator responsible for releasing batches to all EU member states. The potential conflict of interest is obvious. BioNTech’s mercurial rise was, for instance, the very motor of Germany’s return to growth in 2021, to say nothing of the roughly 30 percent of its profits that the company pays in corporate tax.
Population Control: The Receipts By Robert Malone. Perhaps the most obvious result of COVID lockdowns and the interruption of commerce is the current record number of people at risk of starvation: Before COVID lockdowns and all their results, the number of people at risk of starvation was 135-million. By the end of 2021, that had increased by another 135-million people, and in 2022, it then increased another 67-million. The result is currently about 10-million deaths from starvation, 3-million of them children.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
There is something very odd about this post.
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