We know, it’s impossible to keep up, even if you have the stomach for it.
Just today, Sam Bankman-Fried of FTX, responsible for many billions lost, was cleared by the Justice Department of campaign-finance violations. The reason: not because FTX was not guilty but rather because the extradition request from the Bahamas did not list that as a reason.
Yeah, right. The receipts are all there, and campaign finance is very obviously part of the whole point of the FTX’s existence, even if “pandemic planning” was the cover story. Brownstone published two very important pieces on the topic: here and here. Among many others.
On the censorship front, we just published an important series of revelations. It was not in your imagination. Facebook was directly pressured by the White House. We have the receipts.
It does seem as if everything is unraveling. There is still a very long way to go, however.
Please register now for our November 4 conference and gala in Dallas, Texas. Rep. Thomas Massie will join us as dinner speaker and all your favorite writers and researchers will be there. There is limited space and you don’t want to miss this.
As for the supper club, a big treat comes our way on August 16: Aaron Day will speak about CBDCs. He might rank as the world expert at this point.
Finally, happy second birthday to Brownstone! We opened to the public on August 1, 2021. The reach has been up and up. Six books, ten fellows, monthly events, 1,500 articles, and many millions of views later, Brownstone is in top form, and we still have a tiny staff. Thank you donors above all else! None of this would be possible without you.
Here is some content since our last email:
The Facebook Files Show Brazen and Aggressive Censorship By Justin Hart. Never-before-released internal documents subpoenaed by the Judiciary Committee PROVE that Facebook and Instagram censored posts and changed their content moderation policies because of unconstitutional pressure from the Biden White House.
Seriously, They Think Fauci Is Oppenheimer By Debbie Lerman. If we continue to follow the perverse line of reasoning that posits “our public health servants during the pandemic” as moral and intellectual descendants of Oppneheimer, we might conclude that it was Anthony Fauci et al. who were pushed out of the mainstream and branded “fringe epidemiologists” by government officials. Or who are no longer able to publish their work in respected scientific journals and whose opinions are deemed dangerous to national security.
Soup Is How We Keep Each Other Alive by Naomi Wolf. How amazing it is when we can keep one another alive. How extraordinary it is when we can feed one another. What a revelation it is when we can see one another – not as monsters; but simply as living beings, who are always hungry; for nurture, for understanding, and for love.
The Betrayal of the Environment by Environmentalists by El Gato Malo. Suddenly, “climate is the new covid” and in just the manner that certain internet felines have long been yowling about, they are going to play all the same stupid games and try to hand you all the same stupid prizes. They are selling you poison and penury as panacea. The new absurdist push into “We need blackouts and climate lockdowns and 15-minute cities” is an idea as dangerous as it is deluded. It will not save. It will kill.
The Great Cloud of Disrepute By Jeffrey A. Tucker. The turning point is here. We can either embrace old forms – human rights, freedom, the rule of law, constitutionally restricted governments – or acquiesce to growing despotism under “expert” advisement, no matter how cruel and incompetent. How broken is the world? That is what we are finding out now. The answer seems to be: much more than we thought. More now than in living memory.
The Crisis of Pseudoscience, by John F. Clauser By Brownstone Institute. Dr. Clauser spoke in July at the event Quantum Korea 2023. What follows is a transcript of his remarks that prompted the International Monetary Fund to cancel his appearance this week, and began a predictable trajectory of broader cancellation.
Trump’s Disastrous Final Year in Office By David Stockman. We are now 40-months on from the Donald’s foolish empowerment of Dr. Fauci and his Virus Patrol in mid-March 2020, and all doubt has been removed. If there were two countries on the planet which had diametrically opposite policy approaches with respect to the Covid, it was Australia, which degenerated into an outright public health tyranny, and Sweden, where officials kept their minds open to the facts and social institutions—schools, churches, shops, theaters, malls, factories, etc–open to the public.
Idaho Christians Are Compensated $300,000 for Rights Violations By Brownstone Institute. A thirst for power may explain the actions of governors and bureaucrats, but only madness can explain why policemen arrested worshippers and how neighbors called authorities on fellow Christians to report their insubordination.
Who Ordered the Lab-Leak Cover-Up? By Will Jones. It’s fair to say that the clash between the security services pushing the lab origin theory and the suppression of that theory by other parts of the state, and even at times by the security services themselves, has been one of the more confusing aspects of the pandemic origin picture.
Solutions to Vaccine Troubles in Ten Sentences By Clayton J. Baker, MD. An open, public discussion and debate should be undertaken on the appropriate role of vaccines in public health, including, among other issues, a) a critical review of the current medical dogma on vaccines, b) an accounting of the mistakes, abuses, and potential lessons of the COVID-19 era, and c) a thorough discussion of the undeniable conflicts between public health as it is now practiced and the fundamental civil rights of citizens.
America’s Prolonged Economic Stagflation By David Stockman. The US economy is freighted down with debt and it is also short of labor, riddled with non-productive speculation and financial engineering and starved for productive investment. Taken together, those malign forces were more than enough to slow the underlying growth of the US economy to a crawl.
The Vaccine Mandate to Become a Citizen Must End By Gwendolyn Kull. Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) introduced a bill on July 19, 2023 to at least end the ACIP requirement mandating covid vaccines for immigrants, recognizing that families are still harmed by the CDCs relentless push for mass-covid vaccination among adults and children. Certainly, this step to reign in this incorrigible agency is heading in the right direction.
Our Enemy, The State By Ramesh Thakur. It was important for someone to write this instant history under time pressure, an accessible work of record, lest we forget. Or rather, lest they be allowed to forget and move on. This is neither a book by nor for academics. Therein lies some of its failings and much of its strength. “The Government is my enemy,” laments a disillusioned citizen. Do not trust politicians and bureaucrats. “They lie for a living,” says the cynical reporter.
Those Who Poisoned the Dreams of Sarah By David Bell. Sarah doesn’t see the other students much now. She heard the school had reopened, but most of her old classmates were pregnant or had babies, and like her they knew this promised world was not for them. She knows they are not stupid – they know the virus was mostly a problem for old people, and that the same rich people who once paid for the school computers made lots of money from the vaccines they insisted everyone have for the old people’s virus.
Greta Thunberg Gives Finger to Opponents of New EU Environmental Legislation By Robert Kogon. The proposed Nature Restoration Law, one of the main components of the European Commission’s “Green Deal,” would require 20 percent of allegedly degraded EU land and sea to be “restored” by 2030. A modified version of the proposal which was already rejected in the parliament’s Environment Committee would have raised this figure even to 30 percent.
Why did Mental Health Professionals Go Along with Lockdowns? By Daniel Nuccio. Occasionally there was a suggestion that socially-distanced outdoor interactions might be acceptable or that phased school reopenings could be attempted. But, by and large, very few mental health professionals, like so many people from so many other fields, had the courage to present any real challenge to these policies despite knowing the damage they wrought.