The Emergency Deepens
So yes, we already know the next stage: an out-in-the-open economic and possibly financial crisis. The elite classes, meanwhile, are in a continued state of denial, and ready to scapegoat anyone.
The real economic crisis was kicked off with the lockdowns of March 2020. Since then, the whole system has been held together with scotch tape and bubble gum, plus an overlay of manipulated data. So the panic that has suddenly hit – recession in the air! – is not about underlying realities but sudden revelations.
Brownstone readers knew this all along of course. But as usual, the situation is worse than is being admitted. The inflation rate over four years is extremely high, so much so that we are still trying to get a read on the specifics. The stimulus payments of 2020-21 dramatically accelerated the offshoring of production. The debt is rising in ways that induce fainting.
Now we have the present administration calling for nationwide rent controls. Even during the Great War, that didn’t happen. Such talk is really without precedent, and will only lead to further shortages. Such brutal tactics of control are coupled with a continued refusal to admit the truth: the calamity was caused by a fire-hot printing press that created a phony-money boom followed by an ongoing bust.
So yes, we already know the next stage: an out-in-the-open economic and possibly financial crisis. The elite classes, meanwhile, are in a continued state of denial, and ready to scapegoat anyone with fundamental doubts about the wisdom of their masters in government, media, tech, and medicine.
In the meantime, you can count on Brownstone to be there with actual facts and deep analysis of the goings-on here. Brownstone is here as a sanctuary from the chaos, providing light and safety to displaced intellectuals, writers, and so many others. Your support is all we have to make our work possible.
Sadly, tickets for the West Hartford, CT, supper club on August 21 featuring Robert Malone are sold out. But you can still buy your ticket for our Philadelphia supper club on August 8. Our guest speaker is scientist and writer Josh Mitteldorf, who will tell us about his research and activities around election integrity.
Registrations for our November 1-2 conference and gala, at the William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh, are open. Secure your spot. Yes, Robert Malone will be there.
Here is some content since our last email.
Same Pig, Different Lipstick: Covid and the Green Revolution By Mark Oshinskie. In agriculture, public health, and medicine, we should stop envisioning magic technological bullets that empower governments more than they benefit their purported target populations. We should consider not only the ostensible short-term benefits of interventions but also the broader costs.
Surveillance Capitalism: You Are the Commodity By Robert Malone. Surveillance capitalism is a business model based on the unilateral claim of human private experiences as free raw material for translation into behavioral data. The prediction and influencing of behavior, rather than goods and services, is the primary product.
Forgery at the Robert Koch Institute? By Robert Kogon. There is a raging discussion about whether the leaked final redactions of the minutes of the Robert Koch Institute’s Covid-19 crisis group are forgeries. At least one ostensibly unredacted and highly publicised passage in the documents suggests that they are.
Hotez Calls for Police Deployment against “Anti-Vaxxers” By Paul Thacker. An interview with Texas Children’s Hospital’s Dr. Peter Hotez began circulating with the Big Pharma insider calling for the United Nations and NATO to deploy security forces against “anti-vaxxers” in the United States.
Does New Study on Masks Show That They Work? By Maryanne Demasi. This study does not show that community masking reduces the healthcare burden of diseases associated with respiratory illnesses, which was the justification for mandating face masks during the pandemic. Hand hygiene is likely to be more effective.
How Big Tech Spawned Surveillance Capitalism By Robert Malone. Leading corporations employing the surveillance capitalism business model include Google, Amazon, and Facebook. Surveillance capitalism has now fused with the science of psychology, marketing, and algorithmic manipulation of online information that go far beyond the predictions of Huxley and Orwell.
The Propaganda Model Has Limits By Mattias Desmet. The indoctrination and propaganda model is creaking and groaning. From the fact that the Democrats ran with Biden and then had to force him out in this amateurish manner, we can only conclude that the desperation must be enormous.
We Reap the Harvest of Lies By David Bell. Public discourse is broken. Perhaps it broke when governments elected to represent the people openly employed behavioral psychology to lie to their constituencies. Media, health professionals, politicians, and celebrities all participated in this lie.
Letitia James vs. VDARE and the First Amendment By Brownstone Institute. VDARE is not everyone’s cup of tea, and its content is certainly outside the mainstream. But are we willing to sit by as weaponized censors impose an information flow for a population of people treated as children by political elites?
Our Hunger Games Unfold in Paris By Debbie Lerman. Events like the Olympics no longer symbolize the aspiration of a world of nations to live and compete peacefully with one another. They are now a testament to the dissolution of nations into a global Panem ruled by Capitol elites.
Are the Olympics a Trial Run for a 1984 Digital State? By Aaron Hertzberg. I hope the uproar caused by the Summer Games’ disruptions to people’s ability to live, work in, and enjoy their city will shine a light on these dangerous technologies of control and surveillance that are incompatible with a free society.
History, Technology, and a Balanced Attitude By Bert Olivier. One can hardly speak cogently of ‘human development’ if the ‘human’ in this phrase is replaced (and obliterated) by ‘technical’ or ‘technological.’ The neo-fascists would like nothing better than for that to happen conclusively.
What Happened to American Civics? By Charles Krblich. The purpose of my son’s civics education is to instill common ideals of what a citizen is, what the process of government is, and the philosophy of why those things are important. What happens when those rules no longer apply?
Missouri v. Biden/Kennedy v. Biden Update By Aaron Kheriaty. SCOTUS will agree that Kennedy has standing and the Supreme Court will have to consider the evidentiary record and make a ruling on the merits. I don’t see how they can avoid giving us a favorable ruling.
The UN’s Green Agenda Will Spark Famine By Thi Thuy Van Dinh and David Bell. The right to food was sacrificed twice by the UN, first by the green agenda and then by lockdown measures supported by the UN for a virus predominantly affecting the wealthy countries where the climate agenda is based.