The Breaking Point
The Facebook empire became practically useless for information. The one major source for news was Elon Musk’s X. It is because of this platform that we know what we know.
We are more than four years deep into a period of history in which most governments in the world shattered their citizens’ lives with a previously unthinkable science experiment. The fallout has been worse than anyone could have imagined, even those of us who had a strong sense of impending disaster.
A few days ago, Donald Trump was shot at a rally but survived, while he provided the world with an incredible demonstration of resilience and fortitude. Over the same weekend, however, the entire censorship apparatus went into high gear.
You experienced it on all mainstream television. The Facebook empire became practically useless for information. The one major source for news was Elon Musk’s X. It is because of this platform that we know what we know.
Here we saw all the broken pieces of politics, state, media, and mental health in full display, and gained insight into what happens when an elite attempts a great reset. The result is calamity.
Everyone keeps hoping for the end of the crisis. We might be at its beginning. Behind it all, we are dealing with a grueling economic problem that is affecting everyone but largely unmentioned in public life.
We are trying to get to the bottom of the economic issue with a new study that you can support. Our experts will be looking at all the official data and correcting it for reality. The goal is to gain a clearer picture of where we are in the business cycle. You are welcome to support this work. We get no government funding and no large foundations are interested.
Registrations are open for our West Hartford, CT, supper club on July 24.
Registrations for our November 1-2 conference and gala, at the William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh, are open. Secure your spot.
Here is some content since our last email.
During the Crisis, Free Speech Worked Brilliantly By Jeffrey Tucker. But for X, the last 24 hours would have looked very different: nothing but propaganda, apart from a few marginal places here and there. Therein lies another irony: the way X is managed is increasing trust rather than reducing it.
Are We Already in Recession? By Peter St Onge. My base case has been that we’re repeating the 1970s disaster driven by out-of-control government spending and out-of-control Fed money printing. The official numbers are matching that almost to a tee.
Administrative State Power Suffers Major Blow By Robert Malone. The court basically determined that, just because Congress fails to do its job, it is not acceptable for executive branch administrative agencies to step in and substitute their opinions in the absence of clearly stated Congressional intent.
The Fraught Relationship between Science and Power By Toby Rogers. The biggest breakthroughs in the history of science usually come from the outsiders. So there’s a paradox in that proper science often dies when it makes an unholy alliance with the state.
Standing…The Myth, The Legend, The Lie By Bobbie Anne Flower Cox. Regarding the Murthy v. Missouri aftermath, I’m hearing a lot of confusion about the ruling and its implications on Americans’ everyday lives, so I’m going to explain it here to help clear up the misconceptions that abound.
The Political Imprisonment of Steve Bannon By Naomi Wolf. National political leaders and thought leaders are scared, going quiet, and complying in the wake of Steve Bannon’s arrest, hoping that this silence will buy them freedom from a similar fate.
Censors Everywhere We Look By Lori Weintz. Some commentary on the debate went back and forth in the Group. I received an email from Google Groups stating that they had “permanently removed” my content because “an external report flagged the content for illegal content or policy violations.”
The History We Make Today By Bert Olivier. ‘Progress’ in the traditional sense under these circumstances? Not likely. Today it seems more advisable to do our best to make history by imagining a position where humanity can start afresh, but with less innocence.
The Pandemic Excuse for a Corporatist Coup By Jeffrey Tucker. The indemnification of pharma from liability for harm needs to be repealed. But even more fundamentally, the quarantine power itself has to go, and that means the full repeal of the Public Health Services Act of 1944.
Immunology Needs Physics Envy By Toby Rogers. Kudos to the physicists for their humility and honesty in admitting what they don’t know. But this makes the arrogance of immunology all the more glaring by comparison. Immunology is stuck in an 18th century paradigm.
G3P: Global Public-Private Partnerships and the UN By Robert Malone. The WEF does not have an electoral mandate, and none of us have any opportunity to influence its judgments. Yet, it is working in partnership with our governments, the United Nations, and various G3P stakeholders to redesign the planet.
Summary of Kansas Attorney General’s Report By Carl Heneghan. We’ve extracted the main points from the Kansas City Attorney General’s legal report on the case against Pfizer that we first mentioned in Due Process—all quotes are taken verbatim.
What Is the Real Economic Story of Our Times? By Brownstone Institute. We want to get to the bottom of what has happened to the US and world economy since the disaster of lockdowns. Something doesn’t feel right, and we would like to take an objective look and tell a different story.
Supreme Court Kneecaps Administrative State By Thomas Buckley. The United States Supreme Court today threw out 40 years of precedent and overturned the principle of Chevron deference, blowing a huge hole in the power of the administrative state.
No Justice for Unvaccinated Cops By Rebekah Barnett. Two years after the Covid mandates ended, the West Australian Police Force has fired nearly twenty unvaccinated police officers and public servants for refusing to get the jabs. A Supreme Court ruling that the vaccination directive was “valid and lawful.”
Do People Want Precious Freedom? By Bert Olivier. Social theorist Bauman wondered about freedom – do people really want to be free? Can they bear the challenges and responsibilities of being free? He approaches this question from the angle of ‘liberation,’ which is sometimes the prerequisite of being free.
German FDA Official Did Not Oppose BioNTech-Pfizer Licensure By Robert Kogon. What has gone virtually entirely overlooked in the related buzz about FDA officials Gruber and Krause’s alleged opposition is that Marion Gruber herself signed the letter approving the vaccine and granting full authorization!