This week, Rochelle Walensky penned an essay in the New York Times about the future of the CDC. She admitted no error and otherwise called for more funding. Meanwhile, Matt Hancock in the UK did apologize – for not locking sooner and harder.
As the generation of leaders who wrecked the world continues to dodge and weave, they are further cracking down on dissidents. Robert F. Kennedy just had another video taken down from YouTube, even as litigation goes forward that would ban the entire corrupt practice of government/tech censorship.
These are crisis times in every area: law, economics, culture, education, science, and health. There is so much to be sorted out, to rethink, to understand, to rebuild. Brownstone Institute is on the front lines and we always need your help.
Meanwhile, we are hiring for help with our burgeoning publishing arm. Old-line publishers are confused and academic publishers are useless, which leaves a huge niche for Brownstone. Because of the successes of our last six books, we are flooded with wonderful manuscripts. You can see the job description here.
Have you registered yet for our Dallas conference and dinner on Nov 4?
Here is some content since our last email:
Sorry but Serious Harms from the Vaccine are Not Rare by Maryanne Demasi. Drug regulators and public health agencies have saturated the airways with claims that serious harms following covid vaccination are “rare.” There has been very little scrutiny of that claim by the media, and I could not find an instance where international agencies actually quantified what they meant by the term “rare” or provided a scientific source.
CISA Was Behind the Attempt to Control Your Thoughts, Speech, and Life by Brownstone institute. The House Report indicates that CISA was a central actor in censoring criticism of the Covid regime in the ensuing months and years. The agency is representative of the cabal of censorial and unaccountable officials engaged in public-private partnerships designed to keep us in the dark.
The Evolution of Thin Skin By Steve Templeton. Many universities have abandoned their mission of truth-seeking in favor of promoting social justice and all its quasi-religious trappings. This new mission has infiltrated every level of higher education, even medical schools. With this cultural slide, not only is it wrong to attack fellow student’s or professor’s work, it is wrong to even challenge or debate their ideas entirely. If the work of the professors or students falls in line with the new mission, it becomes insulated from any criticism.
Structural Reasons Why Today’s Universities Fail By Paul Frijters and Gigi Foster. Administrative bloat has many other consequences, amongst which is that many university functions now follow bureaucratic rather than academic logic, ignoring the purely academic benefits to activities and focusing instead on finding and privileging reasons for the bureaucracy’s own existence. This leads to a perennial search for problems that can be exaggerated and turned into a justification for more administration (e.g., ‘Is there a problem I can pretend to solve by creating an additional compliance problem?’).
Essential Reading for the Dissident, the Disenfranchised, the Disillusioned by Richard Kelly. Stapleton’s book is a tale of supreme political hubris and arrogance, enough arrogance to imagine that a riot squad can control an airborne virus. Lewis brought in the gods to resolve the finale; Stapleton, too, brings the supernatural out into the open, spirits portentously looming over the future of our once free land.
An Update from Naomi Wolf by Naomi Wolf. Above all I am grateful to my immune system – my best friend in my one life on this planet – a system which has been (and still is) in the fight of its life; and so grateful to all those who taught me to love it as myself; since that is indeed, as it turns out, what it really is.
Tell the Truth No Matter What By Rev. John. F. Naugle. The remnant of Western Civilization ultimately has a truth problem. On one side we have the fairy tale of happy pluralism that there is nothing substantive worth debating regarding the philosophical underpinnings of society. On the other side, there is the persistent temptation to either flirt with or fully embrace authoritarianism as a shortcut to suppress the conflict that is necessary to really arrive at truth.
The Australian Gulag Archipelago By Paul Frijters, Gigi Foster, and Michael Baker. John covers all the important elements of the disaster befalling Australia: the arrogance of power, the delight of the bullies at having so many victims, the panic over trivialities, the desire for destruction, the suffering of the children and the lonely, the absurdity of the ever-changing rules, the corruption, the lies, and the oppressive sensation of being in a slow-motion disaster.
The Bias that Creates the Illusion of an Effective Covid Vaccine By Eyal Shahar. How could Covid vaccines have been highly effective in the frail and elderly? They were not. To understand why, we have to struggle with complicated biases in observational studies because we don’t have randomized trials with a mortality endpoint.
What People Overlook in the AI Debate By Bert Olivier. As Dr Narayanan indicates, ChatGPT’s responses to some computer science examination questions he posed to it were spurious, but they were phrased in such a specious manner that their falsity was not immediately apparent, and he had to check them three times before being certain that this was the case. So much for ChatGPT’s vaunted capacity to ‘replace’ humans.
The Human Costs of Campus Closures By Rob Jenkins. In our unhinged pursuit of a covid-free fantasyland, we wreaked untold and immeasurable havoc on the entire higher education ecosystem. Whether this is reversible remains to be seen. But for the damage not to be permanent, we must at the very least resolve never to do it again. Another round of campus closures like the last one will likely permanently destroy higher ed as we know it.
Pandemic Leaders Were Biodefense Puppets and Profiteers By Debbie Lerman. When public health and medical experts blanketed the airwaves and Internet with “recommendations” urging universal masking, mass testing and quarantining of asymptomatic people, vaccine mandates, and other anti-public health policies – or when they promoted obviously flawed studies that supported the quarantine-until-vaccine biodefense agenda – they were not doing so because they were dumb, incompetent, or misguided.
Please. If the Elites told the truth, nobody would believe them. "We want you dead, your family, your dog, your city, your country," would be too much to believe.
Times Magazine put out the famous "We fortified the election," article and nobody believed it.
The WEF says, 'You will own nothing and you will be happy." or "We can hack the human body" or "We need to have a 4th Reich" and nobody believes them.
All of this, while I'm sharpening my knives and stocking up on Ammo.
Our own government says, "We will sterilize your children and kill your babies," and nobody believes them.
We must be brave and tell the truth if we want this to end. Thank you for your article.