Take Heart!
Some fantastic news: Julie Ponesse’s gorgeous book, Our Last Innocent Moment, is out in physical and digital. Nothing can prepare you for the power of this work. It’s a masterpiece.
Take heart, friends. The ruling-class narrative is collapsing day by day. The last four years introduced vast swaths of the population to the corruption of all the commanding heights. Now we are seeing a broad clamor to find what is true, what is real, to rebuild and to renew.
The Brownstone Institute team just returned from a weekend event with the FLCCC, one of our partner organizations. Their focus is on medical practitioners and patients who were seriously harmed by malpractice over the last few years. It was gratifying to see some 600 people gather with great passion to discover alternatives for themselves and their families.
As part of this, Brownstone’s own focus comes into play: the corruption of science and media, lockdowns, surveillance, attacks on civil liberties, cartelization of industry, and the economic pillaging of the population. The blending of all of this has been wonderful to watch: the creation of dissident nation, worldwide.
As part of the alternative media, Brownstone is experiencing growth in traffic and influence, even as legacy media is struggling to keep its hold on the public mind.
We cannot do any of this without your support, so we are deeply grateful.
Some fantastic news: Julie Ponesse’s gorgeous book, Our Last Innocent Moment, is out in physical and digital. Nothing can prepare you for the power of this work. It’s a masterpiece. Brownstone is honored to be the publisher.
Tickets for our February 21 Supper Club are on sale.
Here is some content since our last email:
New Scandal, Same Story By Ramesh Thakur. What we need to close this particular circle is both a proper inquiry and a human-interest personalised TV dramatisation of the Covid-related injustices inflicted by the unholy collusion between the different components of Big State, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the mainstream media.
They Inch Towards Technological Control By Bert Olivier. In a move that casts George Orwell’s 1984 in a distinctly passé light, these well-nigh invisible flying objects will be programmed and used by organisations such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) for population surveillance, to detect so-called ‘thought crimes’ on the part of citizens. Needless to spell out, this will be done with a view to controlling people in a failsafe manner, anticipating supposed ‘criminal’ action before it is committed.
The Greatest Trick Big Brother Ever Pulled By Daniel Nuccio. When you think about what our emerging surveillance state will look like, you think 1984. You imagine East Germany powered by Google and Amazon. You recall your favorite dystopian sci-fi film – or maybe horror stories of China’s social credit system. Thoughts of a frustrated middle-aged police chief from a mid-sized Midwestern town attempting to procure security cameras with innovative new features probably don’t come to mind. You definitely don’t think of a guy in a lawn chair jotting down the license plate numbers of passing vehicles in a notebook. And that’s partly how the surveillance state is going to emerge as it creeps its way into one small town at a time.
Landmark Victory for the Vaccine-Injured By Rebekah Barnett. The Department of Child Protection (DCP) must pay compensation and medical expenses to a youth worker who developed pericarditis after getting a Covid booster under a workplace vaccination directive, the South Australian Employment Tribunal has ruled.
The Rise and Fall of Quality Improvement in America By Steven Kritz. Today, they are actively trying to bulldoze the Constitution, believing that they have achieved a critical mass of support to carry this out successfully. They may be right. However, if they are successful, the useful idiots who created the critical mass will become nothing but useless eaters, once the progressive goals are achieved, and a totalitarian state is firmly in place. Hopefully, these people will realize before it’s too late that this will not improve their quality of life (QI), and as such, are not good national or individual trajectories.
Your Tax Dollars for Davos By Aaron Day. Amidst these events, Congressman Scott Perry introduced the “Defund Davos Act.” Initially, I was shocked to learn that we, as taxpayers, were funding the WEF at all. However, further investigation revealed that since 2013, we have provided at least $60 million in taxpayer funding to the WEF.
Feel-Good Leftist Abstractions Destroy Communities By Thomas Harrington. So yes, it is undoubtedly true that since the French Revolution, if not before, the political Left has been plagued by an unfortunate tendency to impose unproven and abstract new ideas upon society through coercive means. They generally do so because they, not entirely wrongly, see tradition mostly in terms of its ability to stymie man’s ceaseless gift for improving (or is it divinizing?) himself and the overall condition of the world.
Lab Origin: The Case is Even Stronger Now By Alex Washburne. New evidence has emerged to strengthen the lab origin case. The flawed papers claiming a zoonotic origin have been revealed as even more hopelessly flawed – while those of us independent subject matter experts could see this from the beginning, now it is becoming more obvious even to the lay public. Additionally, the lab origin theory has made remarkable predictions about the contents of recently FOIA’d drafts of the DEFUSE grant.
Our ‘Leaders’ Learned Nothing from Their Covid Failures By Daniel Nuccio. What are you doing to prepare for Disease X? If you are like most people, probably nothing. This is likely the first you are hearing of Disease X. However, if you spent mid-January in Davos, your answer may have included improving healthcare infrastructure, investing in vaccines, and promoting a pandemic treaty that may or may not threaten state sovereignty around the globe.
Is This a Free Democratic Society? By Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan. The time has come to get rid of the whole lot of them. It is not difficult to eliminate cowards trying to cover their tracks and empty heads, suggesting the latest idiotic policy to circumvent it. We keep calling them out with the help of the populace they rule over. We need your help to keep going, but we must confess that the clowns being deposed by Mr Dawson have given us a leg up.
Today’s Censorship Is Personal By Jeffrey Tucker. The outcome of Missouri v. Biden – the Biden administration has fought the case at every step – could make the difference as to whether the US will maintain its former distinction as the land of the free and home of the brave. It’s hard to imagine that the Supreme Court will decide any other way than to smack down the federal censors, but we cannot know for sure these days.
Can Federalising Central Governments Fix…Federalism? By Gigi Foster, Paul Frijters, and Michael Baker. The US, Australia, and the EU each started out as federalist ideas with extremely independent constituent states, and with constitutions that made the rise of a large central government illegal and impossible. Yet, in all three places, the federalist project has failed, and a giant central bureaucracy has arisen that is strangling the life out of both states and country, as we have opined previously. How did this hostile takeover happen, and how do we create a new federalism that is resistant to becoming a monster all over again?
The WHO and Phony International Law By Bruce Pardy. A new pandemic treaty is in the works. Countries are negotiating its terms, along with amendments to international health regulations. If ready in time, the World Health Assembly will approve them in May. The deal may give the WHO power to declare global health emergencies. Countries will promise to follow WHO directives. Lockdowns, vaccine mandates, travel restrictions, and more will be in the works. Critics say that the agreements will override national sovereignty because their provisions will be binding. But international law is the art of the Big Pretend.
Maybe More People Objected Than We Knew By Jeffrey Tucker. The problem of figuring out whether and to what extent people acquiesced to tyranny is an important one. It is complicated by accumulating evidence that the government worked with tech and media, and therefore with the main way people get their news, to actively suppress contrary voices, even when they came from recognized experts of great credibility.
Medicine Has Been Fully Militarized By Clayton J. Baker. At this writing, virtually all the major healthcare systems, specialty regulatory boards, specialty associations, and medical schools are standing at attention, still in lockstep with the received – and by now, clearly false – narrative. Their funding, after all, be it from Pharma or the government, depends upon their obedience. Barring dramatic change, they will respond in the same fashion when orders come down from above in the future. Medicine has been fully militarized.
Ulrich Beck and Our ‘Risk Society’ By Bert Olivier. Growing evidence suggests that most of the ‘ultra-risks’ that have emerged recently have been produced by design, and that it is too late to undo most of them, although others may possibly be prevented.
Where Are We Now? By Julie Ponesse. I learned how easy it is for us to betray one another and how Covid exposed the fault lines in our relationships. But I also saw humanity all around. I saw hugs and connection and immense warmth everywhere I went. I saw the worst side of humanity and the best, and I witnessed the indomitable power of inconvenient truths. The Covid-19 battleground has certainly created its heroes and villains, and we have all taken sides about which is which.
Healthcare Students Still Forced to Inject Vaccines By Lucia Sinatra. Despite the fact that there has not been one documented Covid case on college campuses in the last four years that led to either an outbreak of severe illness or death from Covid, thousands of students are forced to decide whether to take a vaccine that they do not need or walk away from the degree for which they have invested tens of thousands of dollars and countless hours due to coercive policies the likes of which we have never seen before. The “winter of death” never came to pass and neither did the spring or fall of death, but healthcare students all around the country have no choice; take updated Covid vaccines or withdraw from your program as if these seasons of death might still come to pass.
The Legal Batteries That Supercharge the Bureaucratic State By Thomas Buckley. There is a legal thing called “Chevron deference” and it has encouraged the massive growth of the power and scope of the bureaucratic state over the past 40 years. Named after a 1984 legal case, the doctrine holds (in a nutshell) that courts must defer to the wisdom of the implied expertise of a government agency when deciding certain legal questions.
The Loosening of Rules on Informed Consent By Steven Kritz. On January 22, 2024, amendments to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations (21 CFR 50) covering Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) were finalized and implemented. The amendments added a new section 50.22 that allows for exceptions to informed consent requirements for minimal risk research.