Stop the Despots and Make New Friends
The event of the year is only weeks away! Please join us at the 4th annual Brownstone Institute conference and gala, November 1-2, 2024, at the spectacular William Penn Hotel in Pennsylvania.
The event of the year is only weeks away!
Please join us at the 4th annual Brownstone Institute conference and gala, November 1-2, 2024, at the spectacular William Penn Hotel in Pennsylvania. You do not want to miss this. It’s a fantastic opportunity to hear from the best minds working for the cause of freedom, and meet new friends you will need to have in the years ahead.
Brownstonians are meeting there on Thursday evening from 6-10pm, come and go. Staff, Fellows, scholars, donors, and guests will all be there.
Hope to see you!
Join us at the West Hartford, CT, supper club on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, as we welcome lockdown researcher John Beaudoin, who has done some astonishing research on a range of issues related to the present crisis.
Our next Philadelphia supper club will be on Thursday, November 7. Come spend an evening with friends and guest speaker Thomas Harrington, Senior Brownstone Scholar and Brownstone Fellow, as well as author of The Treason of the Experts: Covid and the Credentialed Class.
Here is some content since our last email.
Cut the Truth Out of Our Heads By Jeffrey Tucker. The person who wanted to use violence to cut the brain out of the truthspeaker was merely protecting herself against a terrible truth she could not handle. It’s the liar more than anyone who has reason to fear free speech.
When Models and Reality Clash: A Review of Predictions of Epidemic and Pandemic Mortality By REPPARE. Modeling can assist in raising questions to be answered by research. Technological advances have contributed to the reduction in infectious diseases, including pandemic mortality. But misuse of technology through inappropriate use of models could undo many of these important gains.
Proposed Hate Speech Laws Abound in Australia By Rebekah Barnett. The proposed hate speech laws are just several of a grab-bag of reforms that, if passed, will necessarily curtail free speech. While these laws may be well-intentioned, an (unintended?) effect will be to put free speech under siege Down Under.
Science, The Humanities, and Postmodernist Poison By Russ Gonnering. The exploration of whether or not the gulf between Science and The Humanities can be bridged will have to be put on hold. Sadly, both of those quests have been poisoned by the Postmodernism into which we have rapidly descended.
Echoes of Tyranny: The Forgotten Lessons from History By Josh Stylman. We lived through one of the most staggering human rights violations in recent history. At the heart of this crisis lies the crossing of two fundamental Rubicons: the erosion of the First Amendment and the violation of the Nuremberg Code.
Evil in a Box By Thomas Harrington. That the contrast between good and evil might be clear-cut in a given moment of history, I do not dispute. The problem comes when we put that particular and necessarily time-bound case of evil “in a box.” Why?
Bedard: From Covid Amnesty to Covid Amnesia By Thomas Buckley. In a recent piece in the New York Times, Dr. Rachel Bedard – who specializes in “medicine and criminal justice” – said the world needs to move on from the whole Covid catastrophe, the pandemic response, and the wholesale destruction of liberties.
Schopenhauer: Humanity’s Fall to Irrationality By Bert Olivier. One cannot ignore the possibility that certain actions could occur which may, indeed, trigger the use of nuclear weapons by Russia, and then, in retaliation, by NATO countries, or vice versa. One can only hope that cool heads will prevail.
Recession Since 2022: US Economic Income and Output Have Fallen Overall for Four Years By EJ Antoni and Peter St Onge. In this study we aim to quantify some of the more egregious biases in inflation statistics in order to get us closer to a true understanding of inflation since 2019, hence of true economic growth since 2019.
Walz’s Covid-19 Legacy By Anita Jader. I observed Governor Tim Walz’s handling of the 2020 Covid-19 crisis in Minnesota with increasing concern. What started as a two-week pause quickly evolved into a series of questionable policy decisions that contravened scientific reasoning, constitutional rights, and fiscal responsibility.
Government Can Fix neither Food nor Farm By Joel Salatin. With the national health crisis, food debauchery, and farm exploitation suddenly jumping to headlines via RFK, Jr., numerous people have offered solutions but nothing I’ve seen truly gets to the heart of the problem.
The Man Who Shouts Fire in a Crowded Theater By Daniel Klein. Walz resembles the man who shouts fire in a crowded theater. Claiming a great danger, he incites people to fall in with a political program. But, having heard the shouting—“Save democracy!”—we have some time to discuss and reflect.
Prop One: A Trojan Horse of Epic Proportions By Bobbie Anne Flower Cox. I was interviewed last week about a proposed amendment to our Constitution here in New York, “Proposal Number One” (aka “Prop One”). If we don’t stop it here, then it will come to your state sooner or later.
Hope and Moral Repair By Julie Ponesse. It is all too easy, when in the middle of a crisis, to give up. But to fix what ails us, we don’t have to fix everything in one moment or one action. We only need to make a start.