This week should bring us some alarming information, courtesy of Alex Berenson. Elon Musk invited him to Twitter headquarters to look through company files from before Elon took over. In particular, he looked for ways in which government worked directly with Twitter to suppress Covid-related information. We’ll find out just how focused they were on this. It will she light on why it was so difficult to break through the information fog.
In any case, Brownstone seems to have done it, with rising traffic and reach everywhere in the world, despite every high-level attempt to silence our voices.
Please sign up now for our January 25, 2022 Supper Club in West Hartford, Connecticut, with special guest Dr. Pierre Kory, the indefatigable doctor who fought for early treatment and has wage a tireless battle against the biomedical security state. What a remarkable man! Seating is absolutely limited.
Special thanks to everyone who donated for our year-end fund-raising appeal. We have no staff dedicated to this task at all, preferring instead simply to make the case through our work. And we’ve been blessed by a great deal of generosity from you that allows us to continue. Thank you!
Here is some content from this week, among which a stunning five-part series by Ramesh Thakur, Brownstone Institute Senior Scholar, former United Nations Assistant Secretary-General, and emeritus professor in the Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
Where’s the Woodward and Bernstein of the Covid Scandals? By BILL RICE. When you stop and think about it, there’s no way a “Woodward and Bernstein” could tell the story of the Covid Scandal. There’s simply too many scandals that would have to be exposed. It would take an army of Woodward and Berstein’s to break the pieces down into individual, sub-scandal components.
Consequences for Children: Data So Far By Justin Hart. Lockdowns resulted in a 10-20% increase in new cases of severe child abuse and a 50-80% increase in fatalities from child abuse, caused a 30-50% increase in cases of malnutrition and a 50-100% increase in fatalities from malnutrition, and resulted in a 40-60% increase in new cases of mental illness in children and adolescents and a 100-200% increase in suicides by young people.
Fear of Covid Is the Opiate of the People By Mark Oshinskie. Like any old school respiratory virus, this one made us feel lousy, albeit with a different constellation of symptoms. We handled it the same way as other viral illnesses: we drank extra water, took some home remedies, and tried to get some extra sleep. A few years ago, no one made a big deal about, or needed to categorize, being sick like this. People rode it out. No one cared what you had. Or didn’t have.
State Power and Covid Crimes: Part 5 By Ramesh Thakur. This is the year when we will learn if Covid illiberalism will begin to be rolled back or has become a permanent feature of the political landscape in the democratic West. Although the head says to fear the worst, the eternally optimistic heart will still hope for the best.
End These Travel Restrictions Now By Jeffrey A. Tucker. We are turning back the clock: away from high civilization to a much lower form without a solid guarantee of even the freedom to travel, while giving up the dream of universal human rights. Confidence in a better world with more human connection is being replaced by isolation, fear, and compliance as guiding principles. The price will be very high.
Time to Rethink the Core Question: What Is Health Care? By Alan Lash. The health policy worldview determines its success only in the fact that they have controlled the individual health decisions. Any mistakes in policy will be taken into account in the next decision. There never is a policy failure as long as the decision makers remain in charge to tell us what is best. The individual worldview requires that each patient be treated uniquely, with a personal relationship with a doctor viewing their needs and desires as important and unique. This attitude is wholly counter to centralized control of all health care decisions.
Did National Security Imperatives Compromise COVID-19 Vaccine Safety? By Phillip Altman. Definition of these vaccines as “countermeasures” rather than therapeutic agents has permitted their expedited progression to emergency use authorisation and widespread rollouts. Many adverse consequences have been the outcome of this secret military response to a public health matter. Why are governments around the world, including Australia, planning to make further significant investments in this rushed vaccine technology driven by the US military?
State Power and Covid Crimes: Part 4 By Ramesh Thakur. With help from the media, social media and police, people were frightened, shamed and coerced into submission and compliance with arbitrary and increasingly authoritarian government edicts. The intense and unrelenting propaganda unleashed on the people by governments using sophisticated tactics of psychological manipulation and enthusiastically amplified by the media was astonishingly successful in a remarkably short time.
The CDC Puts Itself in Charge of Language Too By Robert Malone. The problem is that the CDC evidently believes that there should be no social stigmas. That if one commits a crime, is in prison, is an addict, or is involved in behaviors that most find offensive or are illegal, it is not ok to use a term to directly describe that activity because societal judgment might hurt someone’s feelings.
Where Have the Voices for Liberty Gone? By Michael Lesher. What’s at stake here is not just a debate about medical policy. What is happening involves nothing less than the fundamental reshaping of our body politic, a massive assault on the constitutional system of civil liberties and on the presuppositions undergirding that system.
State Power and Covid Crimes: Part 3 By Ramesh Thakur. There are signs that some pivotal countries might be at tipping points in the dominant narrative of safe and effective vaccines. Eminent British cardiologist Aseem Malhotra, an early promoter of Covid vaccines, now describes this as ‘perhaps the greatest miscarriage of medical science we will witness in our lifetime.’
Zero Covid Ends but Zero Sense Continues By Debbie Lerman. One cannot help but wonder: where are the fact checkers when such levels of misinformation and blatant fear-mongering are published on the front page of The New York Times?
Modeling Gone Bad By Robert Malone. An important new paper documenting that the pre-vaccination case fatality rate was extremely low in the non-elderly population. That means more evidence the Ferguson’s models were wrong (again) and what do we hear from the state-sponsored media? Crickets.
State Power and Covid Crimes: Part 2 By Ramesh Thakur. How anyone can look at the Covid vaccination and mortality metrics of New Zealand, Australia, and Japan and still hold fast to the ‘safe and effective’ vaccine narrative is beyond comprehension. Instead, one more initially plausible hypothesis is that the behaviour of the virus is Covid vaccine-invariant, and a second hypothesis is that the vaccine may actually be driving infections, serious illness and deaths by some mysterious mechanism not yet identified by scientists – although some studies are starting to point the way.