Covid unleashed it all: the struggle between lockdown and liberty, between the administrative state and representative government, between science-by-edict and actual evidence, between centralized control and decentralized decision making, between censorship and free speech, and even between sound and unsound money.
Covid is not just a metaphor for every great dispute in modern life. As the apotheosis of elite-control statism, it encapsulates them all. That’s why getting this right is hugely important. Brownstone institute is on the case, more so than any institution in the world today.
Social Distancing Was Supposed to Be Forever BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. Social distancing was not really about preserving hospital capacity and it was not just about two weeks. It was really about the complete reconstruction of social life itself, critiqued as pathogenetic starting 12,000 years ago, with Covid as only the latest example of the costs of free association.
50/50 Split: The BioNTech and the Pfizer Illusion BY ROBERT KOGON. Why is there so much focus on Pfizer in public discussion of the Covid vaccine market, virtually to the exclusion of BioNTech and even in discussion by seasoned financial analysts?
Why Did Covid Enforcement Target Religion? BY JULIE PONESSE. Religious persons today are a threat, but not to public safety as the narrative instructs us. They are a threat to the idea that the state is to be worshipped above all else, to the religion that’s trying to take their place, to the idea that it’s possible to find a compelling and complete sense of meaning outside of the state.
Moderna and Pfizer: Cat Fight! BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. There is absolutely no theory of political economy in existence that could possibly justify this combination of 1) private company with vast tax funding, 2) government-enforced monopoly claims of ownership, 3) indemnification against damage claims, 4) publicly-traded stocks, plus and 5) a forced customer base. And to top it all off, it’s not even clear that the product worked; it certainly did not live up to the wild claims from top government officials.
What I Heard and Saw: Dr. Paul Alexander Speaks BY BROWNSTONE INSTITUTE. Paul Alexander tells his story. We can only urge readers to spend the time to listen because nothing we write here can adequately summarize what he saw and heard.
Fauci’s Covid Disaster: A Summary BY IAN MILLER. Obviously this is nowhere close to a comprehensive list of the incomprehensible stupidity that Fauci’s demonstrated over the past few years. A full list would require a book, or several books to chronicle. His incompetence, hubris, awe-inspiring ego and commitment to being wrong in every possible circumstance is quite literally incomparable.
Follow the Science, Reconsidered BY GABRIELLE BAUER. Science is like a weathervane: it gives you information, which you can use to decide on a course of action, but it doesn’t tell you what to do. The decision belongs to you, not to the swirling metal rooster. A weathervane can tell you there’s a stiff wind coming in from the northwest, but it can’t tell you how to respond to the data.
The Djokovic Outrage BY MARK DA CUNHA. Unvaccinated tennis champion Novak Djokovic is not the villain in this story, he is the unlikely hero for “my body, my choice” autonomy, and individual freedom.
D.C.’s Dangerous and Divisive Vaccine Mandate BY PIERRE KORY. Over socially distanced glasses of chardonnay, well-to-do Beltway residents cling to their COVID-19 narrative where vaccines funded by the big pharmaceutical companies offer the only hope. In their world, no one — not even children — is safe without a vaccine. Anyone who dares deviate from the company line is dismissed as a backwater Trump-supporting conspiracist, even lifelong Democrats like me.
Court Strikes Down “Quarantine Camp” Regulation in New York State BY BOBBIE ANNE FLOWER COX. This illegal quarantine regulation allowed for endless possibilities of abuse because there were no due process protections built in to safeguard against government abuse. Once targeted by the DOH, you would have no recourse whatsoever.
Covid Invoked for More Redistribution from Workers to Doctors and Lawyers BY DAVID STOCKMAN. Approximately 43 million student loan borrowers in the United States owe a collective nearly $1.75 trillion in federal and private student loan debt as of August 2022, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. But when you look at the average amounts owed, the case is crystal clear: Student debt is overwhelmingly an investment in professional credentialization that should never have been a obligation of the taxpayers in the first place.
Lockdowns and Fast-Track Vaccines: The Origin Story BY WILL JONES. A key take home is it wasn’t just panic. The response to the COVID-19 pandemic represented the triumph of a pseudo-scientific biosecurity agenda that emerged in 2005 and has been pushed ever since by a well-organised, well-funded and well-embedded network of ideologues. These fanatics promote and perpetuate the ideas underpinning the draconian new approach by publishing them in leading journals, planting them in public policy and law, pushing them in the media and smearing those who dissent, however eminent or well-qualified.
The Mystery of Unaccounted Excess Deaths in the US BY EYAL SHAHAR. The CDC and other officials will call these deaths “indirect pandemic deaths.” They are not. Most of these deaths would not have happened if the Covid pandemic were handled like a previous flu pandemic – without fear-mongering, without lockdown, without symbolic masks, and without disruption of normal life.
Hey Covid, I’ve Got Religion BY GABRIELLE BAUER. In the early months, while secular folks were exhorting everyone to stay home, stay safe, mask up, and all the rest, religious leaders began pushing back against what they saw as encroachments on freedom of worship. It wasn’t just church closures or bans on choral singing they opposed. They cried out against the whole worldview underpinning the rules, a mindset that reduces people to their health and risk status.
Jared Kushner and the Mystery of the First US Lockdown BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. The world was wrecked by a literal snake salesman, the Google-funded inventor of DoorDash for medicine, a big pharma executive, some bureaucrat who lived off AIDS largess, an octogenarian media star who had been in government for 40 years, plus the son-in-law of an easily bamboozled name-brand purveyor who imagined from his years as a CEO that he could just shut down a country and turn it back on! They constitute a plethora of elites who scammed their way to the top and deployed their new-found power in grossly immoral ways that wrecked this country and many others.
The Straw that Broke the Blue Bird’s Back BY JESSICA HOCKETT. I understand Twitter is a private company, ergo, my First Amendment rights don’t apply. But with evidence of the Biden Administration pressuring Twitter, I have to wonder whether the same strategy was applied to me.
Australia’s Lockdown and Vaccine Narrative Has Fallen Apart BY RAMESH THAKUR. Countries that avoided mass infection through strict isolation measures built up an immunity debt that left their populations more vulnerable once they reopened to globally circulating pathogens.
How I Was Cancelled and Dismissed BY ALON BEER. This fight is not only over my good name and for my future. Those who make such poor choices will be forced to fight me and many other citizens for the future of Israel as a democratic, liberal state that preserves human dignity, bodily autonomy, liberty and privacy.
The Persistence of Covid Cruelty on Campus BY THOMAS HARRINGTON. Human beings hate to be proven wrong. And credentialed humans even more so than the rest. Consequently, they will go to mind-bending extremes to sustain that their clearly equivocal actions were, in fact, heartily justified. Moreover, misery truly does love company.
Downfall: Anthony Fauci Resigns BY MICHAEL SENGER. After more than five decades in the federal government, Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, has announced his resignation as of December to pursue “the next chapter” of his career.
"Fauci is far crazier than people realize." True. Visualize how crazy a person would have to be to be killing people day after day, year after year, and be standing on a mountaintop admiring their achievements.
Do you see the parallels between science and religion? The religious tyrants in the Middle East, and those brainwashed by their agenda, force women to cover their hair with a hijab because Islam says so. To not comply with the orders means severe punishment. Fauci and those programmed by him force and manipulate an entire population to cover their faces with masks and inject their bodies with chemicals because “science” says so. Those who do not comply suffer tremendous abuse, harassment, and assault. It’s all the same, it’s about control, it’s about tyranny; only the justification is different.
There is nothing inherently wrong with wearing a religious garb, or a face mask, if it’s the result of your free will. But when it’s the product of indoctrination, manipulation, or coercion, be wary.