As a reader of Brownstone Institute, you have unique insight into the driving forces of today’s astonishing decline in public life and public health. It’s truly painful to watch, and especially so when you understand the deeper history and the precipitating events.
We’ve all worked hard to cut through the media blather. We’ve made tremendous progress. But there is still a very long way to go. We all know people who believed every word from our overlords over three years. They still do.
It’s psychologically very difficult for people to admit that they have been bamboozled. But everyone will get there eventually. No one wants to live amidst chaos, confusion, ill-health, and economic and cultural decline. To reverse this will require all our efforts.
Brownstone last week joined with FLCCC to provide a full week of lectures for the 3,000 people gathered at Porcfest in New Hampshire. We covered public health, vaccine safety, economics, culture, technology, and so much more. It was pretty much morning to night every day.
We left with a strong and renewed sense of the mission here. We have a very long way to go, and there are still so many questions remaining. Brownstone is doing everything possible to promote serious research, accurate information, and real solutions. We don’t accept advertising and we are not funded by government.
This is why we need your help.
Here is some content since our last email:
The Human Costs of Campus Closures By Rob Jenkins. In our unhinged pursuit of a covid-free fantasyland, we wreaked untold and immeasurable havoc on the entire higher education ecosystem. Whether this is reversible remains to be seen. But for the damage not to be permanent, we must at the very least resolve never to do it again. Another round of campus closures like the last one will likely permanently destroy higher ed as we know it.
Pandemic Leaders Were Biodefense Puppets and Profiteers By Debbie Lerman. When public health and medical experts blanketed the airwaves and Internet with “recommendations” urging universal masking, mass testing and quarantining of asymptomatic people, vaccine mandates, and other anti-public health policies – or when they promoted obviously flawed studies that supported the quarantine-until-vaccine biodefense agenda – they were not doing so because they were dumb, incompetent, or misguided.
Let There Be Sound By Brownstone Institute. If all this makes you nervous, you can relax: for the time being, Amazon’s Audible platform, the industry leader and Brownstone Institute’s audiobook purveyor of choice, is sticking to real human narrators. We’ve started our audiobook program with our first book of 2023, Blindsight Is 2020, and plan to issue audiobook versions of our other 2023 books (Fear of a Microbial Planet and The Treason of the Experts) and beyond. We hope you enjoy them.
Informational No Man’s Land By David Thunder. Under these circumstances, those who do their own independent research, rather than uncritically swallowing whatever “official authorities” tell them, are not the “cranks” and “conspiracy theorists” they are being made out to be, but citizens who actually understand the predicament they find themselves in, and have the courage to think for themselves, even when it draws down ridicule, censorship, and alienation from “respectable” society.
Lockdowns Blamed for Sharp Rise in Teenage Girls With Eating Disorders Since 2020 By Will Jones. Who could have guessed that enforced isolation isn’t good for young people’s mental health? But why is the lesson the BBC draws always that Government needs to fund more services and never that maybe lockdown wasn’t such a smart move after all?
Blessed Are the Cigarette Makers in UN’s World of Woke By Thorsteinn Siglaugsson. As more and more investment funds demand that the companies they invest in meet the standards, and banks also make such requirements to an increasing extent, those who fail the test may face difficulties with financing.
The Most Important Meeting in the History of the World That Never Happened By Erich Hartmann. In the third week of March a secret emergency meeting was scheduled to take place between President Donald Trump, the COVID Task Force, and eight of the most eminently qualified public health experts in the world. This elite group of scientists was slated to present the highest-level decision-makers in our government with an alternative POV to lock down; a much-needed second opinion on national turtling.
A Look Back from Canadian Wildfires to Australian Bushfires and Floods By Ramesh Thakur .Reports and videos of the smoke and haze from the intense wildfires enveloping Canada and drifting down south into the US bring back vivid memories of Australia’s two-month long bushfires (in the Australian vernacular: Canberra is the country’s bush capital) three and a half years ago and floods last year. And so does the claim that the fires and floods validate the apocalyptic warnings and the ensuing impassioned debate over how much this is evidence of a climate emergency owing to anthropogenic global warming.
The Great Debate That Will Not Happen By Bill Rice. There’s another expression we’ve all heard: “You can run, but you can’t hide.” Well, in our surreal New-Normal times, apparently the experts and authorities CAN run and they can hide. That’s what they’ve been doing for 40 months and, as far as I can tell, they’re all still in power. So that strategy is working perfectly.
Sharing and Collecting Covid Stories: For Those Who Were Burned By Thi Thuy Van Dinh. We all must have a few stories like mine that motivated our decisions. Some made under extremely coercive circumstances. Others made for the hope of a better future. My husband and I became lockdown refugees, moving to another part of the country where we restarted from zero.
The Game Is Rigged Against Small Business By Eric Hussey. Locally, a microbrewery failed; the owners talked to the newspaper about bad timing. A pizza parlor closed. A cafe was closed for two years. A well known, well-respected family physician sent out a letter to his patients that he couldn’t afford the forced COVID accommodations and shut down his practice. A one-of-a-kind multi-million dollar surplus store decided to sell everything and close rather than sell to another generation.
My Conversation with ChatGPT on Death Rates By Ian McNulty. Could it be that we are being misdirected to look the wrong way, and the greatest existential threat to our survival as a species comes not from AI’s superior intelligence, but its crass stupidity?
Defining Dictator Down Won’t Make Us Free By James Bovard. Perhaps Biden could satisfy his gender-fluid supporters by coming out publicly and personally identifying as “non-dictator.” But other Americans will continue wryly watching the political rascality, laughing at the media’s snit-fits, and awaiting the next judicial demolition of Biden’s decrees.
Julian Assange and the War Against You By Brownstone Institute. It did not begin three years ago. The groundwork for the censorial technocracy we face today was laid with a series of targeted hits that created enemies of the state. They did great things for the public well-being but were brutally punished for it. To this day, these people languish in an imprisoned state, martyrs for the freedom we once took for granted and the rights we hope to regain.
Why Did the UK Government Waste £4 billion on the Innova Lateral Flow Test? By Sonia Elijah. These tests were proven to be ‘not fit for purpose’ with the FDA having significant concerns about their performance, which had not been adequately established. In addition, ‘labelling distributed with certain configurations of the test includes performance claims that did not accurately reflect the performance estimates observed during the clinical studies of the tests.’
Was “Philip Cross” an AI? By Robert Blumen. Will future campaigns to control Wikipedia narratives rely on this technology? What is the future of a crowd-sourced knowledge base such as Wikipedia that depends on the high cost in human time and social interaction of making an edit to a controversial topic when the ability to automate this makes it close to free?
Those Silly Dads on TV By Thomas Harrington. Watching this non-stop line of messaging you’d almost believe there are some powerful people out there in media-land who fantasize quite actively about a world without men, or at the very least, a world in which 49 percent of the culture would come to feel tentative and a little stupid about exercising the roles they have played in all healthy societies since the beginning of time.
No, they most certainly did not. Thank you for your article!