Sneak peek: Brownstone’s new book on the heroes of the resistance. It is by Gabrielle Bauer. The name of the book: Blindsight Is 2020. You will be hearing much more about this, and we’ll be running excerpts. But we thought you would like to know it is now available in Kindle and physical.
If you follow all this closely, you know that Brownstone Institute is now under attack from some very powerful power. We consider it a compliment. Even so, if you have never donated before, now is a good time to express your support.
Here is some content from this week:
Major New Statement on Medical Freedom BY BROWNSTONE INSTITUTE. An attack on the free speech of doctors and medical scientists is being waged across America today. While controversy is inherent in scientific advancement, and scientific knowledge continuously evolves, disagreement with the federal public health recommendations has led to draconian censorship and suppression. Doctors have been investigated, lost their specialty board certifications, and even lost their medical licenses for speaking out publicly against federal guidelines.
Biden Administration Still Pushing for Forced Masking BY IAN MILLER. The CDC creates terrible, poorly conducted research and studies claiming to show masks work. Judges defer to their research to avoid deciding scientific questions, leading them to side with the CDC. Despite the CDC’s demonstrable ineffectiveness and incompetence.
My First Anti-Lockdown Article from 2020 BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. Government power to manage infectious disease is not necessary. It is not likely to be effective, either. And when it is not effective, the tendency is to overreact in the opposite direction, clamping down and abusing, exactly as we’ve seen with the war on terror and China’s response to this virus, which might be as serious as seasonal flu outbreaks. Still, people assume that government is doing its job, government fails, and then government gets more power and does awful things with it.
The Shift from Personal to Positional Morality BY ROBIN KOERNER. Moral courage is risky: it has a price, which is why it is called courage. As Aristotle famously declared, “Courage is the first virtue because it makes all other virtues possible.” If that is true, and it is, then the power to reverse attempts to remake Western society into one devoid of the fundamental moral values that enable all individuals to thrive peacefully lies ultimately – and only – within each individual.
Where Did All the Workers Go? BY BRET SWANSON. How can you generate far more deaths in 2021 – ascribing them to unvaccination – with a dramatically smaller number of unvaccinated people? In 2021, perhaps 20-40% of these group life insureds were unvaccinated. In 2020, 100% of them were unvaccinated, yet mortality barely rose. The math doesn’t come close to working.
Not Religious? Might Want to Check on that Again BY THOMAS HARRINGTON. Since time immemorial super-elites have worked assiduously to convince the second-tier elites and the masses further below that their highly class-specific “victories” are, in contrast to what simple observations would tell us, of great benefit to society as a whole.
Requiem for Jacinda Ardern’s Political Life BY GUY HATCHARD. Ardern’s government, in an absurd overreach, also funded a nationwide effort to discredit critics of policy, labeling them terrorists. This has divided a formerly egalitarian society, instituting a Stasi-like snitch culture that encourages us to dob in a neighbour. Government Disinformation Project employees appeared on funded films aired on television labeling knitting, blond hair, braids, vaccine hesitancy, love of natural foods, Yoga, and yes, motherhood as signs of terrorism that should be reported to the intelligence services.
Join Forces and Fight for Freedom BY THORSTEINN SIGLAUGSSON. We must all join forces in the fight for the right to express ourselves, to think, to doubt, to come together in the public square to discuss, reason and shape society. This battle will not be easy, and there are many indications that it will soon intensify. But surrender is not an option, for what is at stake is a future fitting for humanity. We must fight for it in brotherhood, armed with compassion, courage and integrity.
The Re-education of Dr Sally Price BY REBEKAH BARNETT. Dr Price says that, as it stands, the system has strayed from its primary purpose of letting doctors be doctors and putting patients first. She speaks to a culture of fear within the medical profession. “The thing to understand is that doctors feel like someone is always behind them waiting to stab them in the back or put a bag over their head. That’s how it feels being under AHPRA,” she says.
The WHO: Our New Overlords BY JOHN MAC GHLIONN. Although COVID-19 is now a distant memory for many, another pandemic, we’re told, is just around the corner. When it comes, the WHO may very well be in a position to order you, dear reader, to do exactly what it wants, when it wants. If these amendments are made in May, resistance may prove to be utterly futile.
Counterterrorism, Not Public Health BY DEBBIE LERMAN. Anyone who knows what our Covid response policy truly was is theoretically barred from revealing it. We do know the public health agencies were not in charge of the policy, and we know they were pushed out of their leadership role in coordinating and implementing the response. So Fauci et al. are technically correct if they claim no responsibility – although how they could in good conscience advocate such policies is another matter.
Ethical Challenges Arising from the Grand Illusion BY MICHAEL TOMLINSON. The preliminary results of the mRNA vaccine randomized controlled trials (RCTs) by Pfizer and Moderna were celebrated as spectacularly successful and so governments and the media assumed that the solution had been found. A procession of leaders assured the public that the vaccines were so effective that once injected, you would not become infected or pass infection on to others.
FOIA Doc Shows BioNTech Founders Postdated Start of C19 Vax Project BY ROBERT KOGON. Why did Sahin and Türeci postdate the launch of their Covid-19 vaccine project in their book? Well, undoubtedly because the actual start date – and we do not know when exactly the actual start date was – would have seemed far too soon. Based on the above considerations, it must have been at the latest just days after the first December 31, 2019 report of Covid-19 cases in Wuhan.
The Cancer that is Public Health BY DAVID BELL. This cancer of conflicted interests has infiltrated far beyond public health; the media and governments have been dutifully trotting off to the Davos club for years. Whilst the functions of international health appear to be leading the degradation of society, the sector itself seeks to grow at an unprecedented rate. Let us hope, for all our sakes, that the rest of society can recognize the rot within, and find the strength to cut it out before it drags us all down. We cannot let those fueling this rot destroy what so many worked so hard to build.
How to Die of Covid Accidentally, According to the CDC BY JUSTIN HART. The CDC recently confirmed over 800 “accident” Covid-19 deaths in 2021 for people under 60. These are deaths which obviously had little to do with Covid – but they logged them that way anyways. Here are 46 of those deaths from 2021 related just to “falls”.
Technocratic Dystopia Is Impossible BY ROBERT BLUMEN. Grand utopias cannot be realized because, while imagination is unconstrained reality has limits. What is a dystopia other than the role of an NPC in someone else’s utopia? In this case, the utopia is the dream of psychotic elites who imagine that they can have the end products of mass cooperation without the open society that enables it. Much damage can be done in the attempt, but it is only a question of how far it can get before it cancels itself.
Human Sacrifice, Then and Now BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. The peoples of the Mayan and Aztec empires were surrounded by monuments to the greatness of their leaders and their faith, and they celebrated both. We too look back in awe at what they built despite what we know: their social systems were bloody and barbaric in ways we cannot imagine now. And yet when we study their histories in our own times, with the appropriate amount of humility, we face a similar problematic disorientation.
My Role in the Fight Against Mandates and Lockdowns BY LUCIO SAVERIO-EASTMAN. It became very clear that we needed an agile platform that is not mired in bureaucracy or easily intimidated by external forces. Such an organization also needed experienced hands who know about the challenges of public life in a digital age alongside the many considerations that go into surviving as a voice of dissent in times of grave censorship.
What a Local Alternative Is Really Like BY CHRISTINE BLACK. Demand for local processors has swelled in the last three years because shutdowns and lockdowns scared people about food sources being jeopardized and supply chains disrupted, so they sought local alternatives. With economic uncertainties looming, families and friends processing their own, or neighbors’, farm animals may become more common.
A Manhattan Project for the Biomedical Security State: Part 1BY PAULA JARDINE. On July 11, 2019, a think tank called the Biodefence Commission held a panel discussion entitled A Manhattan Project for Biodefence: Taking Biological Threats off the Table. The objective was to ‘create a national, public-private research and development undertaking to defend the United States against biological threats’.