This past week, a fascinating document made the rounds in mainstream media culture the world over. The Royal Society of the UK put out a huge study that concluded lockdowns and everything associated with them were all wonderfully effective.
Absolutely no one who has followed this controversy objectively can possibly take this seriously. Every bit of credible evidence runs the other direction. You know this and we know this. Why are such high-level institutions and spokesman so anxious to deny the obvious and state the opposite of what vast numbers know to be false?
It’s because most of the world’s governments have an unthinkably massive investment, both financially and propagandistically, in the lockdown paradigm. They can never admit that it was all an unworkable disaster. The world is still far from recovering.
Scientists in public health are in a particularly awkward position these days. They know governments and such think tanks are lying. The professional mandate these days is to shut up and go along with what honest people know to be lies. The corruption runs very deep.
This is why Brownstone Institute has devoted so much in the way of energy and resources to supporting the dissidents here and abroad, insofar as resources allow. We simply cannot allow the lies to maintain monopolistic control over the public mind, else the disaster will occur over and over again.
We are ever grateful to donors who have supported these efforts, and we sincerely hope to continue and grow such programs. You can help. It’s a source of hope.
We really are at a turning point in the course of civilization. The debate rages all day, every day, all over the world. The truth is seriously outspent and outgunned. That doesn’t mean that we cannot win. The human mind is capable of independent thought, regardless of all the propaganda.
We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Meryl Nass to our monthly support club a week from Wednesday. You are welcome to join us!
Here is some content since our last email:
The Art of the Encounter by Thomas Harrington. That still leaves us with 65-70 percent of the population who are not quite ready to accept the reality of the intense disdain our predatory government and corporate elites have for them, and who still want to believe, in some measure, in the possibility of justice and dignity under the rules of the game as currently constituted.
Royal Society Ignores High-Quality Evidence and Embraces Politically Acceptable Conclusions By Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan. The Royal Society review shows that some academics are losing their ability to think critically. Instead of retrofitting evidence to preconceived conclusions, it would be much better to report the uncertainties and set out those questions that need addressing. Refusal to acknowledge uncertainties does a disservice to society and undermines public trust in research.
J. Edgar Lysenko: A Suitable Name for Anthony Fauci by Thomas Buckley. History is written by the winners and – at this moment in time – Fauci is on the side of the winners and his public image is unblemished, as is his civil and criminal record. His halo of kindly omnipotence remains largely intact. But as we move forward, the winners may change.
Chronic Absenteeism Worse in States That Closed Schools Longer by Josh Stevenson. This paper is exactly the type of analysis that is crucial to quantifying the effect of Covid Policy response on our children’s education. Unfortunately, it’s after the fact. Many warned of the devastating unintended consequences of school closures. Our politicized, polarized culture clouded the judgement of our education leaders when it really counted.
First Confirmed Cases in America Were on US Aircraft Carrier by Bill Rice. For more than three years, “official” Covid histories state the first “confirmed” case in America was a man from Washington who’d returned from Wuhan, China. As developed below, crew members of the USS Roosevelt could, in fact, be listed as “confirmed” cases and by themselves debunk the narrative that America’s first cases came from travelers returning from Wuhan.
At the White House, March 10, 2020, Reconstructed by Jeffrey Tucker. This is all very alarming of course, and I want no leaks, not today, not ever. We need to pitch this to the American people calmly and with great authority. I think you are all correct that people will follow my lead on this. You have all made your case. Let’s get to work. I’ll send a tweet tomorrow promising to use the full power of the federal government. We are going to beat this. You are about to see Trump in action as never before.
Is McKinsey & Company Part of the Deep State? By Toby Rogers. The administrative state is horrible and it deserves to be called out. The next President can and should cut the administrative state in half (one could do so with no loss in services). But reading When McKinsey Comes to Town I realized that management consultants likely make up a larger share of the deep state than bureaucrats.
Are We Facing Lockdowns 2.0? By Jeffrey Tucker. Lockdowns were the most successful state/corporate policy in world history for convincing the population to give up volition, liberty, and money to the biomedical cartels and all its associated parts. Something that is this monstrously successful for them becomes a model for the future, which they try and try until the population gets utterly and completely sick of it, as they did with the religious wars of old.
Why Are They Talking about UFOs Instead of Covid Fascism? By Daniel Horowitz. The lesson of the muted response to COVID from the so-called right is that clearly things have not gotten bad enough. The sad and terrifying thing is that whatever they must throw at us to elicit a righteous and unified policy response will now have to be so devastating that we will likely never have the political ability to fight it even if we wanted to. Meanwhile, the vanity and political circus will continue unabated.
$10 Trillion Stolen Right Under Our Noses By Mark Oshinskie. All of the “Covid Relief” numbers are far too big to understand unless one has a good numbers sense and sits quietly in a room with some blank paper and does some ciphering. People thought it was a good idea to spend limitlessly and futilely on Grandma without considering the costs to her adult children and grandkids. Hey, Grandma used to make us cookies; she’s worth whatever we’ve got. And even what we don’t got. Even if we can’t, through the full range of “mitigation,” keep her alive for another two months in a nursing home, where she’s seldom visited. If she has to live in isolation and die alone to “stop the spread,” so be it.
We Are All Pretending There Is No Emergency By Richard Kelly. Perhaps we all know what just happened, but we are all pretending that it didn’t, from one of two perspectives – either pretending that everything is normal while actively suppressing one’s suspicion that it isn’t; or knowing everything is very very bad and actively disguising that knowledge with plausible cover stories when we encounter the other perspective.
The Real Trouble with the Trump Indictment By Michael Lesher. Forget the media frenzy about the details: who spoke with whom and when, which Trump adviser is being charged for which “debunked” claim, and so on. The important point about this indictment is that lawyers are being charged with felonies for doing legal work. An American prosecutor is criminalizing the legal profession – a business that can only end with the “totalitarian form of government” whose first steps Justice Stevens identified with the elimination of lawyers.
Pfizer Drip Feeds Data From its Pregnancy Trial By Maryanne Demasi. In January 2021, in the absence of any human data in pregnancy, the CDC stated on its website that mRNA vaccines were “unlikely to pose a specific risk for people who are pregnant.” Behind the scenes however, Pfizer was scrambling to conduct a clinical trial of its vaccine in pregnant women. By February 2022, Pfizer revealed it still did “not yet have a complete data set.”
How My Views on Government Have Changed By Aaron Hertzberg. The government tried to dehumanize unvaccinated people, and largely succeeded according to polling showing that a significant percentage of people if not outright majorities held a variety of shocking views about unvaccinated people including that they are selfish; stupid; a danger to society; should be forcibly confined to their homes; have their children taken away; and be relocated to “quarantine facilities.” A considerable plurality of vaccinated people, in a word, overtly despised the unvaccinated.
Long Covid Is the New AIDS by Steve Templeton. If everything can be blamed on Long COVID, then nothing can be blamed on Long COVID. It’s all confirmation studies from here on out. But since the COVID pandemic has ended and HIV continues to threaten at-risk populations without access to medicine, the actual need for HIV research will remain greater, while concerns about Long COVID among the public will fade.
Revisiting the Biden Legal Position on Masks By Brownstone Institute. It’s not difficult to discern what we might call the Biden Doctrine of administrative rule-making. It means that the agencies can order whatever they want, whether or not there is any plausible basis in law or whether or not there is any rational basis for it at all. It is a doctrine of bureaucratic supremacy.
Welcome to the Dying Earth By Haley Kynefin. There are always forces in this world that pull us down into the muck and mire. In our day-to-day pursuit of happiness, desire, entertainment, and survival, it is easy to forget what we have the potential to become. It is easy to get lost in technicalities, in ego trips and in reactionary indignation. If we are the victims of atrocities, it is all the easier to seek our justice in retaliation, viciousness, and brutal revenge. But in a world where everybody sees themselves as the primary and true victim, where does that ultimately leave us?
The Great Game of Let’s Pretend By Jeffrey A. Tucker. It’s a very strange time in American political history, no doubt. We have one line of thinking sweeping through the population – which is based on mass incredulity and fury – and then another which is a veneer of normalcy that is slathered on top of our anger by all official institutions, which work hard to keep all these topics out of respectable conversations. Meanwhile, the whole of academic, mainstream social media, major mainstream media, and all of government seem to agree that all these obvious topics are too incendiary to be raised in polite company.
CDC Now Refusing New COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports in Its V-Safe Program By David Gortler. In George Orwell’s 1984, characters were told by The Party to “reject the evidence of your eyes and [your] ears.” Now, the CDC isn’t even allowing that evidence to be collected for viewing (and prospective rejecting). It’s a terrible idea for any product, let alone novel mRNA technologies.
The Positive Feedback Loop: How Totalitarians Instill Fear and Restrict Human Rights By Scott Sturman. We are informed that free speech is dangerous and that it leads to hate, instability, and mayhem. But this disingenuous argument is the argument of tyrants, who gaslight and use words as weapons to disable a free people. Free speech is the salvation of an open, prosperous, and civil society and the embodiment of the sustaining benefits of negative feedback loops.
The Dangers of Self Censorship During the Covid Pandemic By Joseph Fraiman. To compound this any expert or publication that dared raise a challenge would be investigated by fact-checkers and predictably labeled as misinformation and subsequently censored. Everyday citizens, on the receiving end of this distorted information machine, were left without any previously respected outlet for any well-founded skepticism. A few spoke out and were virtually ostracized from mainstream society. Many others saw the writing on the wall and, wishing to maintain their relationships and avoid uncomfortable situations, kept their opinions to themselves.
Alway they must stay on top. But they will bend.
The Royal Society, just one more group bought and paid for.