Lockdown Architect Anthony Fauci Quits to Write a Book
He will likely be called by a Republican Congress to testify on many mysterious aspects of his tenure.
The day has finally arrived, following last week’s CDC meltdown and the dramatic shift in public and professional opinion. Brownstone has played a huge role in this, as you know. Thank you for your support. Our operations are run on a shoestring budget with a tiny staff but it’s the ideas that matter.
Lockdown Architect Anthony Fauci Quits to Write a Book BY BROWNSTONE INSTITUTE. Has Fauci’s presence become a liability to the Biden administration and the Democrats generally? Perhaps but there is also the issue of book royalties that await him once leaving his post with government.
America’s Standing Army BY JOHN AND NISHA WHITEHEAD. Historically, the establishment of a national police force accelerates a nation’s transformation into a police state, serving as the fundamental and final building block for every totalitarian regime that has ever wreaked havoc on humanity.
How Could We Have Been So Naive about Big Tech? BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. During lockdowns and medical mandates, the power of the state and its corporate allies truly reached its apotheosis, and failed us miserably. Our times cry out for justice, for clarity, and for making a difference to save ourselves and our civilization. We should approach this great project with our eyes wide open and with ears to hear different points of view on how we get from here to there.
Digital ID in Canada. Is the US Next? BY JOHN MAC GHLIONN. With Canadian authorities creating the infrastructure required to implement a digital identification network, some are concerned that a social credit system similar to the one in China is just around the corner. Their concerns are warranted. Digital IDs lay the path for social credit systems. Without them, a credit system would be impossible.
How We Lost Agency and Acquiesced to Power BY THOMAS HARRINGTON. Keeping the peace at all costs has become a sacred and unquestionable goal among large parts of our society, especially among its more credentialed sectors. This implacably strict pose positions multitudes into a spirit of acquiescence to power, no matter how dangerous or devastating the results.
The CDC’s “Community Level” Tool Is Broken BY DUTCH JENKINS. Once a government agency, business or school adopts the CDC’s Community Level tool, flexibility to make masking decisions based on accurate local data and prevalence of vaccines and treatments in a local community are completely removed. Instead, the owner of a complex, inaccurate CDC database is managing all your decisions related to COVID-19.
The Declining Standards of FDA Drug Approvals BY MARYANNE DEMASI. Independent experts now say the declining evidentiary standards, shortening approval times, and increasing industry involvement in FDA decision-making, has led to distrust, not only of the agency, but in the safety and effectiveness of medicines, in general.
The Scapegoat Mechanism BY NARUHIKO MIKADO. The scapegoat mechanism is a speculative device to explain how some of the human systems, in a fairly broad sense of the phrase, establish and keep their order. The most fundamental tenet is that order is attained and sustained through the cyclic sacrifice of an entity that is internally excluded.
What Is Man That Science Art Mindful of Him? BY DAVID BELL. The people who orchestrated isolation in nursing homes in 2020, who enforced malnutrition on hundreds of millions, who condemned millions of girls to servitude, are not doing so with ‘right’ or ‘wrong‘ in mind. They don’t accept that such fixed concepts exist. If there is nothing beyond the physical, then their actions are rational and cannot be wrong.
There Was No Pandemic Mastermind BY STEVE TEMPLETON. All one had to do was believe the illusion. Because of the absolute terror of the unknown and complete ignorance of the risks of severe disease and death, most people were more than willing to take comfort in CDC recommendations and subsequent government mandates without the slightest hint of skepticism or protest.
How To Tame a Bureaucracy? Get Rid of It BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. There needs to be a to-be-abolished list and any federal government institution with the word agency, department, or bureau needs to be on it. The last few years have shown us the power of these institutions and the devastation they can cause. The only sure way of preventing it from happening again is to put a hard stop on all the bureaucracies that caused our suffering. Society itself, which is smarter than bureaucracy, can manage the rest.
How We Have Been Misled About Antidepressants BY JOANNA MONCRIEFF. Psychiatric drugs have been misunderstood and misrepresented in the interests of profit and professional status. It is time to let people know not only that the serotonin story is a myth, but that antidepressants change the normal state of the body, brain and mind in ways that may occasionally be experienced as useful, but may be harmful too.
More on College Vaccine Mandates BY ROBERT MALONE. Many of the very best schools in the nation are still requiring vaccines and boosters. However, some of the very best schools in the nation are not. Luckily a group has taken it upon themselves to sort this issue out for parents and students.
CDC’s Ludicrous Makeover BY HARVEY RISCH. The CDC’s announcement covers everything except the fundamental problem to which the director and the external reviewer are blind: industry subservience and epidemiologic incompetence.
The CDC Failed, So Spin It Off and Make It More Powerful? BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. Don’t be fooled by any appearance of contrition on the part of the CDC. They still have a legal appeal in process that would put a mask back on your face when traveling. The new agency to which its pandemic responsibilities will be transferred will have a 1,000-person staff to start, people paid the big bucks to sit around coming up with new ways to whip up disease panic and start another crackdown.
Mandatory Mis-Remembering on Natural Immunity BY PAUL THACKER. While the natural immunity versus vaccination debate has been controversial over the last year, what is not debatable is that midterm elections are coming this November. And with a majority of Americans unhappy with the President’s pandemic policies, perhaps the CDC is relying on “midterm science” to guide their new appreciation for natural immunity?
A Sociology of Fear BY STEVE TEMPLETON. Steve Templeton talks with sociologist Dr. Frank Furedi, author of How Fear Works: Culture of Fear in the 21st Century, about the continuity of the culture of fear in the COVID-19 pandemic response.
Why Give the Nobel to WHO When Xi Jinping Inspired the Global Lockdowns? BY MICHAEL SENGER. Some believe this is a feat worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize. I, not-so-respectfully, disagree. However, one point we can all agree on is that credit for these policies should be given to the man whom we truly have to thank for their conception: Xi Jinping.