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Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. The story of the lockdowns is a tale of Biblical proportions, at once evil and desperately sad and tragic, a story of power, scientific failure, intellectual insularity and insanity, outrageous arrogance, feudalistic impulses, mass delusion, plus political treachery and conspiracy. It is real-life horror for the ages, a tale of how the land of the free became a depostic hellscape so quickly and unexpectedly. Birx was at the center of it, confirming all of your worst fears.
Serious Side Effects Exceed the Risk of Hospitalization with COVID-19 in the Swedish Population BY SVEN ROMÁN. In the interests of public health, we implore the authorities to conduct a fully transparent and independent expert review of the available data to provide accurate morbidity, mortality and risk-benefit analyses.
The Speakeasy Churches of 2020 BY CHRISTINE BLACK. They were meeting; I did not have to wear a mask. They even had Bible study on Wednesday nights, where I could sit with others, all unmasked, and listen to talk of Biblical stories and themes that had sustained people for centuries – stories of mercy and perseverance, of holding onto hope in terrible times, when such hope seemed impossible; stories of miracles arriving through the darkness.
Deborah Birx’s Guide to Destroying A Country From Within BY MICHAEL SENGER. I’m not saying Deborah Birx is a CCP agent. I’m just saying that if she was an agent for Xi Jinping’s stated goal of gradually stripping the world of “independent judiciaries,” “human rights,” “western freedom,” “civil society,” and “freedom of the press,” then every word of her book would read like that of Silent Invasion. If she did do it, this is how it would have happened.
Democrats are Big Fans of Trump’s Early Covid Response BY MARTIN KULLDORFF, JAYANTA BHATTACHARYA. Birx and Redfield failed to protect older Americans from COVID-19. They failed to protect us all, especially our children, from collateral lockdown damage. They failed to listen and learn from other scientists.
The Rise and Fall of the Human Rights Industry BY DAVID BELL. A partnership of mutual benefit has developed over the past two decades, blurring the dichotomy between wealthy oppressors and those whose oppression often enriched them. With public-private partnerships, human rights and humanitarianism became a fashion statement, allowing corporations and their celebrities to demonstrate that inequality can be veiled with empathy.
Doctors Push Hard for Child Vaccination Despite Their Own Research Showing it is Unnecessary BY THORSTEINN SIGLAUGSSON. According to a study recently published in the Paediatric Infectious Disease Journal, the risk of COVID-19 to children is truly minuscule.
Real Vaccine Efficacy Rates Are Much Lower Than Previously Estimated BY IAN MILLER. Far from the 95-100% range of Pfizer’s trial data or the 75% estimate from Dr. Fauci, findings from the study suggest a vaccine effectiveness of less than 20% against infection and less than 25% against symptomatic disease after only a few months.
Twelve Questions on Economic Issues for the Next Congress BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. We are now experiencing an economic crisis that could get worse. Financials are in bear markets. Inflation is roaring. The recession could soon become official. Many voters are looking to their elected representatives to address the problem.
Governments Were Given Credible Warnings about Lockdown Harms but Didn’t Listen BY RAMESH THAKUR. Instead of conducting and publishing rigorous cost-benefit analyses, departments and ministries of health turned into Covid-only bureaus, health ministers acted like Covid ministers, and governments were almost corrupted into single-purpose organizations pursuing Zero Covid.
What Weakened Immune Systems Have Wrought for Children BY CARLA PEETERS. Most people associate malnutrition with poverty. Unfortunately, chemical-associated malnutrition and dehydration exponentially grew during the Covid lockdowns to become a widespread and urgent problem all over the world.
Restrictions in Sweden and Denmark: What Do The Numbers Show? BY THORSTEINN SIGLAUGSSON. According to the models used to justify harsher restrictions in Denmark, about 30,000 people were expected to have died, had Sweden’s strategy been followed. But according to the data, the excess mortality in Sweden over the two years was around 6,000 and in Denmark 3,000, which amounts to the same percentage as the Danish population is about half the Swedish. Thus, the models were off by around 90%.
The Generation of Children Raised by Fear BY MOLLY KINGSLEY, LIZ COLE. Our hearts groan, for two years not only have we shattered any myth that children are resilient, that they can take whatever trampling adults see fit to dole out in the name of fear, but we have shattered the myth that our society can take it.
WHO Wants To Run the World? BY PAUL FRIJTERS, GIGI FOSTER, MICHAEL BAKER. This is the first clear instance of a globalist coup attempt. It would subvert national sovereignty worldwide by putting real power into the hands of an international group of bureaucrats. It has long been suspected that the authoritarian elites arisen during covid times would try to strengthen their positions by undermining nation states, and this 75th jamboree is the first solid evidence of this being true.
The Catastrophic Covid Convergence BY DEBBIE LERMAN. How did my family, friends and neighbors – who I thought shared my liberal, humanist values – turn into a group-thinking, bullying herd? What forces were exerted to erase scientific and intellectual integrity from the minds of literally millions of doctors, scientists, economists, journalists, educators and other normally curious and compassionate people worldwide?
As Military Ranks are Purged, US Is Unprepared for War BY P. MICHAEL PHILLIPS, PH.D. Shortsighted policies, some recent and some decades in the making, have worsened matters. Even now, before a shot has been fired, the Pentagon is struggling to recruit fresh troops, while at the same time it’s preparing to pitch 60,000 unvaccinated National Guardsmen and Reservists it relies on for routine mission support.
Musk Declines to Save Twitter from Itself BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. Elon looked more closely at this vaunted ruling-class time waster and found vast puffery, low profitability, wildly inflated numbers concerning usage, and a vicious and expensive staff that hates his guts, while opposing free speech and the values of most regular American people.
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