These have been traumatic years of upheaval and sadness. At the same time, do you sense the resistance that is growing? It’s everywhere now in consumer culture. The top movies, songs, and commercial trends all revolve around anti-ruling-class themes. The shift is palpable.
It may turn out, in the end, that the Covid crisis is the turning point at which masses of people become profoundly aware of the deepest institutional problems in governing structures and set out to change them.
That history is still being written, however, and this could truly go either way: toward more freedom or more total control.
Will you join us for our November 4 conference and gala in Dallas, Texas? Rep. Thomas Massie will join us as dinner speaker and all your favorite writers and researchers will be there. There is limited space and you don’t want to miss this.
As for the supper club, a big treat comes our way on August 16: Aaron Day will speak about CBDCs. He might rank as the world expert at this point.
Our World Health Organization study group is finally engaged. We are working with researchers at Leeds University in the only project like it in the world. Meanwhile, we just added a new fellow, Toby Rogers, and we have a long line up of others in need.
If you want to help the professionally displaced and brutally censored continue to have a voice, please support our work.
Here is some content since our last email:
The A-Bomb of Our Time By L. Matthew Meyers. Covid-19 changed the world forever. Moral questions were buried by authoritarians and their water carriers. Rational individuals were silenced, censored, canceled, and lost their jobs. A consensus exists today among far too many Americans – that the same response must be used next time.
How Have You Changed? By Jeffrey Tucker. For those who are researchers, writers, academics, or just curious people who want to understand the world better – even improve it – to have one’s intellectual operating system so profoundly disturbed is an occasion of profound disorientation. It is also a time to embrace the adventure, recalibrate, and set about correcting and finding a new path.
Pandemic Preparedness and the Road to International Fascism By David Bell. The public health industry must urgently awaken to the changing world in which it works, if it is to adopt a role in saving public health rather than contributing to its degradation.
Sometimes, Only Satire Does the Job By Ramesh Thakur. This is a slim, wickedly funny satire of 126 pages organised into ten chapters of rollicking hilarity. It’s a hugely enjoyable book for all those who were critical of lockdowns, masks, and vaccines. As the Brits say, it takes the piss out of all the self-proclaimed Covid experts, the public health clerisy, the media, and people with blind faith in the experts.
The Relevance of Milgram’s Experiments in Today’s World by Armondo Simon. Whether in America, Australia, Ireland, Germany, or Italy, Western Civilization is under the onslaught by totalitarians on a number of different fronts, and to date they are winning hands down. Having lived in a totalitarian regime, I (and others) recognize all the signs. Frankly, the future is bleak.
Experts have Abdicated Their Responsibilities by Thomas Harrington. The social class that has received university education during the last thirty years has taken control of our institutions without assuming the responsibilities that go with this power. As a result we find ourselves in a society that depends on experts who, seeing the people as a manipulable mass, systematically ignore their will. They seek power but no longer even try to establish the moral authority required for the exercise of respectful leadership.
The Wuhan Cover Up, by RFKJr. By Robnert Malone. The Wuhan Cover Up. A case study demonstrating the consequences of the situational ethical slide which often occurs when a massive administrative bureaucracy fuses with an “intelligence community.”
What They Did to the Children by David Bell and Hugh McCarthy. The desired reset was achieved; we have reset our expectations regarding truth, decency, and the care of children. In an amoral world the happiness, the health, and the life of a child only carries the importance we are told to attach to it. To change that, we would have to stand against the tide. History will remember those who did and those who did not.
The One Paragraph that Reveals All By Bill Rice. The entire censorship operation was an effort to protect the organizations that were spreading false and misleading information. The entire operation was/is a massive and coordinated disinformation project conceived and executed by at least 50 organizations that comprise the Censorship Industrial Complex – the most important players in this Complex being the U.S. government and social media companies that have billions of followers.
Kadlec Throws Fauci Under the Bus By Robert Malone. Robert Kadlec criticizing Tony Fauci for duplicity and mismanagement of the COVIDcrisis is likely to land somewhere between the pot calling the kettle black and a sophisticated, coordinated disinformation campaign intended to distract the public from the sins of the CIA, its surrogates, and offshore “Five Eyes” intelligence allies. In other words yet another limited hangout designed to distract the gullible in Congress as well as the general public – here and abroad.
Snipe Hunts All the Way Down By Toby Rogers. The revolution we seek then is about a turn away from the artificial and ridiculous toward the real. That would seem to be the most natural and rewarding turn of all. But the human condition and the flaws in human nature are such that we are always fighting a battle against the temptations of the artificial and idolatrous. Together we must build an entire culture and economy based on cherishing the good, the true, and the beautiful in everyday life.
Brownstone Institute at Two Years By Brownstone Institute. This is a time for truth. There is no time to waste. This might be our only choice. It’s not maudlin or exaggerated to say that civilization is at stake. This generation faces a real choice between freedom and barbarism with a digital face. We need to choose wisely and with courage in the face of evil.
Is the CDC’s Death Certificate Coding Algorithm Completely Broken? By Aaron Hertzberg. The primary shortcoming of using or relying on CDC data is that it’s the CDC’s data. Under normal circumstances, elementary common sense would foreclose even contemplating datasets curated, managed, and controlled by a rabidly partisan and pathologically dishonest organization. Garbage in = garbage out, as programmers like to put it. Alas, in one of the cruelest ironies of modern-day society, the Nation’s mortality data is firmly ensconced under the masterful, expert aegis of the world’s preeminent propaganda organization.
The Censors’ Henchmen By Brownstone Institute. If there were any remaining doubts about the federal government’s censorship activities, this new evidence should settle every question. During the Covid years, the government effectively nationalized all the main social media portals and converted them to become propaganda vehicles for bureaucrats while demoting or completely blocking contrary views. There is simply no way this practice can survive serious juridical scrutiny.
Germophobia Therapy: Hand Sanitizer Edition By Steve Templeton. With or without triclosan, hand sanitizers might be only slightly better than nothing, not just for respiratory viruses, but also for gastrointestinal viruses, which is where you might expect some protection.
Ethical Failures of the COVID-19 Era By Michael Tomlinson. In embarking on this grand experiment governments had no idea what they were doing. They recklessly breached all known codes of medical ethics and the principle of necessity apparently without even considering them. This represents the greatest failure of public health ethics in recorded history.
Will They Ever Come Clean About the Damage They Caused? By Mark Oshinskie. The Machiavellians who concocted the Covid response and the media who sold it don’t regret what they did. It served their political, social, and economic purposes. Thus, the truth can now be publicly admitted, though not fully. Denying some aspects of reality allows the Coronamanic to deceive many and to think of themselves as good, smart people for having supported lockdowns, school closures, masks, tests, and shots.
The Rise and Rhetoric of the Climate Chicken Littles By Roger Koops. Our planet is a very complex set of ecosystems that have lifespans far beyond even human existence, some working together and some in competition. Most of these we have not even begun to understand and we have only begun to collect data. Our knowledge of our ecosystem history is only slowly gaining (and it is not aided by avoiding debate and cherry-picking data).
Key Icelandic Lockdowner Has Flipped Sides on the Shots By Thorsteinn Siglaugsson. “Based on the information we have today, I would not recommend vaccination to people under 40 or under 50” Dr. Stefánsson said in a podcast in late July, reported by Icelandic media on August 3rd. “Now, many scientists have stepped forward saying it was wrong to vaccinate everyone, pointing to the high prevalence of myocarditis, and how even those who contracted the virus are less likely to develop it than those who got vaccinated.”