How Does This End?
We’ve got tens of thousands in Brazil showing up for protests against censorship and the quasi-dictator/judge who banned X. Meanwhile, no one showed up for the president’s parade.
We’ve got tens of thousands in Brazil showing up for protests against censorship and the quasi-dictator/judge who banned X. Meanwhile, no one showed up for the president’s parade.
What a picture of the world today! So many regimes around the globe – in the West, Europe, Commonwealth countries, Latin America, and Africa – are only loosely hanging onto power, while masses of people are using every peaceful tool available to throw off the yoke.
The roots of this crisis are deep but we know what kicked it off. It was the mass quarantining of the citizens in all countries, followed by the forced injection of a shot most did not want or need and which has done immeasurable harm. The social contract shattered, and even basic functions of government wholly neglected, the crisis was born.
The question is: how does it end? Are there mechanisms in place that enable the toppling of discredited rulers and their replacement by a new class not in the pay of the hegemon?
We scour the history books for answers but our times are different. The hegemon is global and powered by technology to which the ruling class has never had access.
The history is writing itself right now, and Brownstone Institute is thrilled to be at the center of it all, not as a political activist but as an information source, a supporter of canceled intellectuals, a tool for top-quality research, and an inspiration to multitudes.
A donor last week asked about the reach of Brownstone Institute. From our 20 properties alone, we reach one million a month but we can double, triple, and even add a zero once we include the work of our fellows, reprints, translations, and commentaries. Not bad for only three years of operation!
That’s important work but the center of our founding mission was to deal with the problem of the displacement of great thinkers following the great crackdown and purge. Our greatest work, and most expensive, has been to give them a home, a publishing outlet, a community, and a bridge.
We have several new candidates now who are waiting. We want to help but the resource constraints are the issue. For example, our Censorship Working Group is in need of funding to renew its relentless work for another year.
If you can help, please do so. Now is the time. None of this would be possible without the support of donors who care deeply about broader issues such as this one. Brownstone Institute’s deep gratitude is very much due for having made this possible.
You can also register for the West Hartford, Connecticut supper club, on Wednesday, September 18, featuring Dr. Toby Rogers, a leading voice for sanity. You know him from his writings on Brownstone. Now you can hear him in person.
Registrations for our November 1-2 conference and gala, at the William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh, have been high, so we’ve expanded capacity. Secure your spot. It’s the extravaganza of the year. You should come to be among friends in times fraught with peril. All the names you know will be present, including Robert Malone, Bret Weinstein, Jay Bhattarcharya, and many more.
Here is some content since our last email.
Doctors, Not Bureaucrats, Know Best By Lori Weintz. The White Coat Summit doctors were finding that HCQ administered at the onset of Covid illness was preventing progression of the disease. It was their professional opinion that HCQ could have an impact on bringing the pandemic to an end.
The Media Wants a Return to 2020 By Ian Miller. A combination of immunity across the population effectively ended the pandemic. It had nothing to do with any pandemic policies from governments. The fact that this is up for debate is a testament to the power of media misinformation.
The Curious Case of Mark Zuckerberg By Andrew Lowenthal. Zuckerberg’s statement missed a key detail – at least three Facebook staff members participated in the Aspen Institute’s Hunter Biden table-top exercise that game-planned how to suppress the story two months in advance of the New York Post story.
Censors Unmasked: Flaherty, Gottlieb, and Slavitt By Brownstone Institute. With all these new court documents, and intrepid researchers so heavily focused on the case, we are more aware than ever of the multitude of ways that government and its partners are curating public culture for political ends.
Why the Ruling Class Fears Democracy By Ramesh Thakur. Being unheard and vilified has broken public trust in the underpinning institutions of democracy. In the 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer, less than half the people in high-income developed countries trust their government, media, business, and NGOs.
Entertainment Weaponized By Bert Olivier. Entertainment is ‘weaponized’ against populations through films or television series which communicate a mostly subliminal, but sometimes more explicit, ‘message’ to viewers about what to expect in the future, thus ‘pre-programming’ them for such events.
Trust in Doctors and Hospitals Plummets By Josh Stevenson. A new paper in JAMA analyzes survey respondents in the US over the period of time right after the Covid pandemic started in April 2020 and through early 2024. It reveals a significant decline in trust in physicians and hospitals.
Victoria’s Covid Lockdown Debt Bomb By Rebekah Barnett. (Anthony) Walker said “difficult decisions need to be made” about government spending going forward, as a looming credit rating downgrade would direct more state funds towards paying off higher interest fees on debt, potentially sending welfare programs to the chopping block.
F.A. Hayek on Censorship and the End of Truth By Brownstone Institute. In 1944, F.A. Hayek wrote The Road to Serfdom, a much-cited book to this day. The chapter called “The End of Truth” explains that any large-scale government planning will necessarily entail censorship and propaganda, and hence control of free speech.
Kennedy Has Standing in Our Consolidated Case By Aaron Kheriaty. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s companion lawsuit Kennedy v. Biden has been consolidated by the court into our Missouri v. Biden case. Based upon documents we obtained on discovery, the court recently found that Kennedy meets the Supreme Court’s standing criteria.
Society without an Organizing Thesis By Toby Rogers. The urgent task for the Resistance is to define a political economy that addresses the failures of conservatism, liberalism, and progressivism while charting a way forward that destroys fascism and restores freedom and human flourishing.
The War against the Lab Leak Hypothesis By Pat Fidopiastis. In order to “Follow the science,” the anti-lab leak crowd requires everyone to believe that scientists routinely fall off roofs and that totalitarian regimes never lie or withhold information…Which side was censored at the behest of the Federal Government?
A Frivolous People No Longer By Thomas Harrington. It might be time to reject those who tell us that life is a frivolous game and to remind them that to have enduring worth it must center on the art of coming together in the face of our fears.
UC Faculty Challenge University’s Free Speech Suppression By Aaron Kheriaty. We write this article to caution the academic community to marshal its resolve to resist the silencing of scientific dissent and critique in the not unlikely event of future global emergencies.
Veganism and the Covid Panic By Robert Blumen. Both ideologies locate our interactions with the animal world as the root of corruption. Veganism aims to isolate us from causing the death of animals; while Covidism aims to isolate us from microbial life forms that may cause our death.
Housing Versus “Housing” in Fed Data By David Stockman. The Fed’s vaunted pro-inflation policy of 2.00% or higher annually is not an equal opportunity punisher. The interest cost of a standard mortgage on a median-priced home went from one-eighth of pre-tax wage to nearly two-fifths.