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And now to recent content.
Why are Standards So Lax on Covid Drug Approvals? BY VINAY PRASAD. Why are the experts who say you can’t extrapolate aducanumab to all’s Alzheimer’s patients not saying you can’t extrapolate Paxlovid to all vaccinated people? Why are those who say accelerated approval is abused not saying that EUA authority is abused when you move to children, who face thousandfold less times the risk?
Choice Quotes from Bill Gates’s New Book BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. I’m sorry to report that the entire book is a study in mysophobia, more worthy of study by a student of abnormal psychology than a public health official, much less a scientist. That no one has ever pointed this out to him is a disgrace. It’s the trouble with being so rich that you become uncriticizable.
On What Basis Did Pfizer Claim 95%? BY SONIA ELIJAH. The 95% VE (vaccine efficacy) arises from the 8 confirmed Covid cases from the vaccinated group (from at least 7 days after Dose 2) compared to 162 from the placebo group. These two data points are essentially what Pfizer hang their hat on to prove their vaccine was a success.
The Great Unmasking BY IAN MILLER. The supposed “experts” who claimed the airline industry would be undergoing massive turmoil never had the slightest chance of being right, because masks don’t work. Somehow though, I doubt the new Ministry of Truth will be coming after them for their “disinformation.”
When Haircuts Were Illegal BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. Let us not forget those months when the haircut was illegal. When governments finally allowed them, it didn’t allow blow dryers and made customers follow arrows on the floor and use only “touchless” payment methods. That’s pandemic control in a nutshell. What a disgrace this entire period was to science, rationality, human rights, and freedom.
The Mysterious Rise in Severe Diseases in Children BY CARLA PEETERS. The true regulator of health and disease is the innate immune system. From the start of the pandemic scientists have been warning that lockdowns and pandemic measures could result in a waning immune system with a risk for more diseases. The time has arrived.
What Covid Containment Has Done to Our Children BY PAUL FRIJTERS, GIGI FOSTER, MICHAEL BAKER. For the past two years, what Western governments have done to the next generation — all in the name of keeping them safe, of course — has been calamitous. Instead of trying to ameliorate problems for our children that were already clear, well-documented and steadily worsening over time, in March 2020 the authorities began to perform particularly gruesome social experiments on them. What kind of generation will result?
Is Pfizer’s FDA-approved COMIRNATY Vaccine Available in the US? BY MARYANNE DEMASI. Despite persistent investigation, it is still not clear why FDA-approved COMIRNATY-labelled vials are not being distributed and administered to Americans. The organizations charged with manufacturing, approving, co-ordinating, and tracking the vaccines seem to be operating in silos.
Doing Good by Hammering the Poor BY DAVID BELL. Two years into the Covid-19 event, there are no excuses left for perpetuating these harms, no possibility of denying their existence. It is past time that the staff, and staff associations, of international organizations found the spine to stand for the populations they claimed to serve, and demand that their organizations adhere to basic public health principles.
Another Look at Covid Vaccine Studies BY MANFRED HORST. All the observational studies which have been carried out with the Covid-19 vaccines suffer, apart from some of the well-known general biases, from exactly the same fundamental flaw: They show a decrease in “Covid-19-related” symptom-free or symptomatic cases, hospitalizations or deaths, but they do not ask the question whether this decline in test-positive patients translates into an overall reduction of flu cases, of (atypical) pneumonias, of hospitalizations and deaths.
Why the Pandemic-Industrial Complex Won’t Go Away BY DEBBIE LERMAN. What’s stopping us in general, and public health authorities in particular, from finally putting an end to exhausting pandemic hysteria and reassuring everyone that we can move on? Who benefits from never-ending Covid?
Real Personal Income Down 20% from One Year Ago BY DAVID STOCKMAN. Neither the American economy nor economists’ models are built to handle fluctuations of such gigantic magnitudes. Accordingly, the American economy is now flying blind into a direction which includes soaring inflation and an abrupt reversal of the massive monetary and fiscal stimulus that drastically distorted economic activity during the past two years.
Back to the Sedition Act of 1798 BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. No authority can substitute for the activity, creativity, and adaptability of the human mind. We need systems that celebrate that, and not attempt surreptitious methods for imposing Orwellian-style thought control. Ideas are more powerful than armies, and the urge to censor is an implicit recognition of that. Still, it didn’t work in 1798 and it surely cannot work in 2020.
Fauci Sets New Records for Obfuscation BY DEBBIE LERMAN. It’s exhausting and demoralizing to see glimmers of hope, like Fauci’s initial announcement, get muddied, misinterpreted and turned upside down, through more obfuscation and spin, like so much of the news and public health messaging since the pandemic began.
The Battle for Control of Your Mind BY AARON KHERIATY. These new digital surveillance and control mechanisms will be no less oppressive for being virtual rather than physical. Contact tracing apps, for example, have proliferated with at least 120 different apps in used in 71 different states, and 60 other digital contact-tracing measures have been used across 38 countries. There is currently no evidence that contact tracing apps or other methods of digital surveillance have helped to slow the spread of covid; but as with so many of our pandemic policies, this does not seem to have deterred their use.
....their own life successes are due to their extraordinary prowess and ability to depart from conventions, never pure luck or good intuition....
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
salary = power