How distorted is the information you get from the media and the Internet? More than we know.
Dissidents are throttled, canceled, or banned. Government messaging is being rammed down our throats on platforms that we once believed to be user controlled.
The grim truth is worse than is being reported.
History’s largest, most technically sophisticated, and most global campaign for censorship is underway now. Centuries of progress are being shredded by the day.
And make no mistake: the purpose of censorship is not just to silence you, replacing your voice with that of tools and goons. Its purpose is to control people and lives, manage politics, and ultimately seize control of the social order.
We have receipts proving much of this. More are coming in by the day. We now know why so many dissidents against lockdowns and mandates felt so alone since 2020. It’s because the Censorship Industrial Complex was manipulating the public mind. The goal was to make you feel alone.
There are many pieces to this puzzle. The mainstream media is not interested. Indeed, they are part of the problem.
Consider, for example, what’s called the Virality Project. It is among the most severe censorship initiatives. Led by the Stanford Internet Observatory, it brought together top universities, NGOs, and tech specialists to centrally coordinate the censorship of “anti-vaccine misinformation” within six of the most powerful social media platforms.
All of this was done within arm’s reach of government bureaucracies.The Twitter Files revealed that the Virality Project massively expanded the scope of “misinformation” to include “true stories,” “worrisome jokes,” and “asking questions.”
What we are missing on this – and many other such institutions – is a full picture that can help alert the public to what they have been up. To do that requires serious, experienced, and knowledgeable researchers. And it takes time, money, and focus.
This is why Brownstone Institute intends to build a Working Group on Censorship. The goal is to organize all these documents, obtain more, dig more deeply into the financing, understand the strange relationships, and expose what’s going on to shred the First Amendment.
We would like to add this program to tools of battle that include a monitoring group of the World Health Organization, research articles, epic books, conferences and retreats, and fellowships to help the canceled and marginalized voices in the public square.
The Working Group on Censorship has the drive, expertise, and even the documents (which need to be organized) to blow the lid off the attacks on freedom in our time. What we lack right now is the funding.
We estimate the overall costs of this innovative project to be $250,000. We are grateful to have a matching grant that covers half the money – provided we can raise the other half from our most faithful readers and supporters.
In other words, we have the opportunity to slay this beast. It is so close. It can be done.
This is why we are asking for your support. As a matching gift, every dollar donated frees up one more dollar to make this possible. Would you consider your most generous gift?
We seem so outnumbered and outspent in this battle of our lives for the liberties we once took for granted. We are indeed. They have billions and trillions, much of it extracted from the taxpayer. We are poor by comparison.
But our side has other advantages. We have tenacity, focus, passion, and an absolute determination not to allow civilization to be wrecked by crazy people. You share that same conviction.
We would love to have you as a partner in this venture.
We’ll keep you up-to-date on our progress. Our hope is to kick this off sooner rather than later, as in…right away. Please help if you can. If you have questions, reply to this email and we’ll get back to you.
Meanwhile, we do have some great news on our event in Dallas, November 4, 2023. Joining as speakers are Jay Bhattacharya and Naomi Wolf, two great heroes of our epoch. Should you be there? Yes you should!
Here is some content since our last email:
Researchers Alarmed to Find DNA Contamination in Pfizer Vaccine By Maryanne Demasi. Phillip Buckhaults, a cancer genomics expert, and professor at the University of South Carolina has testified before a South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee saying that Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine is contaminated with billions of tiny DNA fragments.
No One Apologizes for the Theft of Time By Eric Hussey. Government actively steals time. Other peoples’ time is never, ever a consideration. Abject fear is the tool, or in the case of a Census Bureau survey, fear of inundation with “official” emails is the tool. The census bureau (and IRS) actively steal my time. Three years were stolen from the world’s population when fear of a virus overrode rational analysis of its characteristics and effects.
Yes, You Are Being Manipulated By Robert Malone. There are literally thousands of peer-reviewed studies on vaccine hesitancy and how the government can overcome it. In sum, there are over 6,000 such studies on PubMed. A more narrowly focused search on EndNote pulled up about 1,250 studies. These studies have a wide range of topics, but most focus on which groups of people are vaccine-hesitant, statistics on these populations, as well as how to overcome vaccine hesitancy through propaganda, censorship, the law, and behavioral control.
Mask Up and Don’t Ask Questions By Armando Simón. Now, for our own good, we are supposed to relive the Covid fiasco, perhaps to gauge how submissive the population remains. Considering the fact that neither the overlords nor the rank-and-file Covidians were ever held accountable—not at the local level, not at the state/provincial level, not at the national level—there is a basis for their optimism.
Thunderstruck In an Unforgettable Day By Bobbie Anne Flower Cox. On September 13th, over 400 of you showed up at the courthouse. Afterwards, I was told by many that they had driven several hours to get there… 5, 6, 7 hours! One woman I met said she had come all the way from Michigan to support me in court! Many people came the night before and stayed in a hotel, while others got up well before dawn so they could arrive at the courthouse first thing in the morning – even before I got there. And that they did…
Feminism and Its Betrayal By Jennifer Sey. During lockdowns, I opposed prolonged public school closures (and lost my job over it), it was not just children and their right to an education I was standing up for. It was women too. Women who disproportionately are primary caregivers for their children, even while they work full-time. And it was women who dropped out of the workforce in droves during Covid, out of sheer necessity in order to educate their children when Zoom school proved useless.
How Did the Experts Turn Everything Upside Down? By Bret Swanson. Public health inverted the risk-benefit equation, leading to widespread miscalculation of potential benefit and harm. For the broad population, health officials and Pharma told us Covid was high-risk and genetic transfection was low-risk. It appears now just the reverse was true.
Emulating Odysseus Today By Bert Olivier. Such attacks are bound to occur, virtually on a daily basis, such as the spectre of renewed lockdowns and mask mandates, alluded to above. This calls for resolute, ingenious activity, modelled on those of Odysseus, as well as perseverance in the quest for reaching one’s cultural and spiritual home. With determination and confidence this can be achieved.
Oral Argument in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Health Freedom Defense Fund et al. v. Alberto Carvalho By Leslie Manookian. What is the rational basis for saying that a vaccine mandated three years ago continues to work today? What if LAUSD is still requiring the shot twenty years from now, when there is no emergency? How did the school district come up with the premise that it doesn’t matter whether the shot is effective or not?
How Young Adult Literature Became the Playground, and Battleground, for Adults By Ann Bauer. Post-Covid, the crusades of our polarized country continue to play out in the area of children’s literature. Why? Because adults have co-opted the art that used to be a sanctuary for the readers and seekers and thinkers of a new generation. By using school libraries as a battering ram for their political positions, grown people continue stealing from the experiences of children. There is no privacy, or autonomy, for teens in America. Their stories are nothing but cannon fodder for the culture wars.
The FDA Has Gone Rogue By Robert Malone, The FDA administrative bureaucracy self-determined that they could continue to bypass their normal (already lax) procedures for evaluating vaccine purity (including lack of adulteration), potency, safety, and efficacy pretty much for as long as their hearts desire, at least until November 07, 2023. And that is the administrative basis used to enable the September 11, 2023 “Emergency Use Authorization” for the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine boosters. Will that authorization sunset on November 07, 2023? I very much doubt it.