Feel the Ground Shifting?
It’s bad luck to brag, but research supported by Brownstone Institute (meaning supported by you!) has made a decisive difference.
The World Health Organization has failed to agree on a final draft agreement. The resistance around the world is just too intense. They will find other ways but this is a great victory for now. It’s bad luck to brag, but research supported by Brownstone Institute (meaning supported by you!) has made a decisive difference.
Meanwhile, other parts of the machinery of compulsion seem to be falling apart.
The 155-page email dump of the House Oversight Subcommittee provides a mind-blowing record of communications and life inside the institution headed by Anthony Fauci, the mega-powerful 50-year bureaucrat. The exchange’s second-in-command is David Morens, one-time physician, gatekeeper to the king of the world managing a $50 billion research budget, and would-be philosopher himself. Yes, he is the guy who argued for a rebuilding of the infrastructure of human existence at the height of lockdowns.
These lurid emails reveal a nonstop effort from 2020 onward to bury all information about the funding of the Wuhan lab that is supposed to be the source of the pandemic virus and the code sequence that fed the shot that billions in the world took which has produced not a cure but injury and death seemingly without precedent in modern pharmaceutical experience. The man we discover behind the curtain is broken, profane, lascivious, and deeply confused.
It’s right there for all the world to see. These are your rulers. These are the people who wrecked the world.
There’s so much more coming down the line now, much more.
We invite you to join us in Pittsburgh at the mighty William Penn Hotel on Nov 1-2 for our annual conference and gala.
On Thursday, June 6th, Brownstone Supper Club Philadelphia welcomes Diane Soucy, medical freedom advocate and founder of Activities for Daily Living Center in Philadelphia. She’ll speak about minor consent issues and other upcoming concerns related to health freedom. Buy your tickets here.
Here is some content since our last email.
The Nature of Lab Origin Investigations By Alex Washburne. Congress needs an impartial insider, a scientific Pocahontas, who can help them traverse these treacherous lands. As someone who studied pathogen spillover, helped write a DARPA PREEMPT grant for the same call to which DEFUSE was proposed, became acquainted with lab-origin theory, helped produce some evidence consistent with a lab origin now showing up in Dr. Baric’s testimony, and has helped managers without science degrees navigate Covid as a pop science writer and impartial consultant, I’m eager to fulfill my civic duty and help out where duty calls.
Pandemic Preparedness: Coming to a Country Near You By Meryl Nass. The US Government will be paying 100 countries to implement “pandemic preparedness.” This will include many of the awful provisions in the treaty and amendments, ho ho ho.
Is It All Unraveling? By Brownstone Institute. There are myriad opportunities to give today, many worthy. But Brownstone has a proven model of precision, timing, principle, and relentless courage. As a young institute with a crucial mission, we need your support, with every dime going to support this great calling. We must turn this loss of public trust in virtually everything into a massive effort to rebuild freedom, community, science, law, medicine, media, and our lives. It can happen but not without all our efforts.
Covid Vaccines: Savior or Killer Shot? By Ramesh Thakur. In sum, therefore, looked at together, the two pairs of examples from North America and Australasia indicate a weak to negligible role of vaccines and the critical role of infection-acquired immunity in ending the pandemic. It’s called relearning the same lessons all over again.
The Story of Operation Warp Speed Gets Worse By John Tamny. Quite understandably given the billions Moderna made from Warp Speed, Arbutus and parent company Genevant are suing for infringement. Which is where it gets weird, or actually not very weird. If government was going to lean on pharmaceutical firms to rush a vaccine, indemnity from liability had to come next. And so it is for Moderna via-a-vis Arbutus. The Department of Justice agreed last year to take on Moderna’s liability for patent infringement which, given the billions Moderna earned via federal largesse, could easily add up to billions.
The Pandemic Treaty Will Compound Past Mistakes By Meryl Nass. To simply vote no would leave the current situation – the situation that led to the many Covid-19 pandemic failures – unaddressed. But any putative “benefit” of the new treaty is likely to be marginal at best. More importantly, the treaty and amendments as they are currently written do enormous, identifiable harm and would leave everyone, except those with stakes in Big Pharma, IT services, and global finance, far worse off.
Pandemics: The Healthcare Dilemma of Our Time By David Bell. So, rather than arguing over the fine print in these pandemic agreements, we first must make an obvious and fundamental decision. Is the intent of all this to live longer, more equitably, and healthily? Or is it to grow the pharmaceutical sector of wealthy countries? We cannot do both, and we are currently set up to support Pharma. It will take a lot of unraveling, and rethink on conflict-of-interest rules, to make this a public health program. It probably comes down to who makes decisions, and whether they want an egalitarian society or a more traditional feudalistic and colonialist approach. This is the real question to be addressed in Geneva.
Wenstrup Releases Francis Collins’ House Testimony By Robert Malone. Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) released the transcript from Dr. Francis Collins’ transcribed interview. Dr. Collins helped lead the government’s Covid-19 pandemic response as the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) until his resignation at the end of 2021. In conjunction with the transcript, the Select Subcommittee also released a new staff memo that highlights the key takeaways from Dr. Collins’s transcribed interview.
A Fork in the Road of the EU By David Thunder. Sooner or later, EU citizens and political leaders will have to decide which Europe they wish to back: a highly integrated political union with major policies decided from Brussels, or an economic union of sovereign nations with central coordination reserved primarily for issues of mutual economic interest. Neither of these two options is guaranteed to succeed. But trundling along in a political and institutional halfway house, with policies that upset a lot of people but no serious attempt to articulate a shared vision of where Europe is headed or what it stands for, is a recipe for political mediocrity, disillusionment, and chronic instability.
Sing Us a Song, Piano Man By Charles Krblich. What my son did not know is that “Piano Man” is also a song about how often life is miserable and melancholic, and how all of that can be impacted by a simple melody. The patrons of a bar beg the piano man to sing them a song; play them a memory, one they don’t even remember all that well.
‘Experts’ Fail to Argue That Mandates Worked By Ian Miller. By now, the evidence against the effectiveness of Covid policies and so-called “interventions” is overwhelming. Mask mandates were a spectacular failure, with the most heavily masked populations often seeing worse results than cities, counties, or countries with little to no masking. Vaccine mandates and passports were an unmitigated disaster; coercion created mistrust, and resistance and in some cases may have led to unnecessary, damaging side effects.
What Really Happened: Lockdown until Vaccination By Jeffrey Tucker. In summary, if this theory is correct, what you have unfolding here is the biggest and most destructive flop in the history of public health. The entire scheme of lockdown-until-vaccination depended fundamentally on a shot that actually achieved its aim and certainly did not impose more harm than good. The trouble is that most everyone now knows what the pandemic masters tried to keep quiet for a very long time: natural immunity is real, the virus was mainly dangerous for the elderly and infirm, and the experimental shots were not worth the risk.
EcoHealth Funding Suspension is Pure Theater By Debbie Lerman. Is the Committee’s work just another example of bureaucratic incompetence and “waste, fraud and abuse” of our precious taxpayer dollars? Or is it an intentional diversion, to distract us from the work the US government was/is actually funding at bioweapons labs like the one in Wuhan, engineering pandemic potential pathogens and then deploying global public-private partnerships to develop medical countermeasures against those pathogens—all of which came together to create the catastrophe known as the Covid pandemic?
Media: Gen Z is Doomed By Peter St Onge. Years after the fact, the mainstream media is discovering that Gen Z is doomed. As CNN puts it, Gen Z is “earning less, has more debt, and higher delinquency rates than Millennials did at their age.”
Journey through an Exposed America By David Bell. The dominant tribe in much of America, and much of the Western world, is a band of supplicants to their cause. They wish to censor, restrict, control, and mandate because they have chosen a path of compliance and resent those who did not. There is nothing new in this, in historic terms, and the response is similarly established. Choosing humanity over rhetoric is the best way to prepare for whatever comes next.
The Media Slowly Backpedals By Mark Oshinskie. I derive little satisfaction from watching their pro-vaxx/NPI case crumble. Firstly, unlike in a courtroom, where judges and juries are, at least in theory, focused on what witnesses say, most people’s attention is too scattered to notice the Covid fear-mongers’ reversals. The media’s retreat has occurred very slowly. As the backtracking fear-mongers have cynically calculated, the public’s Covid fatigue will blunt anti-media anger.
Oysters with a Side of Vindication By Richard Kelly. Oofy turned his attention to his second plate of oysters, then looked me in the eye. “The only thing that was 95% effective was the government propaganda. And of course the margin loans we all used to make squillions on the pharma share price gains. Don’t tell me you missed that boat too, Wooster. Good lord, you are a chump. Even the PM was in on it. His wife held the shares of course. Pass the lemon, there’s a good chap.”
WHO Accords Warrant Sovereignty Concern By Ramesh Thakur. The two sets of changes to the architecture of global health governance, I argued, will effectively change the WHO from a technical advisory organisation offering recommendations into a supranational public health authority telling governments what to do.