Fauci Finally Gets Covid: The Significance
He tried but failed to eradicate through social and economic revolution
Finally, it has begun to dawn on people that there is a relationship between the existing economic crisis and the pandemic response, despite every effort of the mainstream press to separate the topics.
The real problem is even much deeper: emergency powers, the administrative state, the government relationship with Big Tech, and the deliberate cultivation of mass frenzy. This combination unleashed every manner of evil.
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Fauci Finally Gets Covid: The Significance BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. What Fauci was imagining – and very few people picked up on it at the time – was the construction of a new social system. It was not just about this virus. It was about all pathogens and the whole functioning of society. He believed – or he decided to come to believe – that a re-engineering of the social order could successfully beat back common pathogens.
The Fauci Protocol: Treating Fauci’s Covid Diagnosis According to His Own ‘Standard of Care’ BY JORDAN SCHACHTEL. The Fauch has been quoted as saying: “I would prefer, and we all would prefer that people would be voluntarily getting vaccinated, but if they’re not gonna do that, sometimes you’ve got to do things that are unpopular.”
Contagious Vaccines: A Warning BY AARON KHERIATY. Government-funded research of lab-engineered viruses to create contagious self-spreading vaccines that bypass the consent of citizens. What could go wrong?
More Bad News for the Mask Cult BY SCOTT MOREFIELD. Why aren’t there discernibly lower death and infection rates in the places that masked up for years versus those that barely did anything? There aren’t, because this has been a gigantic house of cards that continues to fall down around them.
Bill Gates and the Frame Game BY THOMAS HARRINGTON. The elites that deign to rob us of our bodily sovereignty and so much more in the name of Covid, or whatever other “mortal health threat” that they choose to publicize next through their carpet-bomber control of most media, have all done their homework on the frame game and carefully tailor their communications to fit with its imperatives.
Is the WEF the Headquarters of Evil? BY PAUL FRIJTERS, GIGI FOSTER, MICHAEL BAKER. The total disconnect between what Schwab’s pandemic conference said should be done and what actually happened during covid times is once again proof that Klaus is not led by his principles. If he were, he would have been loudly protesting what has gone on over the past two years. Instead, he is merely riding his “good luck” that the leaders who came to drink champagne at his events have now embraced him as their supposed figurehead.
The Incredible Persistence of the Myth of Masking BY IAN MILLER. Masks don’t work. And jurisdictions and school districts continuing to enforce masking based on misinformation and fear are engaging in disgraceful theater. “Experts” continuing to push permanent masking are either dangerous, incompetent, or intellectually dishonest.
EU Goes All-In on mRNA Vaccines, Reserves Capacity for Next Pandemic BY ROBERT KOGON. The tender announcement and related documents mention three different sorts of novel vaccines: mRNA, protein, and vector-based. But in light of the EU’s Covid-19 response, it is clear that the actual emphasis is likely to be placed on mRNA.
Your Misery Is All About Their Power BY MICHAEL SENGER. At every turn, the story of the world’s response to Covid is the story of power: The perception of it, the exercise of it, the fear of it, the abuse of it, and the pathological lengths to which some will go to obtain it.
The Emergence of Neo-Fascism in Public Health BY DAVID BELL. Our current condition calls for introspection, not partisanship. As a profession, we have complied with directives to discriminate, stigmatize, and exclude, whilst blurring requirements for informed consent. We have helped remove basic human rights – to bodily autonomy, education, work, family life, movement and travel.
The Economic Meltdown Has Roots in Lockdown BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. It was not the poor, the working classes, or the person on the street who did this. These policies were not an act of nature. They were never even voted upon by legislatures. They were imposed by men and women with unchecked administrative power under the mistaken belief that they had it all under control. They never did and they do not now.
UK Parliament Gets Dose of Economic Reality BY WILL JONES. “Eye-watering sums of money were spent during lockdowns, on furlough and business support schemes which helped mask the inevitable economic consequences we are now seeing. Many of our current problems could have been avoided had the government carried out an effective cost-benefit analysis of lockdowns and other restrictions.”
Lockdown Deaths in the US: 170,000 BY MICHAEL SENGER. It’s nice of the New York Times to finally print this fact, but they would appear to be, euphemistically, a day late and a dollar short—the “dollar” in this case being as many as 200,000 young American lives.
Stigmatize, Surround, and Stomp BY THOMAS HARRINGTON. Freedom of conscience is out. The real responsibility of the players, according to the Gray Lady, was to seamlessly parrot the wholly extraneous ideological line of their employer whether they believed in it or not. The truth is they should have never, ever been put in that position.
Mattias Desmet on the Totalitarianism of Mass Panic BY JOAKIM BOOK. The covid pandemonium was a reminder that even rich, sensible, well-mannered, and well-educated societies can descend into the pits of hell faster than you can cry “emergency.” Society always balances on the edge of an unspeakably horrific abyss.
The Origin and Operation of the US Administrative State BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. Let’s not be naive about the prospects for change. It is going to require far more than merely electing a new class of supposed rulers via the democratic process. The real rulers are too smart to subject themselves to the business of elections. Those are designed to keep our minds busy with the belief that democracy still survives and therefore it is the voters, not the government, that is responsible for outcomes.
The Urgent Need to Break the Public Health Monopoly BY AUSTIN STONE. Before the next public health crisis, we need to create a fair, forward-thinking, and reputationally robust institution to serve as a non-governmental alternative and foil to federal bureaucracies like the CDC. Privately funded laboratory research, an alternative framework for reputation analysis and peer review and influence-free conclusions could revolutionize the political approach to health and safety. Ideally, such an institution would be a gathering-place for those experts like the Barrington signatories who stood against the tide and prioritized real science over politics.
The Children We Call Our Leaders BY DONALD BOUDREAUX. Social engineering appears doable only to those persons who, seeing only a relatively few surface phenomena, are blind to the astonishing complexity that is ever-churning beneath the surface to create those surface phenomena. To such persons, social reality appears as it does to a child: simple and easily manipulated to achieve whatever are the desires that motivate the manipulators.
What Is the Value of a Covid Test? BY ALEX WASHBURNE. If you tested yourself on a random day when you had no symptoms, your one test would probably say “You’re Negative,” and that wouldn’t change your behavior at all. Such a negative test used with a low pretest probability of being positive is like firing a bullet haphazardly into the fog, long before you see the whites of your enemy’s eyes with a low pre-shot probability of hitting anyone.
Wearing a Mask During Indoor Exercise Can Be Fatal BY CARLA PEETERS. Participants wearing masks reported marked discomfort, such as feeling hot, humid, and breathing resistance and claustrophobia with higher exercise intensity. While other researchers could not measure significant detectable differences, these signs need to be taken seriously.
The Mass Betrayal of Trust BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. The world that the lockdowns and mandates, and all that is associated with them, unleashed is dark, corrupt, duplicitous, dishonest, dangerous, tribal, and pervaded with nihilism and a loss of moral clarity and a resulting criminality both public and private. How easy it turns out to be to shatter trust, to disable a functioning social order, to spread corruption from person to person, institution to institution, to the point that the center no longer holds!